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Not Enough Customization for Full Version? Try these Cheats! (*SPOILERS*)


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You know, things are going to get a little more complicated, now that the patch is out, because some of the stuff that didn't work before may work now (like Boba Fett's flamethrower) and some stuff has changed (devmapall doesn't work, but helpusobi 1 does).


And that pick upabble dropped sabers cvar from the Demo is supposed to work in 1.01 now...

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Originally posted by psycore

Well thank you but there is already the jacket ingame or?

So why download, doesnt anyone know the command for it?

ty for your time


There is a cheat for that, but you'll have to ask IG-64 (The cheat master)


He posted it in his "Cool cheats i found" thread along time ago.....

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Originally posted by |GG|Crow_Nest

There is a cheat for that, but you'll have to ask IG-64 (The cheat master)


He posted it in his "Cool cheats i found" thread along time ago.....


Well i dont like to look like a fool or so i looked in almost all threads regarding cheats or model but couldnt find it i heard someone mentioned in-game u must set all parts like head torso legs in console to get that jacket, but cant remember the right command so is anyone so kind to say it please? and if not its not such a big thing but i find its nice for the hoth maps

btw i wouldnt ask here or open a new thread?:) if i would found it anywhere else......, and if noone knows it i must pm the big cheater for it (maybe he has a third programm for mp as well:) no just jokin:)


@ Razor....

i mean i like only know this jacket-command not the full support just the jacket but ty anyways

ty 4 ya time and patience

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the console command for changing head/torso/lower skins (thereby somehow finding the hoth skins) is this:


playermodel jedi_xx head_a1 torso_a1 lower_a1


where the xx part of jedi_xx is:


hm =human male

hf =human female

rm =rodian male

kdm =kel dorian male

zf =zabrak female

tf =twilek female


the hoth skins are not head_a1 torso_a1 lower_a1, they are something else. In fact they may even be in another player folder altogether so I honestly don't know.

just download the mod, gdamit... but if youre really stubborn they you will be willing to do the work yourself, so here, do this:


rename assets1.pk3 to assets1.zip, explore the file:


go to:




look in any of the jedi_xx folders, and you will probably find the hoth skins. Although, I remember them being in a folder called jedi_hoth. In that case I honestly have no idea how you would do that, but just download the mod.... so much easier...

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Originally posted by Kurgan

You say you "looked everywhere" and "couldn't find it"... but did you honestly read all 14 pages of this thread?


Because if you didn't.... ; )


Normally if a thread has 4 pages or more, i wont read all of them.... It will take forever!

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Originally posted by Kurgan

You say you "looked everywhere" and "couldn't find it"... but did you honestly read all 14 pages of this thread?


Because if you didn't.... ; )




no comments....


btw on page 2 changkhan posted some commands but these are the regular which i can change via menue also, for me useless....


ok so youre posts dont seem to be very welcome but ty for your patience i will not bother u again


*looks for another forum*

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Well the thread is long, but you guys realize every time you post asking what's on the first few pages you just make the thread even longer and harder to read through right?


Heh.. it never ends. =)


Be my guest, but it really doesn't take that much to sort through those pages to find what you're looking for....


Unless you're a slow reader. But you only need to read it once, then you can "keep up" if there's one new post a week or something.

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Originally posted by MajikTiger

Hey, I've been reading all these cheats and great work guys, there sure are a lot of cheats!


Anyway I think this has been mentioned before but I got the g_sabermorerealistic thing working with the patch but, it seems it doesn't work if I load a quicksave; only when I load a new level. When it does work it seems to like to switch on and off randomly throughout the level. Hmmm. Has anyone else had this?


By the way I used the method of putting it in the command line for the shortcut, which seems to be the best way.



I know exactly what you are talking about. The dismemberment will work for one person then not work again for several more. I love the dismemberment in Jedi Outcast, so if anyone knows how to get the cheat to work all the time please let me know.



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Hey all!


Just a quick little one, anyone else noticed the new cvar g_sabermrealisticcombat (extra m) in the new patch? All this talk about getting dismemberment to work might be related? (Mine is set to 2 while using the other cvars, I didn't personally edit this one).


I use shortcut as "C:\Program Files\LucasArts\Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy\GameData\jasp.exe" +set helpusobi 1 +set sabermorerealistic 2 +set g_sabermrealisticcombat 2 +set g_saberMoreRealistic 2 +load quick and autoexec.cfg as

set g_saberMoreRealistic "3"

set g_dismemberProbabilities "100"

set g_dismember "3"


This works for me now, but it didn't for a while. Strange...


Anyway, it would probably interest those who like a nice pile of offal to investigate the relationship between the other cvars and this new one, then someone may finally solve the mystery of the ever changing chopper! :chop1:

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Hmm.. I've been having trouble getting dismemberment to work consistently in JA SP since the 1.01 patch.


I mean usually it only works one ME (enemies can slice me to bits) or purely at random (rarely a guy will get cut up, but most of the time nothing).


I tried your method and it didn't work for me (and I'm even using Win98se).


It IS interesting that you found g_sabermrealisticcombat cvar.


It's NOT write protected.. I wonder what it does?


Here's another command:




It's set to 113811381138 in my config file!


But I still don't see dismemberment. ; p

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For me g_saberrealisticcombat does nothing for me. I have only tried it in SP.


I have tried removing my mods and putting all manner of stuff in the command line but I always result in the same thing:



Super damage sabers that may or may not kill on idle contact, but that rarely if ever dismember, however the player ususally gets dismembered by enemies.

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I'm still unclear as to how to get these in SP games...


Will the presence of mods or the patch make it impossible - IOW to see them do I need a reinstalled game without the patch?


One thread recommends "holstering" your weapon then entering


give weapon_bryar_pistol


On doing this the icon for the pistol appears briefly on the right but i have no weapon


For tusken rifle, no icon but an audible weapon arming click.... but no weapon



Any help appreciated



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type in give all, switch to the weapon where there basically there is no weapon (i think the default key is +) and then type in give all again. now, type in the bryar pistol code and it should work.


you can also use :


give weapon_scepter

give weapon_tusken_rifle

give weapon_tusken_staff (i have yet to find a way to get this to actuall do damage)

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