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Everything posted by Alkonium

  1. Yeah. Some friends got me into it last year. Been writing a fic since summer based on it.

  2. You remember the message I sent about the Force Relays, right? If Varith's aware of them, and concerned for his daughter, he could just go rogue.

  3. Since The Eleventh Hour is back up and running, I was wondering if you'd be interested in replacing Shana as Lenatha.

  4. I said fimfiction. Same basic idea, but focused on My Little Pony fics.

  5. Ah. I thought you might have meant following me on deviantart or fimfiction or something.

  6. I'm still up for it.

  7. I didn't think you were coming back.

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  8. Honestly, I had written her off as never coming back months ago. Nowadays I satisfy my need to write with MLP fics.

  9. Your thoughts on the recently announced Dragon Age III?

  10. The Knights of the Old Republic board has a whole forum dedicated to that.

  11. Let me know when you and stoffe have a server in mind for GW2. I've been talking to some IRL friends about servers for it as well.

  12. I'll be honest, most of my recent Doctor Who experience (don't have Space anymore) has been Doctor Whooves audio dramas on YouTube.

  13. Possibly. I may need more details.

  14. If you're interested, here's a ReBoot/My Little Pony mashup I threw together today:

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  15. Seen my latest video on YouTube? Mind you, you won't get much out of it unless you're a fan of both ReBoot and My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

  16. It just didn't catch on, not sure why.

  17. In terms of size and fortification, how does Tener'ixal compare to Paryer?

  18. I just added something to my last post in The Eleventh Hour which may be relevant to you.

  19. Good idea. And I'll be honest, it didn't take me long to go full-on Brony. Like any self-respecting man, I love that show.

  20. What would I need to know in order to seriously get back into Purge? On an unrelated note, what do you think of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and the whole "Brony" phenomenon?

  21. I don't have the best track record outside my own RP's, so I'll pass.

  22. The first skill I maxed out was One Handed (dual wielding swords), the second was Heavy Armour. I also made frequent use of Restoration magic (both on my followers and myself), and was not averse to Lockpicking where doing so wasn't illegal.

  23. So was I right about your race of choice in the Elder Scrolls?

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