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16th or 17th?


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I've been wondering about this myself. Most stuff comes out on tuesdays, but the official website says the 17th. Now keep in mind that the major stores like best buy and circuit city never get the shipments directly from lucasarts. But rather the product is shipped to their distribution facilities who in turn have to send it to the stores. So these stores usually don't get the games until Thursdays. If they check them into inventory on time :D . So maybe we're seeing a new trend in the gaming industry of setting a more store nuetral in store date???? The smaller stores like gamestop always have the games atleast a day or 2 before the big dogs. So maybe its out today.

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I just got back from Best Buy, Babages, and Game Stop here in Kalamazoo, MI none of the places had it. Babages and Game Stop said that it would be tomorrow. They gave me some BS about it being shipped and having to put it in their computers, which really means, they have it in the back but they dont want to do any work. One of the guys even looked in a folder, and started to give me some technical BS he was pulling out of his @$$, i got a glimpse of what he was reading off of, and it was actually a blank piece of paper! The nerve! Also at the Game Stop they have a pre-order box and on the box it says something like in stores August 16th. I mentioned that to the guy and he started to give me some other BS. Its a conspiracy i tell you!

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Well today is the 16th so I hope it shows up any hour now at my door step! I have to work at 1 :mad: so if I get it today I probably wont get to play it until tonight! :evil3: Ok I gotta calm down, relax, its gonna come soon enough, I dont need to be the first guy to play it, I wont miss anything...ok thats better. :)




HA HA it just showed up! Oh happy day! Just as I finished the post! Oh man, ok its time to play! :D See ya on there! :D

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