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Things I'd like to see in a future Jedi Knight game


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Obviously, Jedi Academy is done, and I have no complaints about what is, and is not, included - in terms of gameplay, features,


engine, etc. However, there is always the 'future'. Here are some thoughts (as I await the Jedi Academy release date... since I'm not doing the demo or much forum stuff) of what I'd like to see in a future Jedi Knight game.


- Enhanced graphics: simple enough, isn't it ... I'd like to see all of the cool things we've been told will be in HL2, DX:IW, and DoomIII ... and whatever else rolls along ...


- Realistic physics (ragdoll is a subset of this): I want the universe to behave as it 'should' (yes, I know this is fantasy). This includes motion, gravity, speed, lighting, materials, sounds, and so on ...


- Fully interactive environment: I thought of this again when going into a storeroom in Neverwinter Nights ... I go into a room with 30 boxes, and I can interact with 3. In a new Jedi game I'd like to be able to mess with every box. Move them all, block an entrance, throw them, destroy them, stack them, and so on.


- More fully interactive environments: Lose the un-openable doors. I would like to be able to use the saber to cut through doors like QUi-Gon. Give it a timer, a 'strength bar' or whatever, and allow enemies on the other side to brace it as well.


- *Fully* 'Emergent' storyline: obviously this is hard in the SW universe. But I would really love a game in which the Empire (or whomever) could win, but not just that, my actions would determine if I'd be the leader, the Dark Jedi Master at the side of the military emperor, or whatever. Something like 12 or 24 possible ending scenarios based on actions would be amazing.


- Along with that - Imagine that you would start the games with latent force sensitivity, but not be forced to train as a Jedi. You would have enhanced speed and aim based on your force abilities, as well as 'dodge' and perhaps 'sense danger', and these would increase as the game progressed. But you could play entirely with guns.


- Total overhaul of weapons. In a new game, I'd like them to spend a lot of time looking at the non-saber weapons. Sure, there are a few you need - E11, Bowcaster, Bryar or DL44, but other than that, spend time matching weapons from the references against a sense of *purpose*.


- Overhaul of the inventory system. Make it much more RPG-ish, Deus Ex-ish, Chrome-ish, whatever ... just get rid of the 12-weapon carrying capacity. Give each weapon a size and weight rating, and make inventory slots for them. Allow the player a certain amount of capacity, with a non-saber carrier getting more capacity. Enforce it game-wide.


- Body searches - get rid of the 'walk-overs', and change to 'activee searching. Given limited carrying, it makes sense to decide whether or not to pick something up.


- Wider range of Force Powers. Don't make powers morph at higher levels, make new powers. Make Force Power level ups make sense - more power at same cost or same power at less cost. I would like to see something like 40 or 50 Force Powers available for light or dark Jedi. Sound like a lot? It would be a lot to control, but think of it this way:

> Mind Trick: separate powers for confuse, and pursuade. Light Jedi would get hide-self (invisibility), Dark Jedi would get Control.

> Grip: instead of just grip or throw, like in JK, you should be able to have multiple powers associated with object manipulation. Grip is one, and even Light Jedi should get level 1. Grab Object is another - you should be able to build your own mountain of boxes if you want. Then there's good old throw.

... just a thought.


- More on force powers: as I mentioned before, go beyond the linear force power progression. Not all level 1's should be the same, nor should all powers have 3 levels. Like Dark Control, might have a couple of levels, but be a progression from pursuade. BUT - *don't* make pursuade go away when you get control. Make sense?


- I'd also like to see some more space combat. That was something I liked a bit in Red Faction II, and looks good in Mace Griffin. Not a full flight sim, just shooting stuff.


- And here's a stupid one. When you go to a ship / spaceport / whatever end-mission place, you should get fully healed and your weapons fully loaded. Unlike the trip from Bespin to Cairn ... and I don't mean 'defaults' either. Weapons should be full.


What does everyone else think?



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More RPG? Hell no. RPGers screw every actual fighting game up they come in contact with. JA won't be a week old before I get banned from a server for not bowing or some other moronic reason.


I say go with limited inventory by class.


- Jedi - full force, one pistol, one throwable, one saber

- Jedi trainee - Less force points, one rifle, one pistol, one saber

- Merc - No attacking force powers, 2 rifles, 2 throwables

- Stalker - No defensive force powers, Faster foot speed, sniper rifle, 1 pistol, 1 throwable

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I'd like to see a game where you can play the entire thing on the Dark Side (single player) but still have alternate endings (like if you were "redeemed" like Vader at a certain point near the end).


I have two dreams here...


1) The story follows the events at the end of Jedi Knight and the events of Mysteries of the Sith, if Kyle had gone over to the Dark Side and beaten Jerec.


Just think of the possibilities, I can think of lots of ways it could be done that would be cool, without making it too easy.


2) Play as Darth Maul, Darth Vader or other famous lightsaber wielding Sith in an original or EU based story.



Siege Mode is probably going to blow me away, but I'd say if they're not in there already, bots and the the ability to give the bots instructions in team games are a must, and it should have voice taunts and commands like in UT. More vehicles could be added to re-create classic battles.. AT-AT's (that can actually haul troops), Snowspeeders, Endor Style Speeder Bikes, two man AT-ST's, those vehicles seen at the Battle of Genosis (LAATs and AT-TE's), STAP bikes from TPM, Sail Barges and Skiffs from Jabba's army...


My other dream (not technically a Jedi Knight game) is a game where you are Jabba the Hutt and have to run his criminal empire (could cover events from TPM to ROTJ, with made up stuff to fill in the blanks.. possibly augmented by the EU). There would be an economic and political aspect, but also action mini-games like where you would control a Bounty Hunter hired by Jabba for some missions or something.

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I agree with you, I don't really expect another JK game to come out for the Q3 engine ( imagine if a new jk game came out in five years on the Q3 engine...I wouldnt purchase ;)), and if it means waiting 3 or 4 years for a game with the graphics of HL2 or better, than im all for it. I liked a lot of what you said as well. Physics is a MUST, graphics are also a must. Good ideas.

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You can play as Kyle now in JA, you just have to cheat to do it (and cutscenes are unchanged).



You know what people really want? This is what they want.... they want a SW game with the world of Star Wars Galaxies, the Jedi fighting and ground battles of Jedi Academy (with time out for the Pod Racing of Racer Revenge), the space combat of X-Wing Alliance (with Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike graphics) and the storyline depth and character interaction of Knights of the Old Republic.


Such an "Ultimate Star Wars Game" would take many years and an incredible budget to create, and by the time it was made, the technology would already be completely obsolete and they could never recoup their losses. Oh well...

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Hm, personally I'd settle if they implanted some things that were promised in the original Obi-Wan, like the ability to oh say, slice down a light post and then Force push it into a crowd of battle droids. A fully interactive environment, also strenght of a Force power could decide the outcome, charge up "push" a little bit and your target object might move a bit, full strenght and it'll be unrooted from whatever it might have been attached to and fly forward ^.^ Basically, more options to improvise a mean to become victorious. Heck, picking up a bench with the Force, gently hovering it above a lot of unsuspecting troops/droids/whichever and then dropping it on them would rock XD

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Originally posted by Tesla

Well i agree with alot of points you have said, but it sounds like you want to turn the JK series into an RPG :p

No not really ... but meld some elements to make it a much more open-ended FPS game.


Some of the things would make a direct action game difficult, admittedly. Particularly the force powers ... I have no idea how to implement such a thing, just the thought ;)


And Kurgan I do like the ideas of following on different possibilities from between the movies and from the previous games. I've just been working through Zahn's Thrawn trilogy (in the midst of Dark Force Rising right now) and there are interesting allusions to other Dark Force users, and other interesting possibilities ...


Personally, I had many issues with the game Shadows of the Empire, have heard some mixed preview details about Rebel Strike's land combat ... I don't want a game that tries to 'do it all' ... often they do much of it poorly ...



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The 'everything in one' Star Wars game is something I've been dreaming of since the original X-Wing, although as it's already been noted it would be too costly and impractical to do well and there are more than enough bad games in existence without adding more!


I always wanted there to be a Star Wars space trader, something along the lines of Privateer II err best make that Freelancer for the younger gamers out there :p Drifting around the galaxy in an assortment of spaceships trading, fighting and taking on missions of varying morale standards (read: capturing assassins or being an assassin) and making a whole heap of credits to spend on a new ship and some kick ass lasers.


There are several things I'd like to see the Dark Forces series do, firstly I'd like a proper remake of the first two games with modern graphics, better controls, updated cut scenes (for Dark Forces anyway, JK is just fine) and a handful of new levels that can be played outside the original storylines. Secondly I would like to see a game set during the Sith Wars so you can take up a lightsabre against Exar Kun or the Jedi council depending on which side you choose. Each side would have it's own storyline and levels with few crossovers so there would be good replay value for the second side. Thirdly in the distant future when we all have Pentium XXs and virtual reality I would love a lightsabre based game where you can wave a real sabre hilt around and have the moves translated into the game, sort of like a light gun only better. Now that would require real skill to use which should end all the n00b, lamer and lucky strike arguments :D

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-To answer your question, I guess we just don't. Sure, I've been around the block a few times more than your average JO or JA player, but that dosen't give me much insight. Back when the team was creating JO, they were told that they would be creating a sequal. This is a possible explination to all the unused programs hidden inside JO. However, the bottom line is this:

As long as the series based off Dark Forces continues to make money, there will be new games.

-As a side note; I loved the idea of a fully interactive environment. I want the ability to rip a balcony off of a building and send it flying your way. That would be the next big step, IMHO. And while I would like to see more force development as well, I don't want to see it to the point of Quest For Glory 5. Those of you who played that game know that the spells, much like force powers, were too numerous. Only a few were essential to the storyline and what's worse is that they doubled up spells. Two spells could have the same purpose but different graphics, names, or costs. Let's not leave any force powers behind.

-Wasn't Galaxies supposted to be our uber-world? Where anything was possible? Well, judging from the reviews and what little expertise I have with the game, that's a long way off. I regret to say that by the time we get our uber-War, I might have a son, and he might be playing it. Well, no worries...I'll just be better then!

-Best of luck...

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