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Everything posted by Achilles

  1. P.S. Not sure if you enjoy a gripping distribution of wealth analysis as much as I do, but I thought I would pass this along just in case:



  2. If that is what I think it is, I just saw that :)


    Almost got into it IRL with another parent at a Lego League meeting this weekend on that topic.

  3. Hmmm...wasn't aware that NewsCrap owned IGN. Crazy.



  4. I thought they did a pretty good job of ruling out a 3rd option.

  5. Have you seen this?




    Pre-ordered the collector's edition for PC this weekend (took your advice). Even more excited now.

  6. Thank you, sir! And welcome back. Hope you had a blast (I know that I wish I'd spent more time there).

  7. hehe, that's awesome!

  8. Meh. Switching back to AP. 3 playthroughs (interspersed with ME1 for importing lvl 60 Shepards) is enough for a little while. Don't have the patience for Insanity (and Renegade Shep isn't fun for me).

  9. yeah, the more I think about it, the more PC seems like the way to go.

  10. Going to pony up and pre-order this weekend. Trying to decide whether I'm going the PC-route or the console-route.


    Toolset could be a determining factor.

  11. Do you know if FO:NV is coming with a toolset?

  12. Meh.


    Made it through Freedom's Progress last night. Landed at Omega and asked myself if I really felt like putting up with regenerating vorcha and krogan on Insanity. Turned off the xbox for the evening, then contemplated firing up AP again. Opted to sleep on it instead. "Chore" is the perfect word. Kudos.

  13. Why does everyone miss the point?

  14. I agree. Saving every 5 feet because security mechs kick my butt with 3 shots is not my idea of fun. We should just change Jacob's name to "he who soaks up bullets long enough for me to get into cover before he dies".

  15. Who knew that Insanity mode would be so much ****ing bull****? I mean, seriously.

  16. There's an assignment where you have to clear a cave of husks and shut down a Reaper device. I took advantage of that scenario to get that particular achievement. Not sure I would want to do it on anything other than Normal though (as you will get bum-rushed).


    I'm on my fourth playthough, and I've yet to lose anyone. I think maybe I want to see what happens when I'm not so thorough. ;)


    Oh, and I usually end up with about 10% Renegade points also, but that's just because in so many cases I'm awarded both Paragon and Renegade points for taking a neutral option.

  17. Started my insanity playthrough last night/this morning (it's the only achievement I have left to get). Thinking I'm might actually try out some of the renegade options. Also, I plan on skipping most, if not all, of the loyalty missions, just to see what happens.


    Maybe I'll cheat on Ash with Jack while I'm at it.

  18. Ok, I think I figured out what's up with the ME2 armor bug.


    Apparently accessing the load-out menu causes the ammo to reset. If you save/reload an area after entering it (i.e. after the inventory menu), it will acknowledge the correct limit. Considering that clip sizes are so small on most weapons that you typically only pick up 1 or 2 additional rounds, it really seems that this is more trouble than it's worth.


    And if the same bug holds for the heavy ammo upgrade, then it's possible that you'd never be able to take advantage of it. Great job Bioware.

  19. Looks like at least one armor upgrade is bugged.


    Off-hand ammo thingy - gives you 10% extra ammo. Sometimes. Love it.


    Hehe, and before I could click "post message" it occurred to me that (allegedly) there is no "ammo" in ME2, only thermal clips. Bastards can't even keep it straight themselves.

  20. I wasn't aware that there was history between you two ;)


    I will admit that I much prefer that mission to Old, Unhappy, Far-Off Things, if for no other reason than it's a lot easier to get to (though I do have to put up with the annoying faux-french accent). I guess it's all about trade-offs.


    I wrapped up Virmire last night and hit level 60 in the process. I think I'm going to create a save just before Noveria so that if there are any mission that I want to crank out for subsequent imports, I don't need to start a new/finish an old Shepard.

  21. I tend to pick Colonist/War Hero. Seems to fit the setting best, but that's my opinion only.


    Yeah...Engineer. Shepard is N7 and N7 is special forces. "Special Forces Engineer" stretches plausibility a little too much for me (as does Sentinel). My first playthrough was Soldier and it was probably not as smooth as it could've been, but I chalk that up to poor character building choices which tend to happen during first playthroughs.


    I do have an Adept build saved, though it's a Shep that I'm starting at Level 1 rather than importing. I'm doing that one just for fun, with no intention of porting into 3 when it comes out. Maybe I'll skip Normandy upgrades and let some party members die during that one. Hmmm...

  22. Vanguard was fun but Infiltrator is kinda useless. Slowdown on sniping is only useful in a few situations (i.e. when taking out other snipers), but soldiers get the same time-delay via adrenaline rush. And Tactical Cloak is a great idea, but enemies immediately know where you are when you come out of it (even if you're hiding behind cover behind them). Suck.


    Since I consider all the other classes "RP breakers", I guess that means I'm stuck with either Soldier or Vanguard.


    P.S. Any idea why the default Shepard is Earthborn/Sole Survivor?

  23. Hehe, I don't hate it.


    Speaking of Krogan; am I the only one that finds it odd that so many of them wear armor that is manufactured by their hated enemies (i.e. turians)? Maybe you could say that mercs don't care, but the codex makes such a big deal about them caring. *sigh*


    Kaiden is a Commander now, which makes it odd that he still refers to Shepard as "Commander". His armor on Horizon is spiffy, which makes me wonder why his armor in the Prologue sucks.


    I'm thinking I need to take at least one more SaveShep to 60 and then I can put ME behind me. I was ok with keeping it as a guilty pleasure, but now it's not even fun anymore. :(

  24. I thought that the continuation of the Ash romance was a little...off, so my 2nd imported Shep chased Liara. That was even worse, so I opted to forgo the romance options. To ensure that there wasn't any confusion, I left Ashley on Virmire and never spoke to Liara.


    Apparently this was a mistake too. There are some things you should never have to see. Like Kaiden in heavy Phoenix armor. Or dialog options like "It was hard seeing Kaiden again". I can't win.


    Also, I'm not sure how I feel about the "not Paragon = Renegade" (and vice versa) morality mechanics. I'm trying to play it neutral this time and all I'm getting are "Shepard's a ****" options.

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