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Bad Ending (BIG SPOILER)


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I love this game but i hated the ending. I went to the dark side hoping I would be able to kill all the other annoying characters like katarn and that annoying rosh kid. I got to kill rosh and was very happy about that butat the end it lets you fight katarn but you CANT kill him? WTF?? AFTER you beat katarn it shows katarn is still alive. Your guy just runs off and joins the empire? Bla pathetic ending. Could've worked on those cutscenes. And the plot was really boring. EVERY single jedi game has been about some bad guy trying to utilize the power of the force to make themselves big and bad. Couldn't they just make it about the empire coming up with some huge secret weapon like the dark troopers in dark forces? oh wellz. I still like it.

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just a small note because im pedantic.


jaden did NOT join the empire. or didnt you catch that subtlety?


when it shows your character at the bridge you might notice that the ranking officer of the ship is lying on the floor dead nearby.


my interpretation is that you killed those that resisted and used the force to bend the rest of the officers of the star destroyer to your will. you go off to the unknown to do the unknown. only thing we know is that you're gonna cause some chaos and kyles gonna be hunting you. i LOVE that ending!


but to each his/her own. it definitely outdistances the light side ending. dont get me started.

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first i beat the game with my character following the light path, then i beat it the second time going dark side. i was very glad that i got to fight Kyle and i see the reasons why u couldnt kill him becuase he is the star of the Jedi Knight series. What i really wanted to do was fight Luke at the end, i wanted to see how hard he would be to fight. Anyway i'll just spawn him during the fight with Kyle.


Both endings are alright, i seem to like the darker one, but i dont like how u want the stupid sehpter.

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I love both endings. Light side was a great "Happily ever after" style, and dark had your character more powerful than ever.



And due to the ending, Lucasarts can CHOOSE which to use in the future. Want to kill Kyle? Fine, but they'd never use it. Any sequels probably will have you as a lightsider, but who knows?

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Actually id say he was left alive because then if they do another they can give you the position of Kyle hunting your renegade student.


Ether way I think the whole game sucked. For some reason I feel like its the same storyline as the first two and the same as the movies. Think of something new for crying out loud.

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Well we get what we get, and star wars seems to have those cheasy endings, and overly badass ones too. But i think they were cool, it also opens up for an expansion (yes an expansion, not a full new game)so they could fix the saber issues and stuff with mp, and then all the while give you another sp game. They could have you select which side you were on in JA and then start you off from there...but i don't know how they would make the light side :confused: ...Maybe make another plot that involves just you again so it will lean to one side or the other during play, oh well, im just playing this till DX2 comes out anyways :p

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Originally posted by SpaceButler13

There pro'lly won't be a sequel or expansion, because the big problem is having you gradually learn force powers instead of starting with them, and they'd have to create generic character #2 to do that or use an obnoxious plot device like the nearly ubiquitous captured: must regain weapons level.


Hey I liked that level, killing a fat man that thinks hes badass, great fun for me :)

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Originally posted by Tarus

Actually id say he was left alive because then if they do another they can give you the position of Kyle hunting your renegade student.


Ether way I think the whole game sucked. For some reason I feel like its the same storyline as the first two and the same as the movies. Think of something new for crying out loud.


I have to agree. Did anyone notice the light side ending. How many times in starwars media does someone have to get their arm chopped off. I mean please this is getting rediculous. Can't we see someone lose another body part or just die. Maybe thats why vader was always breathing like that. After trying to wax the ol lightsaber with a mechanical hand he probably broke it.I know its supposed to have significance like the right hand path and left hand path, but please its getting old. Darkside was much better. I fought luke first time I played darkside because I ran towards the other temple and he killed. I quick loaded and killed him (by using the ol medium flip over head saber trick) then second time I played when he was almost unbeatable I spawned a Rancor. :) Who's your daddy?

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well I actually liked both endings, and I thought it was hillarious when kyle would beat you int he gut, or worse, get you in a headlock and then toss you like a little...sissy :p


however, I do not believe that any star wars game ending will ever compare to the awesomeness that was the Dark Side ending of the original Jedi Knight...when he crushes the holo-recording...awww man...epic :D


hang on, you could fight luke without spawning him???? ooooooohhhhhh...must replay...

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what? how can you fight luke???

anyway, it makes no sense killing a major character. kyle katarn is important, buba fat is too, and don't get me started on luke the manboy. u can't kill those guys in a stupid pc game! what about books, comics and mabe someday a sequell trilogy??


if raven or some other developer gets the chance to do a sequell to JA, then i would suggest 2 games in one. i mean one story line for newbs, starting as a padawan again and in the end mabe ...whatever. the other part as dark lord or what ever jaden would be then, with all teh le3t supahpowwhahhs!!!11

but that second part would really be a hell of a challange for them...not for me ofcourse, i always know how games can be done better...

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I loved the ending for the "light side" path. Why? Because it was definatly a starwarsy ending. The movies are classic "happily ever after" endings and so its fitting the Light Side ending is this way. Also the Dark Side ending is like the Empire ending in that the Good Guys are defeated but not dead, and that the Bad Guys won the battle but not the war. There both great endings because they both have a SW feel to them. Doing otherways may be better in that its not "done to death" but you know what? It wouldnt be starwars then.

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I must say that I think the light ending is much better than the dark.



I didn't like the dark ending because of lots of things... For example, after killing rosh, jaden gets too angry.

Also, I felt soooooooo guilty after killing rosh:Pout1: Same thing when you thought you had killed kyle for a few seconds...

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hm yeah roch is a stupid bunghole but i wouldn't kill him for just that. and i wouldn't go that hardcore on kyle. but anyway, the darkside ending provides a much better potential for a sequell of my taste. it's nothing totaly determined, except rosh, so you can expect anything. i would like beeing the one chased after and plotting destructive stuff and so on.

in the end it could go well and jaden returns to the academy. everything is possible...

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I have a new twist of the dark ending of JA. Jaden is a follower of an unknown order of the Force. Like Jedi Order follows the teachings of the Lightside of the Force, and the Sith Order follows the teachings of the Darkside of the Force. What if there is an unknown order of the Force that teaches and follows both side of the Force, and Jaden was sent by his/her's Masters to invesitgate Luke Skywalker's Jedi Academy. Just a thought.



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yeah, that's only because raven didn't have time to take care of the story. it should have had more depth, but there are just a few scenes with you and rosh, him doing all the talking. however, this whole thing seems not very thought through, or intentionally mysterious, thus providing enough material for a sequell. i don't really know what is going on up there (raven tower23, heh) but i really hope they are the idealist type with little resources instead of ...

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