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Everything posted by Achilles

  1. Believe it or not, repetition helps. Granted I put a couple of points into Sabotage, but I've gotten pretty used to hacking now.


    There is some texture flickering in the Greybox during the first part of the tutorial, and I've noticed that the area will be cleared of guards if you reload during the airstrip mission. Other than that, I've enjoyed a bug-free game for the most part.

  2. Had to reload on Noveria three times because Geth got lucky. Frustrations led me to fire up AP. I've spent more time looking at loading screens than anything else. Dated graphic I don't mind. Texture flickering is annoying and inconsistent. Lock picking and alarm systems I don't mind, but hacking is ****ing bull****.

  3. I have a pretty easy rule of thumb:


    Shooting guns = console

    Shooting arrows = PC


    Called GC today and they say they're giving my money back. I'll find out in 7-10 days whether or not they mean it.

  4. Hehe. No "getting old" jokes, I promise.


    Count down to Alpha Protocol...


    My pre-order through Game Crazy just blew up in my face (actually it blew up on Oct, but I just now found out about it). Pretty sure I'm not going to get that $ back. Pre-ordered again through Best Buy. Not loving the fact that I most likely spent $100 for AP :(

  5. Nothing to apologize for. It's a debate forum! :)

  6. Why am I not happier about this development :(


    Don't worry; I'm hoping your state pulls a "hail mary", gets your whacked-out educational standards pushed out to every textbook in the country, and screws the U.S. for generations. Then I'll be redeemed.


    ...wait... :(

  7. I think Thomas Paine once indicated that iggy lists were a man's god-given right.

  8. that...rocks...

  9. Did you see Yahtzee's review of BS2 yet? Funny stuff!

  10. Biding my time. Been busy with stuff and things and trying to squeeze in ME-time where I can. I think the "little break" allowed me to put things into perspective somewhat. Bioware is still < than Obsidian, but maybe I shouldn't be so hard on 2nd place (???). Dunno.


    P.S. I still haven't even finished the tutorial for Bioshock. How much do I suck?

  11. I didn't get there in time :(


    Thanks for the head's up though. Was an interesting read! :)

  12. My state is more awesome than your state :xp:
  13. People are awesome.

  14. Meh. Okay. You told me all I needed to know with "cringed worthy dialogue moments and a need to suppress any semblance of logic in some areas" :D


    Thanks for the honest review :)

  15. I was talking to someone this weekend about gaming. He said that all the complaints that I had about the writing in ME have been fixed in ME2. Was he lying to me?

  16. You should've dropped a line. I would've bought you a beer :)


    So far I've only played about 30 minutes. Got a gun and then i went to bed. haven't fired it back up yet. maybe this weekend.

  17. Hey guess what I picked up yesterday. Bioshock. Haven't had a chance to play it yet, but I thought you'd be pleased to hear that it's on the radar. Hope you had a great new year!

  18. All I'm saying is that the view is better with the door open. ;)

  19. Can we have a forum rule that people are required to read posts that they are responding to?

  20. Well, that is the true sign of when someone has nothing else to contribute (and knows it) :)

  21. I'll bring some cable cutters by in a few weeks. We'll call it a xmas present from me to you ;)

  22. I am currently computerless (at home). On one hand, I can't play NWN2. On the other hand, I'm in bed before 9 every night. Still undecided as to how I feel about the whole thing.

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