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BUG: Wall grab


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I noticed something pretty irritating. I was playing the Chandrila (is that what it's called?) level and was kicked off the edge and caught my fall on the way down a couple of times before landing on a solid surface. however, it acted like I actually fell straight on to it and I died instantly when I touched the ground. Very frustrating.


So I experimented with this some more and the wall grab indeed does NOTHING to break your fall...I hope this is fixed for the release or at least with a patch.


ALSO while I'm talking about bugs, how about when you go to the New Mission screen, change your mind and get stuck there because of no exit or main menu button. Also sort of frustrating...any other bugs you have noticed?

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Originally posted by Andy867

From my understanding, the wall grab is just meant for getting to higher places and not meant for stopping the fall to death.


Agreed. Also it adds some flare and tactics in combat to aviod an enemy's attack. However, using the wall-grab to save yourself from a pit fall would be cool. Actually an implementation of an "auto-shimmy" would have been nice. Ex. If you fall off a ledge you quickly grab it a la Tomb Raider, and the flip back up. I'd make it a 2-sec delay, in which an enemy could force push you off or hit you with a saber.


I know I'd like a "ledge-grabbing" option after playing the second demo level.... how many times I fell into that damn pit.

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Originally posted by mariners2001

yeah but's it's logical nonetheless. i mean it slows your fall so damage should be reduced right?



It does reduce damage. I jumped from a high ledge (above the explosive rigged bridge) to the ground and wall-grabbed before I hit the floor and no or little damage I recieved.


The trick is - you have to wall-grab right-before you hit the ground... the grab has to be very close where the wall meets the floor.

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Originally posted by xtrazx75

It does reduce damage. I jumped from a high ledge (above the explosive rigged bridge) to the ground and wall-grabbed before I hit the floor and no or little damage I recieved.


The trick is - you have to wall-grab right-before you hit the ground... the grab has to be very close where the wall meets the floor.


well...sometimes it works sometimes it does nothing....maybe it's because i was playing on "jedi master" but i don't think that should matter.....


and that tomb raider ledge-grabbing is something I think should've been implemented. i guess it's up to the mods....

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Yes, I've experienced this too. ;)


Particularly after the bit where your character says 'How am I going to get down there?'


I've done the wall-grab a few times down that long drop, and landed successfully (with nearly full shields and life) on the broken path where you have to jump across - and I die every time. It's basically the developer's way of saying... you can't go that way.


And I think it's pretty stupid, to be honest.


Using wall-grabs is a cool (but dangerous) way of using an alternative path to reach an objective, and they should have allowed the player that kind of choice. The first time I wall-grabbed my way down, I thought...wow, this is ultra-cool. And then I died, and it was a huge disappointment.


Come on, Raven. You've got to fix this in a patch. Let the players be creative using these cool moves... :(

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Realistic to the movies a Jedi could just jump down but unfortunately that is not the case, but You can wall jump down you just need full life to do it, cause you end up loosing a lot of life and having to heal yourself.


I agree that this should be fixed but I dout it will be, I also think there would be no harm in putting in a ledge-grabbing option, this was one of the things I was rooting for ever since I heard about this game. I hope the modders can make a ledge grab, that would be sweet!

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It obviously depends how high. I mean, if im at the very top of the map, fall down a good ways then wall grab, and fall down a good ways again..then im going to recieve damage, no matter what way you look at it. But I fall walgrab pretty useful.


I fell wallgrabbed, then rolled, that reduces if not stops damage quite a bit.

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I've never seen wallgrab reduce damage. Are you people claiming this sure? I've had the same experience as Mariners. It doesnt matter how many times I wall grab or how high or low I do it, the damage is always the same amount I would have received had I simply dropped. I tested this thoroughly a few days ago when I noticed this.


As for the argument about realism: the damage should be applied on the wallgrab rather than on the fall. That would make it look better as well as slightly extending the fall range of someone who uses the technique. It'd be damn cool to be able to repel down cliffs using wallgrab.


In situations where the person has fallen too far Raven should have simply disallowed wallgrab. It'd even be cool to show a failed wallgrab animation. Arms bouncing off the wall and flailing down or somesuch.

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I don't use the wallgrabs much, only to try to prevent falling into the abyss (rarely works, but a few times I've succeded by landing on a platform) or to make a cool finish on a badly damaged enemy.


Would be even cooler if you could aim your jump after the wallgrab to really use it as an option to straight jumping or wallrunning.

Sticking to roofs would be nice too, even though it'd be a little unrealistic (but isn't this a game we're playing?)

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I think the wall grab is to be used for show and getting higher up, and i have a reference, too. On the last Dual Saber Jedi before u have to jump down all those platforms to get to the other temple, i once force pushed him onto the next little tiny bridge. he clung to the wal, hoped to the opposing wall, hopped on to the next opposiing wall, and leapt back to the walkway, thus avoiding my attack. I killed him, went back, and mastered the trick.



I'm almost positive we're going to have to climb a crevasse at some point which SEEMS unscalable, but truly is not. *hint hint,* learn the freakin trick dudes


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i like the fact that you get more distance from pushing off with your back to the wall and also that you can cling to anything (even the crystals). i find it hilarious when i push one of the cultists off, he grabs the wall behind his back and pushes off...and still doesnt make it back onto the platform. they rarely do recover.

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Like some of the others have said, Ive been killed using the wall grab to repel down a large cliff as well. The crazy thing is, if you use wall grab to go down far enough you automatically die no matter what the circumstances.


I wall-grabbed down from the area where you say: "Great, how am I going to get down there without breaking my neck?" I used the grab several times, the last one being just above the ground before I landed, and the second I touched the platform I died instantly. Abit bogus in my opinion.

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I don't know if anyone has already noticed this but putting force protection on allows you to jump down far distances without taking much damage at all. However the farther the distance the more damage you take.


I jumped from the very top of where Jaden says "how am I going to get down there" with full life with protect on and landed and i still had 11 life so i quickly healed and kept going, killer awesome!!!

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