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I Have it!!!! My Review (*Legit. Use spoiler tags.*)


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xtraz. damn you for living closer to a major city then me!


my EB was supposed to get it in today (i actually live kinda near you... well 3 hours away. kingston ont) but they didnt so i have to wait for tomorrow.


haha btw when i first loaded the page i thought your thread title was "I Hate it!!!! my review" haha got worried for a bit.

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You're gonna open the floodgates tomorrow, and any fool who claims he has the game will post spoilers anyways. In light of all the websites that had the release date set for the 16th, I say OPEN SESAME.


Well think of it this way. What if a person posts right now and asks something about Jedi Outcast. How do we know he owns a legit copy of the game?


We don't, not unless he lets slip that he has the warez.


But in this case we CAN verify if they have the legit game, because not everyone has it at this point (most of the world won't get a chance until the 19th). So it's not unreasonable.


xtrazx75.. nice work man, you are clear! Enjoy the game...

; )



PS: Yes, Canadian prices rule (for us visiting Yanks). When I was in Toronto I made sure I bought a bunch of stuff from the shops. Good times...

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Originally posted by Catalyst

Doesn't make sense. By the same logic other people could have gotten theirs today but they must all be warez, right?


I never make those kinds of assumptions. ;) Of course people will be getting legitimate copies early - and good for them, I agree. As Kurgan said, no individual makes the rules here...there has to be a concensus between the Admins.


We just want to ensure that people are genuine (and I personally believe most of them are), and weed out the warez junkies.


Anyway, I'm glad you're enjoying the game so far, xtrazx75. I can't wait to play my own copy when it arrives.

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I only want to know one thing


Spoiler below











































.can you ride vehicles in mp and if so which ones can you drive and in what mp modes.
























Thanks! :)



oh, and is the jawa in the mp skins :jawa

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I have a feeling that a lot of people have a lot of surprises coming in this game. Everyone knows how much customization the DEMO had and well, the final game will probably blow everyone away. I feel sorry for all those who have to wait until the 19th to get theirs. I know it is only a few more days, but it is still annoying. I am willing to bet that tomorrow, the 17th, there will be a LOT of threads with spoiler tags and OMG!s and the like. To coin a phrase, the demo's time is nearly over and "Now the real game begins" :D


Edit: for the gentleman above me, Raven already said that model scaling was possible in MP, but that the Jawa-Sized skins would not be availible without a mod due to balance issues. Also, use the spoiler tag, that is why it is there. And as for vehicles, well...Highlight



Supposidly, there are Xwings, Ties, Swoops, Jetpacks, AtSTs, and more...not to forget Taun Tauns and whatever else people add with mods


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just to tell you guys...its already been posted that (not really spoilers, but oh well):



there are no new hilts or player skins/models in the full version and space ships are not in the final game. all ive seen in screenshots are swoops, ATSTs, and TaunTauns as rideable vehicles in the game...and usable turrets, like on Hoth.


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Originally posted by Zappa_0

I got mine also today. It rocks! I didnt get no keychain but I have a License Plate Frame comming in a few weeks. The onlything bad about the JO conversion is some maps are untextured. I hope we can get that fixed soon. Otherwise models and skins work great!


Yes, unfortunately this is because of the way we build the game for release. We load all the maps and auto-cache all the assets used on the maps. So there are textures that were used in the last game that were not used in Jedi Academy, so they didn't get into this game.


The creator of the map can probably get the missing textures from JK2 and re-release their map with the missing textures.


Alternately, if someone was really ambitious, they could release a .pk3 for JKA that includes all of the missing textures from JK2 so that all JK2 mod-made maps will work in Jedi Academy.

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Originally posted by xtrazx75

There are NO, repeat NO more body parts/hilts than what was in the demo.... dissapointed a little but there will be mods and updates eventually.


Yes, it is extremely easy to add new sabers using the .sab files in ext_data/sabers. All you need to do is make a new model and a corresponding .sab file. All the user-made hilts from JK2 could easily be put into a .pk3 for Jedi Academy MP (with the proper .sab files) and you'd instantly have tons more sabers to use in MP.

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I guess i have to stop using the forum and any conection with JA, otherwise ill kill myself.


You know what, i sent my sister an e-mail yesterday (i told her previously) reminding her that the game is coming out tomorrow and that she has to send it to me tomorrow, so i can get it on saturday.....................and she hasnt answered, its 10 pm here, and she hasnt answered :mad: :mad: :mad:

And also i have an exam on saturday, and i dont think ill be able to study :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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Thanks for the confirmation on that Mike!


Sounds great...


And to people wanting to know how to use the spoiler tags, do this:


[ spoiler ] text goes here [ /spoiler ]


(just remove the spaces inside the brackets, and remember, you can go back and EDIT your own posts if you goof up)

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Originally posted by Zod

Would we be able to use custom skins and models on pure servers? Because I know on most new games out you can't


very good question and i also hope that the in-game download speeds for models/maps/hilts will be MUCH faster than JO where it downloaded 3kb/sec on my Cable internet. :(

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Originally posted by ImmolatedYoda

just to tell you guys...its already been posted that (not really spoilers, but oh well):



there are no new hilts or player skins/models in the full version and space ships are not in the final game. all ive seen in screenshots are swoops, ATSTs, and TaunTauns as rideable vehicles in the game...and usable turrets, like on Hoth.




There are swoops, AT-STs and Taun-Tauns in SP. On the MP maps there are swoops and AT-STs and a class or two that has jetpacks. And, even though you may not see Taun-Tauns, X-Wings, TIE-Fighters, Z-95s and TIE Bombers (and *other* vehicles) on any of the maps included in the retail version of the game, that doesn't mean they're not *available*.




Hilts and playermodels should be easy for modders to add. I'll be writing up a walkthrough/tutorial on how to do it and will include and example of each using hilts/models already made by the mod community for JK2.


Modders should be able to add new vehicles fairly easily... you just need a vehicle model with the right tags (and animations, if applicable) along with a .veh & a .npc file to make a new vehicle. I'll be writing a walkthrough/tutorial on this, too, including an example. It should be very easy to add new, non-animating vehicles (like a speeder or A-Wing, for example).


I look forward to seeing what the mod community comes up with! We've put a lot of effort in to making it easier to add new things like models, sabers, vehicles, NPCs, etc...


BTW, I'll also be working with our MP designer who did all the Siege maps to write up a walkthrough/tutorial on how to make a Siege map.

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I am just waiting for tomorrow when more people have the game to discuss all of this since the few lucky ones who get it early cannot talk about it much. Just remember, USE SPOILER TAGS! :D I personally cannot wait for the mission where

you get to fight Boba Fett. Supposidly, he kicks major butt.

However, we shall see. I find not to listen to game reviewers about difficulty because they usually do not seem too skilled. :rolleyes: I personally cannot wait for this weekend where we will have full servers up and running for MP and especially, Siege!



Other vehicles like 7-95s, xwings, and ties will be availible (or seem to be), although it may not be apparent.

Now, read that for those of you above who contradicted my originaly post where I said that and people said they didn't think so. :p (Friendly joking of course)

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OH MY LORD! YOU GUYS HAVE TO PLAY THIS GAME! Single-Player is so satisfying - this is the ultimate Star Wars fix! The graphics are very nice (you have to see the different worlds - wow). You get to visit some familiar places from the original trilogy...


I haven't tried online play yet - I'll just wait until more people have the game.

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Originally posted by Zod

Would we be able to use custom skins and models on pure servers? Because I know on most new games out you can't


The rule about pure servers is this: the client cannot use any .pk3 files that the server doesn't have (this includes disallowing clients from having a different *version* of the .pk3 files that the server has). This prevents cheating. So, if there's a new playermodel you want to use, try to get servers to carry it. If the server has it, you can use it.


NOTE: clients don't *have* to have all the pk3 files a server has. If they *do* have extra ones that the server has, then you can use it.


Alternately, you can play on an unpure server (you can see if a server is pure or not by selecting the server and hitting the "serverinfo" button). On an unpure server, you will use all the .pk3 files in your base folder. Keep in mind, though, that other clients could be cheating using .pk3 files that, say, make all the walls see-through or something like that.

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