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A serious review of MP problems (no flames please)

the weiner dog!

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Originally posted by DeliriumenD

Meant to say this in the other post, but it's seperate enough.


The biggest problem facing the Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy games though, is the fact that the community is at odds with itself, which is sadly a side-effect of what the game is.


It is a Star Wars game, with all the bells and whistles of the Star Wars universe. You play a jedi, you kick ass with a lightsaber in the game. It is as much a Lightsaber/Jedi simulator as anything else, and as such, it's every Star Wars fans dream to play as you can either play like Han Solo and Chewie, or like Luke Skywalker depending on your mood.


On the other hand, it's a First Person Shooter with online team based capabilities and the obligatory CTF and such that goes with that. Whats more, the inclusion of the Star Wars universe gives a neat twist here and there to make it a unique game for Competitive play.


So, we now have the Star Wars fans going head to head with the First Person Shooter crowd (who are pretty much the most vocal and elitist bunch online..not to offend, but it seems to be the truth). The Star Wars fans want a game they can have fun playing in, where they can live their life and still have fun and kick some butt online with a lightsaber.


The first person shooter crowd wants a game where the hardcore gamers and competitive crowd is given what it needs to thrive. Where people have so much in the game they think nothing of spending all their freetime perfecting the best and quickest route from flag stand to flag stand so they can get back while exposing themselves to minimal danger.


Sadly, these two crowds both think (and are right in a sense) that their way is the right way. After all, it's a Star Wars game, so you should be able to kick ass in a Star Wars way that is accessible to nearly everyone, much like the movies are. But it's also a FPS which is a type of game that is quite competitive as well, and has some of the fiercest group rivalries I've ever seen online.


This gives the Developer a very tough choice, as no matter which way they turn, guess what, half the players (about) aren't going to be happy. So what do they do then? I hope they make a lot of togglables. Good servers with the toggles you like can be found, favorited, and visited often. Other servers can be ignored.



NOw that is a great post!!! well said there mate :)

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That's bullsh*t. The exact same could be said about JO the first few weeks it came out. And guess what - the exact same was said about JO.


JO had some depth. Especially the CTF aspect. You could kick, grip kick, pull throw kick, rage dfa, rage kick (with energize) there were a number of possibilities. That was all removed and now what is there? A kata for every stance (useless unless you're lucky or playing a total newbie) a roll/attack move that is very accurate if your opponent is standing still. And a jump/attack combo for dual/two-handed sabers that is actually not that bad in a big crowd but not when facing a speeding FC.


So because you can't think of any, must of course mean there are none whatsoever?


Yes, that's what I meant. [/sarcasm] Stop assuming what I meant in my posts please. I mean by that the only new combos aren't effective when coming to kill a speeding, aborsbing FC with an energizer. Now they may be extremely effective in FFA or TFFA, but not in CTF, and remember, that is what this thread is talking about.


Yeah, it's the rpg'ers fault, all of this. And I'm sick and tired of hearing this.


FYI, JA has more moves than JO, not less. Surely such a skilled person as you don't need to resort to using the idiotic, useless saber.


No, it's not the RPGers fault, reread my post. I said "Providing your not an RPGer". Did I bash them in that sentence? Did I blame it on them. No. Again, stop assuming.


JA has more moves in JO, yes, great moves, for FFA. We are talking about S/O CTF and FF Duel, which have been shat on in the competition level. At its current state, in JA, two teams who know what they're doing will end in a stalemate everytime unless one team gets lucky. We're here to discuss how to fix those two gametypes, not FFA.


Good point. Now please remove your mouth from each other's crotch each time you've made a reply. I see far too many pointless "I agree completely, shaft" posts.


I'm sorry if he is one of the only people on this forum that make sense in all of his posts. He, on the other hand, unlike most of the flamers in this thread, is trying to resolve this so S/O CTF can become competetive again, and FFA can stay the way it is.


Sure you aren't. And we're not making fun of each other in here at all.


We aren't all making fun of each other in here, and certainly I'm not. There are those of us from the CTF Competetive community and the Casual Gamer community trying to discuss how we can balance JA like JO was balanced so that it works out for everyone. Then there are a few people who don't even discuss the matter at hand and just flame the rest of us saying "No Kicks Suck!!" or "Wewt kicks rule you newbies better get rdy!!11" Maybe you should be quoting their posts.


Fine, there's no competition at all in this game, it can't be salvaged and most of you have made your point days ago. Please leave so we won't have to deal with your threads. Do we agree?


Don't deal with our threads. We're fine. And I didn't mean it will NEVER happen (again, assuming) I meant that as it is the competition won't work. We are here, again, to see if we can get a patch that will balance out the Competition gameplay with the Casual Game gameplay like it was in JO. And, we do not agree.


I don't care if s/o CTF isn't my game, I'm here to keep you from ripping throats out, and make sure you at least use some common sense when writing posts.


Those of us who aren't ripping each others throats are trying to make a discussion. Maybe try talking some sense into people like AxVegetA. People who don't even know what a S/O CTF game is like who come in here saying he would 'own' us at it. Let's try to keep this civil, people.


You could start by playing the game instead of spending all your time here, whining about it. I don't think I've ever seen such a defeatist attitude ever.


Oh yes, because again (assuming), I spend all my time whining in this forum and saying "Raven, raven, patch me!!11" I actually played that game a lot last night on S/O CTF (and seige when I got bored) trying to figure out another way to kill a speeding, absorbing FC with an energizer. And I came up with none. What's new to learn? I learned it all last night. Katas, Jump/Attack moves, roll-attack, goofy roll, concussion rifle, and a strafe jump that takes getting used to. That's about it. Damn that was long.

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Someone screamed "Please remove the things that own me!!!111" and raven did it. If the competetive community isn't salvaged, then this game will die. By your own definition, your 'casual gamers.' This means you play no and then. So if the competetive community dies, theres noone to play but a handful of 'casual gamers' who happened to be on at the same time as you.


No one and I mean no one who says 'kicks lame', 'kicks are noobish' has come up with any way in JA to stop an fc who doesn't want to to be stopped. No one. Instead of flaming and quoting your inablilities to avoid kicks, come up with a way to stop an fc who doesn't want to stop. Then and only then will we stop bothering you.

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My first comment to make is that I am fairly new at MP having been playing JO MP for only about 5 weeks, but I stumbled into a S/O CTF game on the first day and I have stuck with it.


I'd be the first to comment that I am the kind of newbie player you are taking about getting caught with the flag in JA but having played the demo even I know enough not to stand still and get hit by a Kata.


I have yet to even buy JA, I intended to buy it today but having read this post I am not going to bother until a fix containing the main points raised is created. You may think "no great loss, see ya l8r noob" or whatever but if enough people are put off playing due to imbalances like the ones commented on (actually I'd say that a lack of moves to kill a FC in CTF is more like a bug than an imbalance but there you go) then the community will shrink quicker than my todger in a cold shower.

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Blade, thanks for the comments, but you should buy it. It still isn't ALL that bad of a game besides the imbalance. Guns CTF is fun as hell and so is seige. I don't play much FFA because of the "Honor Code" but I'm sure that's sort of fun in its own sick way. Don't let these imbalances ruin it for ya.

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Originally posted by Comm539

Saber staff kicks require you to stop, jump and then alt attack. You firstly need to get ahead of the fc (he has speed and is going the same spped as you, pull whoring only recharges him to speed off again), and secondly, by the time you stopped to alt fire kick, he has jumped over you, past you, or just dodged the kick.

This is incorrect. You can certainly do staff kicks on the move without stopping, and if you want you can do it with speed and rage on. Plus there are a variety of kicks at your disposal, even kicking backwards. Plus you do not need to double tap jump, it is just one button, alt fire, making it even easier to do. It is also pretty consistent in causing knockdowns, especially when you are moving. I played around a bit, and doing it with speed on sends them flying! :)


You can try this out yourself, but here is a small demo of kicks on the move and also doing some with speed on. I'm not sure why this is worse than the old flip kick.

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You need to catch up / overtake to the fc (he's going at the same spped as you)


There is no 'control' over the kick. It's easily evading by running evasively.


The fc can just jump over your kick.


Although it seems a good method, it might work on a lesser able fc (as does raging and spamming blue stance in his back), but not in a clan match.

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Originally posted by AxVegetA

By the way which version of JO are you playing now, or you played (if you dont play it anymore)?

Cause i havent heard in my life a clan called diverse.


if you havent heard of div3rse than i suppose you never played in good servers with good jo players. div3rse has been around as one of the best s/o clans since the beginning of 03 in 03 s/o duel, ctf, ffa and 1.04 s/o ctf.

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lets just all hope =X=mod 2.0 fixes alot of the things raven refuses to fix because all they want is a pretty looking game that appeals to "PRESS ATTACK1!!! DAMN I LOST" gamers. RAVEN you could save the modders alot of time by just releasing a patch, say something that allows g_debugmelee 1 to work in mp

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Originally posted by thelastaod

lets just all hope =X=mod 2.0 fixes alot of the things raven refuses to fix because all they want is a pretty looking game that appeals to "PRESS ATTACK1!!! DAMN I LOST" gamers. RAVEN you could save the modders alot of time by just releasing a patch, say something that allows g_debugmelee 1 to work in mp


g_debugmelee 1 does work in mp but all it does is allow you to use saberstaff kicks with fists.

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Well.... a few suggestions have been given, albeit weak suggestions. It's becoming more and more clear that a kick, along with changes that allow the competitive games to actually be 'competitive' instead of 'stalemated' is necessary.


Saber Staff kicking is the most interesting suggestion, because instead of proving a good idea, it actually demostrates what's wrong with JA.


Suppose that the saber staff kick was the solution (even though we all know it very well isn't). That should actually put some alarms in your head, not bring signs of relief and comfort! Imagine if the solution to S/O CTF was that everyone had to carry a Saber Staff in order to compete at high levels. You know as well as I do that it would be a very crappy solution indeed. In fact, I will say right now, if Saber Staff were the solution to the S/O problems, then complaints about the game type are STILL WARRANTED.


The opposers to this argument know VERY WELL that if their favorite game type were also plagued with a solution like "use the saber staff" to be successful, they would also start threads very similar to this one, asking Raven to change things.


My suggestion still stands, along with Comm, etc.


Togglable game types. Competitive versus Casual. Of course, I guess my idea is slightly different, I would also ask for a return to 1.02 damage settings, so that we'd have the kicks, and essentially 'start over', but I'm sure most people are just too comfortable with 1.04 or less.


Anyway, the beauty of it would be that the one half of the community has a STANDARDIZED game with all the bells and whistles, while the other half, the ones that are STILL coming here trying to lambast the S/O CTF players, can keep the JA that they are certain is quite functional enough to play well.

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Wow leave for a day to get liquored up and look at all the flames.





Let's try to remain a little civil here guys, calling people "fags" and such is not going to accomplish anything.


and this AXvegeta guy, just ignore him, he's jus a loud mouth, no name random noob trolling to try and get a rise out of people.





I have a very good idea to prove our (the competitive players) point to the masses.



Let’s do a match.


But not just any match.



Let's get, say 8 people on the side of the "learn and adapt" debate and have them face only 5 members of a team of "elites".


Be it [div3rse], FK, a mixed team, whoever.


This match is not to embarrass anyone or prove how much we "have adapted" and can own people, it's to prove to you guys just how futile it is to play against serious skilled players with all of this nerfing.


The reason I say give your side almost double the # of players is to even drive the point home even further that it has become utterly impossible to accomplish the game objectives (even when you have a massive player base advantage) if you are playing anyone who knows what they are doing.



Also as a side note to Jah and Cjas, I know both of you guys are No Force duel players and respect that, but the thing you guys have to keep in mind is, NF sabers and Full Force saber combat (any game type) have almost nothing in common in terms of strategy and game play.


Both take a tremendous amount of skill and practice to master but people need to keep in mind that what is being discussed is the arena of Full Force Saber only combat, so a lot of things that may apply to the world of NF dueling are simply not viable here due to the drastic differences in game type strategy/play.

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Well I've come to the conclusion that the only balanced gametypes in JA are FFA and Siege. All the others have lots of problems like saber damage blocking ect. ect.


I actually had fun playing FFA today. I got kills with both the saber and guns. I didn't complain when I got blown up or when I got chat killed or pushed off a ledge.


In fact I was quite happy seeing as how I was able to come in 1st one match. The saber fighting was good aswell. I was able to beat staff and dual wielders with single yellow and red stances. I also was able to hack down a few gunners after pulling their guns.


FFA is a great gametype and the most balanced IMO. I think the single saber damage still needs to be upped like 15 points a swing for yellow though. Other than that the saber fights I had in FFA were much more enjoyable than those in duels when yellow stance does 7 damage a swing.


Duel needs balanced, CTF needs fixed for SO/FF people although I think FF guns/sabers is pretty good. Siege is a very fun game although it needs more vehicles and maps. (hopefully starfighters)


The MP community is just getting started though and I hope that Raven makes a few changes. Giving yellow and blue decent damage and adding kick back in so all the MP complaint threads can be deleted. I don't want to look for mappers and modders to make this game enjoyable for everyone. I think it is well within Raven's boundries to only need one patch. Hopefully they also release new map packs periodically. I guess we just have to wait and see what happens.

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Originally posted by kazesan

Well I've come to the conclusion that the only balanced gametypes in JA are FFA and Siege. All the others have lots of problems like saber damage blocking ect. ect.


I actually had fun playing FFA today. I got kills with both the saber and guns. I didn't complain when I got blown up or when I got chat killed or pushed off a ledge.


In fact I was quite happy seeing as how I was able to come in 1st one match. The saber fighting was good aswell. I was able to beat staff and dual wielders with single yellow and red stances. I also was able to hack down a few gunners after pulling their guns.


FFA is a great gametype and the most balanced IMO. I think the single saber damage still needs to be upped like 15 points a swing for yellow though. Other than that the saber fights I had in FFA were much more enjoyable than those in duels when yellow stance does 7 damage a swing.


Duel needs balanced, CTF needs fixed for SO/FF people although I think FF guns/sabers is pretty good. Siege is a very fun game although it needs more vehicles and maps. (hopefully starfighters)


The MP community is just getting started though and I hope that Raven makes a few changes. Giving yellow and blue decent damage and adding kick back in so all the MP complaint threads can be deleted. I don't want to look for mappers and modders to make this game enjoyable for everyone. I think it is well within Raven's boundries to only need one patch. Hopefully they also release new map packs periodically. I guess we just have to wait and see what happens.


Yes, the gun/saber balance is actually pretty good in an all weapon FFA.


And as I have stated before I love the giant wide open maps.


The problem starts when you disable guns and you now have healing powers 3 times more powerful than the sabers..


Not to mention the other force powers (and combos now being totally gone) restricted by some sort of absurd newly implemented nerf.




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Originally posted by Comm539

You need to catch up / overtake to the fc (he's going at the same spped as you)

This issue isn't dependent on flipkick, is it? I mean, you have to catch the FC to kick him anyway, right? I don't see how kick solves this problem.


Originally posted by Comm539

There is no 'control' over the kick. It's easily evading by running evasively.

Why is there no control? You can kick in more directions than flipkick, and you can kick on command, at any point in you jump. Flipkick is evadable as well, is it not?


Originally posted by Comm539

The fc can just jump over your kick.

Why would they be able to jump over the staff kick? You can kick with the saberstaff at any point of the jump. You can be at the peak of your jump and kick. Isn't this the same as flipkick? I mean, with both forms of kick you can jump up to the FC (if he is in the air) and kick him, and both will knock him on the ground.


Originally posted by Comm539

Although it seems a good method, it might work on a lesser able fc (as does raging and spamming blue stance in his back), but not in a clan match.

I guess I am wondering what flipkick provides that the staff kick does not?


Originally posted by Doctor Shaft

Imagine if the solution to S/O CTF was that everyone had to carry a Saber Staff in order to compete at high levels. You know as well as I do that it would be a very crappy solution indeed.

But why would it be crappy to need the saberstaff to compete at high levels? From what I have read, competative players don't care what the method is to be successful, they will use whatever is the most effective. If the saberstaff (and its kicks) would be the best weapon, why would competative players care? They aren't playing JA for the variety of moves, they are playing to use the most effective thing, or group of things, over and over to get the win. I'm just wondering why this matters to competative players.


I'm not trying to be difficult here guys. I'm just trying to see for myself where the holes really are. :)

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that's a difficult question prime. the answer, I feel, is this.


In previous dueling, where kick existed, kick was just another move. I didn't need the blue saber or the red saber to do the trick. I wasn't stuck with a bunch of moves that I probably coudln't even use well. I had all three stances, and a kick that was reliable.


Having the saber staff become the solution is just downright.... wrong. That would mean that everyone is stuck with one set of moves to use. To add to that, the kick is not nearly as effective as the old kick. So now, the elite players aren't just going to use whatever they have to win, they're going to be using something that will probably jsut give them more headaches.


While the old kick was considered spammy or whored, at the same time, it still allowed for variety. It did not hinder what people could do. If you liked blue stance, yellow stance, etc., you could still use it, even though the results may have varied.


Saber staff leaves you with little option to do whatever. It wouldn't be right... everyone else would have a diverse gametype, but the S/O crew would be stuck with... Darth Maul CTF. It would be like receiving an insulting downgrade from Raven. They decided that you need kicks that aren't really that good at stopping runners, and that you all need to impersonate Darth Maul to succeed? That would be just mean.


The S/O CTF needs a solution that doesn't involved limiting the game to ONE saber style. Even JO had three.

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The problem is that a lot of people wanted JA to be like JO, not the game, they don't want to go back to JO, they want patch JA untill match JO gameplay.


I play Full Force Weapons CTF, but that doesnt means I never has played Saber Only.


A lot of people says they are competitive players and are ruined... :S whats that?, I'm a competitive player and I accept the changes and the challenge, I don't need kick to survive.


The FC is still killable(?) just now need differents tactics and yes, the s/o games usually ends 1 - 0 or 2 - 1.


Now trying to help these people try the following (this time I will not recommend weapons)


If has speed pull him (to slow him down a bit) if has absorb saberthow, barricades a staff kick from someone in the front. if turns protect grip, if has healers and/or energizers kill them first.

If the FC is acompanied(?) by two "bodyguards" (not healers/energizers) stay waiting to loose or send a massive group after them.


these aren't the best ways to deal but they work (not always but work). my personal recomandation is to play, search new tactics instead of ask for a patch in less than a week from release.


games evolve. humans do the same.


this is a new game don't try to portait your previous skill, make new ones.


I'm sorry but this is the more I can do for you, we will never see on a aserver because we have obiously(?) our differences, this is also my last post in any "ctf is ruined" topic. I hope you resolve your problem.


Best of Luck for all of U finding a new way to deal with a FC on JA CTF s/o!

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Prime to understanding kicking in Jedi Outcast you need to understand this:


It goes a hell of a lot deeper than the double tap to cause 20 hp of damage or a knock down when playing in competitive communities.


The best kick user in the history of Jedi Outcast was a guy from =X= named Idiot Savant.


He could do things with those double tap kicks that even to this day make the best of the best stand there with open mouths in amazement.


Take a map like ctf_ns_streets.



He would chase a flag carrier down who was moving at 90 miles per hour with level 3 speed and protected from pulls by absorb, swoop down from almost out of no where and land on a two inch section of a ledge just at the exact moment the flag carrier passed it, and then precisely kick and angle his shot to score a knock back in the opposite direction to knock the guy off for a pit death and return his flag.


All executed with almost surgical precision that even many elite players could not match.


The kicks and how they were used on competition level play is nothing like how they are used by average players on public servers.


For us they are a very complex and precise tool we used in multiple situations to get the job done.


There are even certain kick methods the average players don't even know about.


Angled velocity kicks are one of those methods.


Do you know ho to rush a person head on and then do kick directly face to face in a straight line but send the guy off in a 90 degree angle to his doom (like off a ledge) with out ever changing your player direction to angle the impact point?



The thing you have to understand prime is in CTF a capper is not going to fight you nor is he ever going to put himself at risk.


And when you factor in that he can jump 100 feet up into the air and run at 90 mph, you are going to have to stop/obstruct and pound on him or kill him with an instant blow.


Now having every single saber blow (with higher damage scale cvar) be a one hit kill is a bad idea because it becomes a game of “bump and die”.


Remember those old 80’s arcade games where if you even touched any monster you instantly died?


That gets very annoying to say the least.


It also eliminates strategy because all you have to do is go RAAGGGGHHHH and flail randomly and you are guaranteed instant kills on anything you touch, aimed shots or not make no difference.


Where kicks are a major factor in ff/so ctf can be seen on maps like the new coruscant streets (or w/e it is called).


a capper has to watch his ass because of all those ledges and such when he makes a run for the flag or is on his way back.


You got a guy guarding a bridge mid way and even with absorb, if you try to leap over him he will do an offensive push/pull to stun you just as you leap, run in and kick you off in a single shot (while you are in the recovery animation) to your doom and return his flag.


Now with kicks gone, you run, leap, he stuns you, and... as he trys a Kata, you walk around him, stop, call him a moron and keep on trucking.

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Sup.Where to start?Absolutely horrid gameplay....I'll start there.


First off I feel like I'm moving in slow motion.What the heck is up with that?To many complaints from n00bs that couldn't keep up in Outcast?


Next up is that totally useless wall run animation that basically just sux ...period.


The absence of kick is a two fold affair...while it was certainly abused, it was also an extremely useful tool.Why not just remove the damage component from it and leave it in?Scared?


Finally there is the heavy stance DFA(or whatever its called) being completely remapped.Why in hell did that have to be changed?It was perfect the way it was...difficult to master but extremely effective when mastered.Hmmm maybe my 2hit insta-kill move(backflipkick to heavy DFA) scared you a bit.



JaredSyn (AKA SnakeEyes or ///Akuma)




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Originally posted by the weiner dog!




I have a very good idea to prove our (the competitive players) point to the masses.



Let’s do a match.


But not just any match.



Let's get, say 8 people on the side of the "learn and adapt" debate and have them face only 5 members of a team of "elites".


Be it [div3rse], FK, a mixed team, whoever.


This match is not to embarrass anyone or prove how much we "have adapted" and can own people, it's to prove to you guys just how futile it is to play against serious skilled players with all of this nerfing.


The reason I say give your side almost double the # of players is to even drive the point home even further that it has become utterly impossible to accomplish the game objectives (even when you have a massive player base advantage) if you are playing anyone who knows what they are doing.




I'm team captain.

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Try this

g_saberDamageScale 10


Problem solved. IF the FC so much as gets touched by a saber he's dead.



Try reading what I just posted.


Not to mention most ladders require you to play with friendly fire on (almost all competitive games are like this in all leagues).


Do you have any idea how annoying and impossibly frustrating that would make competition play?




Guys again, having every single glancing blow and bare knick do instant death is a bad idea.


That is why this problem can not be solved with an across the board damage cvar.

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