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Yes, I tend to agree that some of the guns seem a bit nerfed.


As I said in another thread, I could take down a lot of the enemies with a single well-charged Blastech DL-44 shot to the head. Yet I drilled a Trandoshan at close range in the head and body with E-11 secondary, and he just ran away and kept shooting at me. That doesn't make a great deal of sense to me.


The heavy repeater primary seems weaker too - but the secondary 'blast' shot was very effective for getting one-hit kills.


The Bowcaster was...well...pretty much the same. A few secondary shots from a distance dealt with a lot of enemies (except the Cultists, of course).


The disruptor rifle was the same...easy and effective sniping.


Didn't bother with the DEMP2...never really used it in JO except against the droids.


Anyway...I liked the limited weapons load-out this time around. I would have been happy with the lightsaber, one hand blaster, and a larger ranged weapon, but that's just me. That's probably how I'll play the game anyway...

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You don't suppose these enemies are harder because of the fact that they maybe discovered what our character has had all along, a personal shield emitter, but their's is limited to not be too strong, but still protect against even a fully charged D-44 Blaster shot.

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They may have personal shields (according to the JK2 website reborns were supposed to have them) but you never see any green effect or sound effects to indicate they do.


Some wear armor, that's about it.


And yes, the headshots work great! A Human Merc dies in one shot from a fully charged BlasTech pistol to the head (and his body goes flying).


Much easier than unloading an entire clip into his chest!



I figured personal shield generators were not more widespread because they were so danged expensive. A nice way to explain how you can survive so much abuse. ; )


Are you guys playing on Normal Difficulty? Because as you increase, the hit points get ridiculous on enemies (at least it was that way in JK2 SP).

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Any one shot from any gun to the face should kill I say. They need to make the guns good enough so that people want to use them. Hardly anyone stuck to guns in JK2, theyd throw a couple shots at you to lead then come in with the saber and stick with that for the whole time. (Although I think the flechette guns nades were a little too easy to use.) I say that they should make the guns more realistic as far as damage and ammo consumption goes, and make the shots move faster. I mean cmon you can dodge bolts and bullets at medium range without having Force powers. :disaprove But thats just me.

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Also, it might depend on difficulty level. I found that on Jedi, it works better (at least, most guns). I could kill most enemies with one charged bryar pistol. All the other guns worked somewhat better, but bigger differences in some than others. Also, I took a good look at the models...one or two models have armor. Heavy plate armor. That could have something to do with it . ;)


Also, about the guns being Inaccurate (as some have said), this is totally false. The thing is, you have to hit the actualy pixels on the models instead of just the "box" around them. Also, if you are firing while the reticle is red, that's not going to help you. The guns shoot straight, it's just a little harder to hit things. Which is fine with me, but since the guns have been toned down...hmm.


I think the only real difference of the guns, is the Flechette. They might have nerfed this one because it was too good in JO. It was, seriously...the nades were easy. Just fill a room, and people die. No skill. Anyways, I think they should have made the primary the same, and the secondary nerfed down a tad.


They also might have nerfed the Golan because they added a new heavy weapon, and made it more of a medium-assult rifle. So it's kinda like 2 heavy weapons, 2 medium, 3 light...or something like that. I guess the Wookie Bowcaster would be medium, but I think you get my point.


Overall, it's just different. It would take time to get used to. But that's fine with me. Plus, what if you could alter the guns in Multiplayer...:)

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The Weapons according to Destino


1- Heavy Repeater:

p - Worthless light show

s - Excellent weapon but too easy to use. Splash is too effective.


2- Golan

p - looks really stupid, weak and useless

s - looks really stupid, effective in hallways and delaying enemy advance


3- Sniper

p - weak and useless

s - charge up is annoying but it should be with the power this thing puts out. Worthless against saber weilding enemies.


4- W00ki3 l33t cross bow

p - slow fire, ok damage, overall I avoid this weapon

s - woohoo bouncy shots.....zzzzzzz


5 - Imperial assualt rifle

p - better then the pistol

s - fun but suffers from inaccuracy and doesn't pack much punch


6 - pistol

p - Weak worthless, probably the weakest pistol in any FPS

s - Better but taking the time to charge a pistol shot means either you have no other weapons or your enemy is a weak bee-atch


7 - New heavy weapon (concussion?)

p - BAM DIE DIE DIE love it

s - see above


Over all the weapons are too out of whack. ALL should be deadly but should have other weaknesses. Take BF42 as an example the one shot rifle can kill you in a single head shot but take long to reload, the pistol can rip you up but won't beat a assualt rifle head to head. In this game you have weapons that just take too damn long to drop anyone at any range. Adjust its speed and reload rate but don't drop the power too low or it becomes useless.

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Destino, you are wrong on most of that. The Golan "looks stupid" is just your opinion, but the Wookie Bowcaster is pretty powerful. The Pistol is better than the E-11, one shot kills and enemy, if placed correctly. If the secondary on the Heavy Repeater were any less, then it would be nerfed down too. The disrupter is meant for sniping, and that's what it's good for. The Golan is NOT useless, I use it a lot! The bowcaster secondary also shoots faster, and the bouncing was very effective in JO. You forgot the rocket launcher. This is not supposed to be a realistic game. I think the weapons are fine, maybe just a couple things could be stronger.

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Originally posted by JediNyt

Any one shot from any gun to the face should kill I say. They need to make the guns good enough so that people want to use them.

Well put. I guess I don't really have a problem with the way the blasters perform in SP; they do seem like Nerf guns at times though. However, in MP I feel it's imperative for them to perform well, especially when you consider Siege. Hopefully, this is either just in the demo, or just in the SP campaign.

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Originally posted by Jedi Poodoo

Destino, you are wrong on most of that.


That is your opinion.


Originally posted by Jedi Poodoo

The Golan "looks stupid" is just your opinion,


as are all reviews. Opinions.


Originally posted by Jedi Poodoo

but the Wookie Bowcaster is pretty powerful


And slow.


Originally posted by Jedi Poodoo

The Pistol is better than the E-11, one shot kills and enemy, if placed correctly.


Once again your opinion. To me the pistol is not better at all. Doesn't fit my playing style.



Originally posted by Jedi Poodoo

If the secondary on the Heavy Repeater were any less, then it would be nerfed down too.


Problem is compared to everything else it's too good. You don't want weapons that are far better then others. That's bad design.



Originally posted by Jedi Poodoo

The disrupter is meant for sniping, and that's what it's good for.


You don't say.


Originally posted by Jedi Poodoo

The Golan is NOT useless, I use it a lot!


It's primary fire is useless to me in most situations. I stick with it's stupid looking secondary.



Originally posted by Jedi Poodoo

The bowcaster secondary also shoots faster, and the bouncing was very effective in JO.


Effective? If you say so. I don't remember to many great players using bowcasters in matches.


Originally posted by Jedi Poodoo

You forgot the rocket launcher.


Yes I did.


Originally posted by Jedi Poodoo

This is not supposed to be a realistic game.




Originally posted by Jedi Poodoo

I think the weapons are fine, maybe just a couple things could be stronger.


I think the weapons are all over the palce. Some very strong some very weak. Point is all should be effective and I don't think that is the case.

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the developers have had lots of practice with JK2 so im pretty sure they will do whats best

they've had lots of guns vs sabers as experience so i dont doubt they will have the MP balanced well

as for the SP they want you to use the saber so they made that the best weapon so you could enjoy it


it wont be long now anyways so ull get to see how things will be

then again less than a week is still too long to wait :p

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