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Any good admins out there ??

Fo Shizzle

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Lol, I always laugh at the idiots who get mad when you attack them.


"My saber was down! waaa"


They are in a duel mode and they start talking to a friend. Suddenly they expect you to just stand there and wait while everyone else in the server sits and waits.


Even better was the guy who typed to his friend every other minute. He would lower is blade in the middle of combat and then got pissed when I killed him.


Nooblets are so inconsiderate of those waiting.

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If someone decides to run a server online, and wants to have the no saber down, no kill rule, then he or she should be able to without taking any crap from disrespectful people like you.


You want to go to a server that doesn't enforce such rules, then go. Don't whine about it, or mock people over it. Some servers are more of a community. Who. Cares? It's a game. There are tons of servers out there. Pick one that has the rules to your liking.


Btw, since you flamed someone that was just looking for help, I shall flame you with "j00" 1337 talk. Do you have any idea, any idea at all how immature, and idotic that makes you look? Wee. I can use numbers instead of letters. Look at me. I'm 1337. Get a life. And, while you're at it. Perhaps some intelligence. People actually might take you seriously.


Anyone think of making a small mod to change a server gametype to True FFA, and a FFA with rules.

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Btw: Some admins can actually change server settings. Such as saber damage, maps, gametypes, time limits, frag limits, etc, etc. The list goes on and on. Thus, getting a few admins together can create the best server on the web. The cvar options are amazing with server side crap. Turning a great game, into an even better game.

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Originally posted by DarkangelFOG

If someone decides to run a server online, and wants to have the no saber down, no kill rule, then he or she should be able to without taking any crap from disrespectful people like you.


You want to go to a server that doesn't enforce such rules, then go. Don't whine about it, or mock people over it. Some servers are more of a community. Who. Cares? It's a game. There are tons of servers out there. Pick one that has the rules to your liking.


Btw, since you flamed someone that was just looking for help, I shall flame you with "j00" 1337 talk. Do you have any idea, any idea at all how immature, and idotic that makes you look? Wee. I can use numbers instead of letters. Look at me. I'm 1337. Get a life. And, while you're at it. Perhaps some intelligence. People actually might take you seriously.


Anyone think of making a small mod to change a server gametype to True FFA, and a FFA with rules.


At times I wonder if any of you clueless people were here for 1.02/1.03...

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Get in touch with me. I have JO experience on a 20 user server (as well as several other Q3-based games) and a few other servers (including duel).


But first, I have little interest in guns/sabers servers. Are you running a saber only server with force? Would you consider increasing the damage scale?


Also, have you noticed if the status command has finally been fixed? Throughout 1.02-1.04 it was screwed up and only printed a couple of lines causing massive headaches where kicks and bans are concerened.


Let me know how to get in touch with you.

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There's no need to flame others, guys.


Admins can be good or bad, just like voting.


Good admins are the ones who keep the server maintained in such a way as to promote the greatest amount of fun for the greatest amount of players there.


An admin COULD be petty and mean by abusing his powers to kick (or with the aide of stupid "Admin Mods" empower himself and "punish" his guests) or ban people simply for beating him, etc.


Voting can also be abused, as we all know, by having people kick players that are "too good" for them.


Each of those features was put into the game to allow more options and for good purposes (to remove cheaters or heavy laggers, to switch maps or gametypes when needed, etc) but can be easily abused by flawed people. This isn't the fault of the game designers, and while mods may be created by people to change things, those features as well can and will be abused by some people.


That's the risk you run with any kind of freedom or power.


This problem is obviously not unique to the JK series, and perhaps more people should be reminded of that fact.

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Luc your right, I dont want people laming on my server that is why I was seeking admins. I have quite a few rules to be enforced to be perfectly honest, I dont see why that makes you angry. You have a choice on how you want to play and I have mine.


One key thing to remember is I said this job isnt for everyone. I guess I should have wrote this server isnt for everyone. I am trying to cater to FFAers, duelers and RPers .... to get groups of people together with different gaming mentalities to be fun for all, I believe thier must be rules. Most are just common sence or more simply put, honor.


Not to mention, I am a grown man with children .... I run my server as if my son was playing because soon he will be ;D


Lord Sokar and TK8252MJL, thanks for the offers ... I think I am set up now. You are always welcome to check out our community at http://www.oaforever.com and see if its something you like anytime tho :D

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Luc your right, I dont want people laming on my server that is why I was seeking admins. I have quite a few rules to be enforced to be perfectly honest, I dont see why that makes you angry. You have a choice on how you want to play and I have mine.


The thing that you don't understand is this: There is no such thing as laming. All there is is *Your personal view on how You want others to play on your server*.


Perhaps you enforce your rules (whatever they may be) because excessive lightning freezes up your comp. Maybe you enforce your rules because you want a nice little rpg-community. Maybe you enforce your rules because you hate people who use force power/move X to beat you. Maybe [...] because you want to be the RuleR of teh galax0rz. Maybe [...] because you want to ensure kids of all ages can visit your server without having to listen to jerks spouting profanities.


I have no problem with that. You can be a total ass and nazi on your server if you want to. That's your right. Doesn't make me like you, but hey...it's your server.


What I do have a problem with is admins in general. Most of them abuse their powers. Most of them don't follow the rules themselves. Most of them are trigger happy teenagers who get a kick out of humiliating others.


What I do have a problem with is the fact that every newbie who joins your server is brainwashed to believe that the rules on your server are the universal Code of Jedi Academy Multiplayer which means that every newbie these 'schooled newbies' meet will also be brainwashed into believing "grip is gay!!" (or whatever).

It spreads like a plaque. Soon it's f'king impossible to log on to a server and PLAY without having to listen to half the server going berserk about some move/force power/technique you use. "Whinewhinewhine-kickvotefailed-adminpowerabuse&humiliation-server has disconnected".


So yeah; that's why I'm "angry". That's why I hate "rules". These things have ruined Jedi Outcast for everyone who wants to PLAY the game... and I'm afraid the same will happen to Jedi Academy. Nothing personal, though. :D

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Originally posted by TK8252MJL

I would really like to be an admin, but I don't have JA yet. I'll probably be getting it this week. I'm against power-abusing admins, and I have a lot of free time so I can be on often.


You reported me to a moderator because I said "Chewbacca rules doodz!!"




But it is his server after all, if he wants to RPG it up, go for it.


But don't be surprised when people come to your server *just to lame you if you take it to the extreme like newbiefiles.com (jk2files.com) did in Jedi Outcast.

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Anyone think of making a small mod to change a server gametype to True FFA, and a FFA with rules.


oh my god... what rules i mean it's FREE FOR ALL i see that as DEATHMATCH and still, most admins feel tough because they have there empowerment, and there duel saber. once i was on a server (not to long ago) and i killed some ppl, then that admin started to teleport me to some spot where i couldn't leave and he started killing me... talk about fair if he didn't have that saber and his lame grip lvl 4 i would've killed him, so i'm ok with admins but not if they start using lame things such as empowerment.

he even started gripping me when i killed someone saber up... -_- talk about lame

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Good admins speak softly and carry a big stick.


I run my own server.


People get 1 warning for abuse to either players, OR myself. Quick example, last night I went to capture the flag, attempted to jump on an afk teammate's head for a boost onto a higher ledge, and ended up falling to my doom.


He said, "haha noob you suck you're such a dumbass"


I said, "pardon me? Did you read the rules?"


He said, "I don't give a **** about rules, noob, you suck"


So I kicked him. I didn't mention that I was an admin, I just kicked him.


The rest of the server cheered.


They said he'd been being an ass for a while now, and were grateful that I kicked him off.


I then mentioned that I am an admin, and this server is a family server, there is no cursing (at others.. you can say aww f*ck I fell) or something, but badgering of other players is not allowed.


Within seconds, 3 people said that's great, and they will allow their kids to play on my server. I dunno about you others, but that makes me feel good. Let me go snippet my server rules...


I post my rules, the offenses, and the punishments, so if you don't want to read the rules (forums are posted in my MOTD) you're not immune to them.




Rule 1. Names -- No racist names, no Adolf, no slang for races. Padawan will also be blocked.


Rule 2. Profanity -- Please limit the swearing. I can understand a blurt ot of 'f*ck' when you fall down a crevice with the flag, but badgering of other players while using profanity will not be tolerated in game. Minor flaming is fine in the forums, however. This server is for adults and young people alike, so I want to keep it clean.


Rule 3. Suiciding -- No suiciding. If I see suiciding in person, I will probably turn you into a bunny without warning. This was one of my biggest pet peeves of last version. Raven did not put suicide in the game so you could get to your base faster, they put it in for the rare situation that you get stuck.


Rule 4. Harassment -- Harassment of either myself or other admins may result in immediate permament ban, or whatever the active admin decides is your fate. The admins currently are myself, -=DyeHead=-, and Das Helm.


Rule 5. Chat Killing -- DO NOT kill people when you see the chat bubble above their heads. If I witness this, or if you do it to me, I will slay you as a warning. If I see you continually doing it, you will be kicked.



Now, I didn't post the rules so you people could flame me, I posted the rules to show you that people like Dak-Dod are not the only ones who want to play on a server devoid of a-holes.


These rules are pretty damned simple to follow. If you can't follow them, then we really won't miss you on my server.

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Let's say I go on your server and grab the flag. I try to run away but someone grips me. I put my chat box up in 0,1 seconds and the guy gripping me must let go or be banned from the server.


The gripper lets go and I speed away! After a while my force pool is depleted and I got 3 opponents chasing me down.. no problemo: Chat Box up! The flag returners put their sabers off and wait for my chat box to go down again. Meanwhile I wait for my force to regenerate. Then I realize that our flag is stolen too! I can't score... so I sneak closer to our base, inch by inch...flicking my chat box up and down so that no-one dares to attack me. Once when I'm at our base I can sigh in relief and leave the chat box up for as long as it takes for my team to retrieve our flag.






I'd prefer that everyone who decides to CHAT during a game did realize that they might get killed and *gasp* respawn. It's not such a big deal. If you want to chat, go to spec mode or ICQ. If you have time to chat in a game of CTF, you also have time to die.


It's much better to not have a rule at all than to have something so easily abusable. No rules = no whining. It only get's worse if you start making exceptions: chatkills = okay if opponent is being a lamer. Chatkills = ok if opponent does not play honourably. Chatkilling = ok if opponent is carrying the flag. Chatkilling = ok if opponent is near your base. Chatkilling = ok if opponent attacks you in the back after you have walked by. Chatkilling = ok if opponent has chatkilled you earlier or you suspect that he has chatkilled someone else that day or during the last 14 days on some other server.


Wouldn't it be so much better if we all agreed that "if you chat, you may die. Chatkilling is risky. Don't whine and bitch about dying, nobody forced you to chat during a game" ?

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I really dont see the point of debating our styles of play, your going to defend yours and I will mine untill are fingers are swollen purple from typing rebuttals.


But there aresome points I would like to touch ;)



Perhaps you enforce your rules (whatever they may be) because excessive lightning freezes up your comp. Maybe you enforce your rules because you want a nice little rpg-community. Maybe you enforce your rules because you hate people who use force power/move X to beat you. Maybe [...] because you want to be the RuleR of teh galax0rz. Maybe [...] because you want to ensure kids of all ages can visit your server without having to listen to jerks spouting profanities.


Using admin powers to support your own style of play or to harrass other gamers is also a rule I have, among others. These include even me, why would I make rules just so I can break them ??



I have no problem with that. You can be a total ass and nazi on your server if you want to. That's your right. Doesn't make me like you, but hey...it's your server.


I think you do have a problem with it, but its ok. Me being a total ass or a Nazi on my server is speculation on your part, try it before you knock it. Im not asking you to like me but you are right it is my server :D


What I do have a problem with is admins in general. Most of them abuse their powers. Most of them don't follow the rules themselves. Most of them are trigger happy teenagers who get a kick out of humiliating others.


I have rules for the *Gasp* Admins too, I do this to protect our guests :D


What I do have a problem with is the fact that every newbie who joins your server is brainwashed to believe that the rules on your server are the universal Code of Jedi Academy Multiplayer which means that every newbie these 'schooled newbies' meet will also be brainwashed into believing "grip is gay!!" (or whatever).


If anything Luc, its you trying to brainwash people against the way I like to play, its ok ..... your intitled to spread your propoganda from here to the moon if you like, its your right and I respect that. For what its worth grip is enabled on my server the only thing that I think is "gay" is saying "gay".

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Originally posted by Dak-Dod

If anything Luc, its you trying to brainwash people against the way I like to play, its ok ..... your intitled to spread your propoganda from here to the moon if you like, its your right and I respect that. For what its worth grip is enabled on my server the only thing that I think is "gay" is saying "gay".


Sorry, your predecesors did Luc's spreading of propoganda for him... Did I mention they did a damn nice job at it as well? /sarcasm.

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Originally posted by Dak-Dod

I really dont see the point of debating our styles of play, your going to defend yours and I will mine untill are fingers are swollen purple from typing rebuttals.


Well, I'm just trying to make people realize something. It has already worked out great a couple of times, so.... :)


Using admin powers to support your own style of play or to harrass other gamers is also a rule I have, among others. These include even me, why would I make rules just so I can break them ??


99% of people do that. You should ask them, not me. I'm as puzzled as you are about how come it's "honourable" for the admin to grip me in a no force game or "fool around" whenever he feels like but I get banned if I kill the admin with my saber while he tries to lightning me dead in said no force game.


Me being a total ass or a Nazi on my server is speculation on your part, try it before you knock it. Im not asking you to like me but you are right it is my server :D


Oopsie. I should have said that more clearly: Anyone (as in "not You spesifically") has the right to be an ass on *their* server. People can spend all day banning/abusing everyone on *their* server if that turns them on. :)


I have rules for the *Gasp* Admins too, I do this to protect our guests :D


It may be that your server will be one of the 0,02% of servers out there where the system actually works. On these admined servers you don't really notice any admining at all. In most servers, though, the admin is an attention whore who gets bored if he can't "admin" something every other minute to prove he is more powerful than the rest.


If anything Luc, its you trying to brainwash people against the way I like to play, its ok ..... your intitled to spread your propoganda from here to the moon if you like, its your right and I respect that.


No no I'm not trying to brainwash anyone. I'm trying to make people realize that there is no universal Code Of Honour or Rules in Jedi Academy/Jedi Outcast. Once people understand and accept that (it is a easily proven FACT, btw) they won't come on my server (or anyone else's server ) and try to kick vote me off it because I did something "lame" like used Medium Stance too much or shot them with a gun.


My mission is to make people shut up about "laming" and play the game instead. Laming means breaking te "rules". If people understand that there aren't any rules, they have nothing to whine about, right?


Your server has rules. Newbies will pic up those rules (whatever they may be) and enforce them on me, even on my own server, even if I named my server "NO WHINING NO RULES NO HONOUR CRAP JUST PLAY HAVE FUN AND STFU".


That is problem and that is why my posts have become increasingly rude lately. I can't stand "honour". There is no such thing.

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Luc, I understand that you want people to understand that there is as many ways to play this game as there are servers. I agree with you. But hijacking my thread to further your cause is a tad selfish.


I just posted here asking a question not wanting the wrath of the forum. Cant someone type a single word without having flames shoved down thier throat ?

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Originally posted by Dak-Dod

Luc, I understand that you want people to understand that there is as many ways to play this game as there are servers. I agree with you. But hijacking my thread to further your cause is a tad selfish.


Sorry to say this to you Dak, you're a nice guy and everything, but us not hijacking this thread was about as much a chance as Spider Al not opening his mouth on a gameplay issue when he doesn't have the game yet.

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Originally posted by the weiner dog!

You reported me to a moderator because I said "Chewbacca rules doodz!!"

Sorry, dude. But that was called spam, and did not relate in any way to the topic. We already had that discussion and an admin cut it off so I'm not going to start an endless flame war here.


Now uh... This thread is completely off-topic and has turned into yet another lamer vs. rule-abider argument.


BTW, Dyehead, what is the name (or IP) of your server? I'd like to stop by sometime for some CTF.

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