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Status Updates posted by Ztalker

  1. The new Brotherhood ones :)


    Watched the normal series twice...I do think the original anime is better despite Brotherhood being based on the manga. So you're following the series too? :)

  2. Do you have TP? Tp for my bumhole?

  3. Well, I've only seen the two described cases upto now, but you are correct.


    What you have heard is something that happens all the time indeed. It's...actually quit shocking if you think about it, since probably no 13 year old has condoms with her/him so a case like what happened in Britain are very real and closer at home then we think.


    Luckily, a national television program paid attention to this. They (rightfully) described sex as something for 'adults' since they can talk about this and make good judgement. It's about loving each other and, with all the respect, a 13 and 15 year old probably don't know what love is.


    But still, it's a sad world we're living in...

  4. Chocolate pudding would be nice.


    The question remains: Is it PUdding or puDDING? I prefer the latter. It sounds cool.

  5. DDING! A new spelling rule for this excellent dessert has been made! Notify the people!

  6. Akward is the good word yes.


    Half way through the original series the tone becomes serious and epic. Halfway through the new series Ed is still acting like a fool and there are all these funny and strange moments.

    I DO like the new storyline though. Especially the Mustang - Lust kill and more screentime for Havoc, Hawkeye etc.

  7. Hahaha :D


    I just meant...this:



    The original series was much darker of tone...the new ones...not so much :)

    But anyways...any other anime's you like? I'm kinda looking for a new serious one...

  8. I'm so busy...bahh...sorry for the slow response!


    And yeah, Chad is cool! The way he says 'Give me the vegetable pricing terminal or suffer the consequences' is a classic :xp:

    But seriously, stopped following the series...little time :(


    But how are you? Still doing fine at age 106 I guess?

  9. Hell yes!!


    It has finally hit us in the Netherlands here. It's such a brilliant series. It's just so cool to relax for a bit and watch the total insanity. Brilliant idea from the guys at Man bijt hond!




  10. Thanks!

    Pingu is awesome too though! :D

    *makes trumpet of mouth*


  11. In some way, child prostitution and this is the same thing. Both are manipulated by groups into sex...

    Only the ones who make money of it are prosecuted, while the pressure pushing guys who tell girls it's 'okay' to lose virginity at age 12 aren't. It's sad.


    And I believe we have only seen the top of the iceberg. I don't even want to know what goes on in third world countries. I...once heard a rumour that people suffering from aids would pay to have unsafe sex with under-age virgin girls so the disease would go away... :(

  12. That saber looks fine, I can imagine it'll take tons of time to make it look the way you want it to look though :)


    Will you be adding more progress screens for it?

  13. Yow!


    Nothing much, preparing my lessons for tomorrow. Feeding children DSMALL propaganda o_Q


    How are you?

  14. Nice to hear!


    Nice avatar btw, the Christmas hat really does it :xp:

  15. Dammit.


    DSMALL didn't win. I suggest a Coup d'etat.




  16. Good to see you are back. Hope justice is served this way and I'm glad I could be of help! :)

  17. Oh, completely forgot to complement you on your avater. Classic. :D

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