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How many people?


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How many are we talkin here on MP


When you have crazy numbers, nothing really means anything--your just another dude :(


Such crap


So how many will there be like by the weekend? 2000?


And personally nothing pisses me off more than people getting the game early, makes me want to beat people bad !!!

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There will be a hell of a lot more than 2000 by the weekend. I can't remember how many there were on when JO came out, but at one point csport.com had over 100,000 people playing JO. The more the better, if you ask me. Just more people to chop into little bits!


And I will be picking up mine tomorrow morning. Then I can practice my MP game before all you suckers get it on Friday. Then I will ownz! I am THE MAN! :)

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But its not more people to chop, u need maybe 1500 for that


20,000 people and what do you have?? Just a crowd of people who dont mean nothin, no one gets recognized, clans become pointless, like ur just playing to play, i guess its just me but i look for a community, not the equivelent of china and india all playing at once...

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I think you misunderstand, i dont want alot of people


Im not complaining that no one will be on tommarow when i get it, im pissed cuz so many will, rome will have been built by the weekend lol


Pretty much in anything, the more people the worse, with some exceptions

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Originally posted by Ocean

But its not more people to chop, u need maybe 1500 for that


20,000 people and what do you have?? Just a crowd of people who dont mean nothin, no one gets recognized, clans become pointless, like ur just playing to play, i guess its just me but i look for a community, not the equivelent of china and india all playing at once...


use this nameless time to get your skills

then when things settle down and you know what servers you like best then you should be able to make a name for yourself


all the ppl in china and india??? thats alot of ppl...i dont think 20,000 quite cuts it! :p


and Shotokan unfortunately i dont think that can be helped :\

there will always be ppl who offset their lack of skill with too much of a bad attitude :(

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More the merrier my ass


When servers take only 16??


20,000 people?


Thats just plain crazy




Its just pointless with that many


servers wont matter, youll never run into any one more than once, each game will just be single,


like i said, no community will develop, there will be a million clans a week coming and going, nothing will build up, just 1 game at a time


anyone get this?

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Don't expect to get large numbers of people playing jka, I'd love to see i myself, but it's not likely to happen. Oh and 100,000 people playing jk2? That's ludicrous, 100,000 names might have been recorded on csports.net but these were not 100,000 seperate people playing the game. Would of been awesome if there were that many people, the game might not have died in 6 months that way.. but sadly that wasn't the case, not even close, hehe.

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It may feel like your meaningless for the time being, however, when the hype dies down people will play selectively, and you'll start to notice the same servers around the same times. People will know who you are, and you'll have a rep. Just remember to add servers to your favorites and play on them a lot.


When JK2 came out I felt about the same way, then in about two months I became familliar with a few servers and met a nice group of people. Over time I found myself playing on MSNs gaming Zone, and have somewhat of a reputation over there. I and 2 other Major RP groups popularized RPGs in JK2 on the Zone, and I personaly hosted the most open games and got a lot of new people to RP. In fact if you've heard of JA, all of their senoir members are former P_Nut RPG players. I would also like to Mention Pnut_Master, without him Pnut RPG would have never been so popular, and I wouldn't be "Darth_Pnut"


And anyone whos ever played vs. a guy named "Markus Drua" yea, that was me.....


Anyway, we all build our legends, just do something rememberable.



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Sorry to say but if you want clan based game try the other games out there, personally i dont care about clans because there are a lot of nOObs in them (one clan RS i think it was called in JO had all noob members that i took care of in 30 mins, the leader was awsome and played excellent tho!!). And one clan that i was in EJK just plain sucked. JA will not be direclty clan based (the mp will not have a clan ticker option) but might be indiretcly. My favorite type is capture the flag so the more ppl the merrier!! Same with sige and power duel looks great. In conclusion you dont need clans to make a game good, and if you want a clan based system look at WC3 (good game!!) and the updated version (v1.12?!?) that is made for clans

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Yah, from my experience with JO MP, the JK series is not generally very Clan friendly but it is very compatible for Ladder Teams [4 and below]. The one type of clan that does fit nicely into this game is the Role-playing Guild variants. I do hate to say it, but I'm tired of people flaming people who have a short bow system [3 secs] and want to have a little class with "GO PLAY SWG", SWG is not a Jedi based game, and if someone here goes there and asks that board on have to become a Jedi they will get the usual "GO PLAY JO/JA You :newbie: ". The role-players shouldn't be bashed, there are many ways to play a game, just because one person plays more aggressive :mrt: and another plays more chivalrous :liam: doesn't mean they can't co-exist, so srry for the of topic here but it's been bugging me for a bit plz feel free to debate here I'd like to see your views on this also.




-VanishingVision :sbdance

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Originally posted by VanishingVision

, just because one person plays more aggressive :mrt: and another plays more chivalrous :liam: doesn't mean they can't co-exist,


that's exactly what it means though. if you go into a regular pub server, there'll usually be lots of players just fragging people left and right for the kill, not caring if your saber is up or not, while rpg-ers will come in and start bashing them because they're not "honorable" and start calling them every obscene insult in the book and whining over and over because of how they were killed (ex: "(insert force power/weapon/force combo here) whore!"). it's impossible for these 2 types of players to get along, they're like oil and water.

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Well I don't know about that, on JO Mp when I played on the Bespin map, the FFA Agro's played on most of the map except for the Pad, the RP'rs played on the pad and there was usually no problems... there were other maps too but you get the point. I think the JA community is mature enough to respect each other and find some way to co-exist, or at least make server tag's like [RPG] Whoevers server, and [AGR] whatever server that would really organize the servers!!!! Think about how much cleaner the server window would look ^_^





P.S. BTW Lightsaberboy, thnx for not flaming me, you got class ^_^

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I must say I can't agree more VanishingVision. I have SWG, and I enjoy my Smuggler and all, but I don't have a Jedi. In fact if you even say the word Jedi at the SWG forums and your not trying to find a Dark jedi to hunt on Naboo, you are labeled Newb, and told to go play JA.


So I got JA, and me and my friends have already revived our RP guild based on some of the NJO books, and such (Come on you all know Pnut_Master is an NJO nut lol, sorry Tomar, but it's true). However, honor does take a back seat to killing even for our RP guild if we are in a clan match vs. some other guild. None of us are too shabby with a saber, and I even enjoy sensless fragging of people from time to time......


Anyway, I was just agreeing with some people...kinda off topic tho...



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Originally posted by Ocean

20,000 people and what do you have?? Just a crowd of people who dont mean nothin

They don't mean nothing? Of course not. It's just people playing a video game. Have fun!


Originally posted by Ocean

no one gets recognized

Recognized by who? Play on ladders if you want to win and get recognized. Remember, there are lots of different gametypes, and most people only play a few. Those who duel might not know anyone who FFAs, and so on. That's just the way it is...


Originally posted by Ocean

clans become pointless

Become? :confused:


Originally posted by Ocean

like ur just playing to play

Of course I am just playing to play. Why else would I play? Trying to get prestige in a video game seems a little depressing to me. :)


Originally posted by Ocean

i guess its just me but i look for a community

Who says there can't be a comminuty with lots of people? There will be regulars on every server, then those will develop into a community. Hell, just hang around these boards, because this is a community too.


Originally posted by Ocean

Pretty much in anything, the more people the worse, with some exceptions

I couldn't disagree more. First of all, for those of us who are not trying to be well known in a video game world, less players is deadly. The more players there are, the more servers, and the more games to choose from. Even if you are trying to make a name, wouldn't you want to be known by more people? Why is less better?


"Hey Bob, I recognize you as the best player!"


"Hey Dennis, I recognize you as the second best! Anyone else?"


wind whistles as tumbleweeds roll by...


If there are only a few people, it isn't a very strong community :)


Originally posted by Ocean

More the merrier my ass

Well you let us know how many people you want and the rest of us will take our games back and pick up something else.


Originally posted by Ocean

When servers take only 16??



Originally posted by Ocean

20,000 people?

Or more. But usually not at the same time :)


Originally posted by Ocean

Thats just plain crazy CUR-RAY-ZEE

It would be crazy if there was only one server. But luckily ther will be lots of servers, with lots of different gametypes. Plenty of room for everyone :)


Originally posted by Ocean

Its just pointless with that many

Why is it pointless? It would be pointless if there were only a few people, because then there would be nobody to play with. Now that would be a boring community! :)


Originally posted by Ocean

servers wont matter, youll never run into any one more than once, each game will just be single

You will run into plenty of people more than once if you play on the same servers. Me, I like to play many different people. I'm not really looking to make lifelong friends. I have enough of those in real life :D But that being said, I have met a bunch of people without even trying...so don't worry, it will happen. Did you play JO? How did you find things with that?


Originally posted by Ocean

like i said, no community will develop

Not with an attitute like that :D A community can't help but develop. How good it is is up to us.


Originally posted by Ocean

there will be a million clans a week coming and going

This is going to happen regarless. Good clans will last, bad ones will come and go. To me, the more going the better :)


Originally posted by Ocean

anyone get this?

I get what you are saying, I just don't agree. But I guess I am looking for something different from JA than you are.


Originally posted by vert1go

Oh and 100,000 people playing jk2? That's ludicrous, 100,000 names might have been recorded on csports.net but these were not 100,000 seperate people playing the game.

I know it isn't an accurate number, I was just trying to show that there will be more than 2000 people playing JA over the coming months.


Originally posted by vert1go

Would of been awesome if there were that many people, the game might not have died in 6 months that way.

I didn't think it really died :( I'm still playing online...
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Originally posted by vert1go

I'm still playing jk2 as well, but, it wasn't long before the number of players started to dramatically dwindle. The first patch (1.03) totally killed the numbers of people playing too. Let's hope something like that won't happen with jka.

Agreed :)
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