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Level Help (JA Demo - Chandrilla)


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I am currently trying to beat the chandrilla level, and I am at the point with all the crystals and the 3 cultists, but now I'm stuck I know that the door has a force thingy on it , and I can use force seeing to see a weird symbol, but I cant figure out what to do. A little help please???

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Originally posted by Andy867

After using Force sense, look up and use Force Pull and it will open the door.. Force Sense gets used TWICE at least in that map.. But thats all I will say.


I'll just add that using Force Sense in both of the demo levels can help you to find secret areas. So don't forget to use it every now and then and take a good look around you. It's particularly useful in the Jedi Tomb level. ;)

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couple of great spoilers here




Use force sense in the 3 cultist room and then stand on the symbol and forcepull the otehr symbol on the door.


At the very end, use force sense and look to the walls left and right of the tomb. There is a button on either wall, use the force to push them. they seal the tomb. then activate force speed and run like hell to exit the tomb. btw stick to the left to avoid a falling pillar, and if you don't make it across the bridge that begins to fall apart, you die, regardless of god mode and that sh*t.





too easy :)

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Originally posted by Chuahtemoc

couple of great spoilers here




Use force sense in the 3 cultist room and then stand on the symbol and forcepull the otehr symbol on the door.


At the very end, use force sense and look to the walls left and right of the tomb. There is a button on either wall, use the force to push them. they seal the tomb. then activate force speed and run like hell to exit the tomb. btw stick to the left to avoid a falling pillar, and if you don't make it across the bridge that begins to fall apart, you die, regardless of god mode and that sh*t.





too easy :)


Actually, I had no problem


running across the bridge without force speed. I just simply jumped right as the bridge beneath me started to crumble and I sailed right across the gap.



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oh. okay, well the first time i finished i wasnt expecting the bridge to crumble, and it did, and it said i died. i was freakin pissed, cuz i had beaten it on jedi knight the first time i tried. so i had to go back a second time and do it. that sucked, but since then ive played the demo to death and back.



couple more spoilers here :)




















haha fooled you lol













lol believe me its not spam its worth looking at

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