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Status Updates posted by Alkonium

  1. It's sort of uncharted territory, so not really. And extragalactic may be the wrong word, because the expedition team would end up in this characters galaxy right around the start.

  2. It's up now, and I have another new, interesting character you might like. His name is Jareth Krotan, he's Iyav's ex-husband, and he's a brutal former Republic Guardsman, who now works for Echelon 5, a secret Cerberus-esque organisation within the Republic.

  3. JediMaster12 did reply to your post in A Glimmer of Hope.

  4. JediMaster12's been gone a lot longer than I expected, so I'm wondering if you'd fill in for her for the time being.

  5. Just 100 years longer? I may have to scale it back a bit.

  6. Just one question: which Doctor is it going to be?

  7. Kalla just contacted Lenatha and Andorra in A Glimmer of Hope, you or Shana might want to respond.

  8. Let me know when you and stoffe have a server in mind for GW2. I've been talking to some IRL friends about servers for it as well.

  9. Like how I brought Iyav back?

  10. Like my characters for your latest RP? I hope you didn't mind me tying in with my series, but Arren is supposed to be Kalla's great-grandmother, and on an unrelated note, Rolan is supposed to be like Niera from Fugitives, but a male human, and kind of like Captain Jack Harkness in that respect.

  11. Links to each RP can be found in the second last page of posts in the group.

  12. Long story, alternate future, set around 110 ABY. The Third Galactic Republic has been at war with the New Galactic Empire since 107 ABY, but the New Empire is falling apart. Here's a timeline for the series. And my YouTube channel has the text crawls for every Part in the Series (including the upcoming Part VII). You'll have to talk to JediMaster12 if you're wondering about anything related to the Avalon system, the Rashikians, or the Blood King.

  13. Looked at my "fic" 2112 at all?

  14. Makes sense. I'll leave you and Shana to your own devices now in the RP. Think you can handle that?

  15. Master_Archon's looking for suggestions on how to get in on Nirriven. Can you help him out?

  16. Maybe I'm modelling Komad a little too much on the Tenth Doctor.

  17. Maybe she means to steal a shuttle from the Star Destroyer and take it to the planet. You should probably ask her for some clarification.

  18. Maybe so, but JediMaster12 and I once spent a year breaking that rule, and we may have ended up changing an unrelated rule.

  19. Maybe we should wait for more people. RP's with two people can get pretty dull. The Sith Resurrection Part IV, for the most part, was just JediMaster12 and I. If it was anyone else (other than you), I think the series would have ended there and then.

  20. Maybe. When's it set? Though, there's less room in Star Trek for the Charming Rogue/Outcast By Choice.

  21. Might be a good idea. Considered discussing this stuff with Tysyacha at all?

  22. Might I suggest something Sith Resurrection related, possibly including a good quote by Andorra?

  23. Might work better if you post first, I'm planning to cut to the epilogue once Jun-la defeats the Blood King.

  24. Mind checking out 2112 again? I'd like some more feedback (incidentally the name of Rush's 2004 album) before I start posting Act Two.

  25. Mind taking a look at my blog? I could do with some more people commenting on it.

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