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Sitting Down Command


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Originally posted by jonesdaniel

Well, i used to have a command to type into the console which made your character sit down, crossed kneed on the floor. Wondered if anyone has this command?


Thanks for any help

- Dan


Well the command is bind "x" /amsit . I think. Might not need the slash. I also know that some servers dont allow the cheat, either because they dont like it or because their servers cant support it. Hope it works for ya. :)

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Remember, base JK2 has no "emotes" except for taunt. The "amsit" etc type commands are only featured in certain multiplayer mods (like JediMod).


JA has its own built in emotes that are far superior to JK2's (they don't make you invincible or any other silly BS).

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  • 2 years later...

Um. The reply on this thread before you was... almost three years ago. If you want a question answered, you should probably just make a new thread if you can't find it somewhere. Rezzing such ancient stuff is evil! :D


And Outcast doesn't have emotes except for /taunt. If you want more emotes you have to use a server mod like JAmod or something.

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