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Another kick thread...


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As for the kick, it's already in the game. It's a bit trickier to employ, but it'll have to do instead.
I think they know about kicking people down, just they're not happy that now you can jump up quickly or role away, however I've knocked people down before and then done a forward lunge, it's harder but that should make it more of a challenge, NOT a reason to complain.


The s/o CTF "community" don't like their skills being removed because they feel it will reduce their ability to that of us mere average players *coughs*. I think it's more fear that they may start to get beaten as other people find new ways and they don't than an actual complaint about kick.

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Originally posted by C'jais


As for the kick, it's already in the game. It's a bit trickier to employ, but it'll have to do instead.


It should also be pointed out that the current kick is instant death as near as I can tell...two people will be duelling and suddenly, without that gradual wearing down that often occurs, one will just die. So there you go weiner dog, if you can manage to use the lightstaff kick, it gives you that edge to end stalemates...even if it's slow as hell :p

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Oh no but you don't understand, it's not he JO kick, and even though this is JA, it MUST have the JO kick, it totally ruins the game otherwise! We don't give a flying feck if this isn't JO, we want it to be just like JO!!



Sorry had to make fun of the l33tists, cause that's all I can hear when they post here about kick :p

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Is it me or has anyone else noticed that the following argument is self defeating.


"It won't work because of kick popularity"


If kick is popular with the players then it should be reintroduced for that reason alone. Raven caters to us, not the other way around.


BTW - as it stands JKJA is crap, when HL2 comes out look for 60% of the ladders, leagues, etc. to vanish unless the game flow is improved drastically.

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Originally posted by Gabrobot

Yeah, and guess why...it was a great single player game. The vast majority of the people who bought JKII and who are buying JA, are single player gamers. Ever wonder why the reviews of JKII and JA mostly focus on it's single player? (For that matter, ever wonder why Raven focused on the single player?)


Those people are also some of the ones that might drop in on multi player if they could play without getting kicked constantly.


more like there is no community for them to play with, and they never even review multiplayer other than how it feels playing with a few people on a LAN. if you knew anything about game reviewing you would know that.


just so you remember most of those buyers played multiplayer a lot. i know that several other games had people buying jk2 and start playing its mp as well, only to leave after it was "newbie-fied" as they called it.

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"It won't work because of kick popularity" - that's coming from the people who hate kick isn't it? Their argument is it will get abused and spoil the games by making it too easy to kill.


I was wondering you want the option to turn kick on right on the server? Basically for s/o ctf only right? So you want fast kills to be able to easily defeat the fc in s/o ctf....why not just increase the damage multiplier so one red stance attack is an instant kill, or maybe 2 attacks? Wouldn't give them enough time to heal the carrier and if two people attacked the fc they could easily kill him. Or is this a totally stupid idea because you've said you want your JO style kick back and you'll stick by it to the bitter end...

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Originally posted by C'jais

I find it amusing that the s/o CTF people willingly restrict their combat options so they can play a game that's more "fun" to them.


Sure, you could use guns and kill that running FC, but why don't you? Because then you'd have to introduce guns to your game and you don't want that. Why's that? Because the game will be far easier for those using guns? Because the game will be dreadfully dull with guns included? Why?


After all, there's a perfectly fine tool at your disposal but you're not using it, yet you're now whining about how hard it is to kill - sounds familiar?


As for the kick, it's already in the game. It's a bit trickier to employ, but it'll have to do instead.



this is a "star wars game" right? so naturally the gametypes should revolve around saber only? or maybe its because playing saber only creates a dynamic that cannot be matched in ANY OTHER GAME. if we wanted to play guns ctf we have hundreds of choices.

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Originally posted by Mojopin

ok weiner genuis, how the hell did you counter them. The only way I saw was to either use protect or hit fast run and move to the side. But even then the game would often compensate for lag and you would still get kicked. You talk about lame comments, your comment that "oh you just didn't know how to counter" is as lame as they come. Counter 3 L33t players like yourself constantly kicking you down. Don't even begin to tell me you have a counter for that because i have played tons and tons of JO, the kick was too much and way overpowered. Afraid of them sheesh, when I would go into straight duels with people, no kick, I would own. You are just to much of a wimp with a saber and need something to spam so you can win a game.


heh. FF/SO is a MENTAL game above anything else. you have to ANTICIPATE what the person is going to do next, simply because if he starts it you're gonna be hurting. NF duels you can just simply watch them swing and counter it. ff you can't. you have to work on new methods of dodging involving more than just running or rolling. try using push, or even pull, not to mention counter kicks and evasion. yeah, its hard as hell. thats the way we like it, challengeing, not dumbed down.

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Originally posted by Rumor

this is a "star wars game" right? so naturally the gametypes should revolve around saber only? or maybe its because playing saber only creates a dynamic that cannot be matched in ANY OTHER GAME. if we wanted to play guns ctf we have hundreds of choices.


So you're limiting your combat moves based on you wanting it to be "like the movies, at least a little bit".


So you're limiting your combat moves based on you wanting a specific kind of gameplay and don't give a damn that you're not as effective as you could be.


Am I right?



Do I even need to mention how hypocritical this is when saying the magic word "kick"?


You have several ways to kill an FC fast, but you choose not to use them. Is it really Raven's fault?


Get this, in JO NF duelling, if I complained that it was very tough to beat a competetive player who knew how to use red stance and evade my attacks - would it be fair if you said "Just kick him?" Would it be fair if you said "Just suck it up?"


If kicks were enabled and me and my opponent's strategies revolved around kicks (due to them being the most effective attacks on a cost/benefit analysis), would it make sense to say that the kicks had actually dumbed down the game, limited our combat repetoire and turned the game into a more advanced form of Pong?

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Originally posted by C'jais

So you're limiting your combat moves based on you wanting it to be "like the movies, at least a little bit".


So you're limiting your combat moves based on you wanting a specific kind of gameplay and don't give a damn that you're not as effective as you could be.


Am I right?



Do I even need to mention how hypocritical this is when saying the magic word "kick"?


You have several ways to kill an FC fast, but you choose not to use them. Is it really Raven's fault?


Get this, in JO NF duelling, if I complained that it was very tough to beat a competetive player who knew how to use red stance and evade my attacks - would it be fair if you said "Just kick him?" Would it be fair if you said "Just suck it up?"


If kicks were enabled and me and my opponent's strategies revolved around kicks (due to them being the most effective attacks on a cost/benefit analysis), would it make sense to say that the kicks had actually dumbed down the game, limited our combat repetoire and turned the game into a more advanced form of Pong?


i was using your own "this is starwars" argument against you. read it again and you may comprehend.


like i said it is a totally new dynamic. hell if this game had no mention of starwars or anything it entails and sabers were really "energy swords" i would enjoy it more. why? because when a game has starwars attached you get little kids and old men complaining about how un-realistic and un-movie like it is.


we play sabers because it is a completely different dynamic than any other game out there. and i don't recall anyone saying that they don't like starwars. its just that we live in this thing called the real world and in this world, the games aren't the same as the movies. we know where to draw the "OMFG SHOULD B LIEK STARWARZ MOVIEZ!!1" line.


we like starwars. so what? we know that this is a game and not a movie simulation. we're just waiting on the rest of you to realize that too.

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Originally posted by Krause

Hehe, this reminds of of the discussions we had on the day of defeat boards regarding jump-shooting. Anyway high-level clan players usualy do know what they are talking about simply because they spend more time playing the game then anyone else. HOWEVER you should keep in mind that they are only a very small portion of the entire playerbase. Personally i wouldn't object against an optional return of the kick as long as it only does limited or no damage at all.


(on a side note. the entire concept of playing ctf with meelee weapons only seems kinda silly to me. Insta-gib all the way ;))


very small player base? try hundreds if not THOUSANDS of people.

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You people keep blurting out the same 'suggestions' because you think you know best. Sabers can be instant killers, but first you have to find a way to stop the fc (who runs).

We don't want kicks back as a weapon to kill people, we need them as a way to be able to kill someone. Kicks do 20 hp damage max, sometimes less. Now how is this the 'easiest way to kill someone?' I personally find a quick red hack far more efficient. Kicks are needed though, to actually stop someone, so you can finish him with sabers. I would suggest no damage kicks, but this would also remove some strategy from ctf. Perhaps toggleable, and damage selectable kicks.


And again we explain why kicks are needed and the old "duh shoot him with this big gun"


This is star wars: Many people have pointed out use sabers (therefore not guns)


There's many gun games much better than the gun physics in JA. Raven has focused on sabers, although admittedly has removed most intricity they had worked so hard to build up in JK2.


Gun ctf is just spamming shots


Aimbots make gun ctf pointless

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Originally posted by Rumor

like i said it is a totally new dynamic.


Strawman alert!


Don't evade the subject - my and many other's opinion is that games without kicks are a whole new (and better) dynamic as well.


We don't want to use kicks to defeat our foes more easily, even though it's there to be used.


You do the same with guns.


Comm539: There are many, far better kung fu games as well. That's not a very good point you're raising, and you're both shooting yourself in the foot right now.


Just because it needed to be said as well: Guns have been a very important part of the JK franchise, and of star wars in general.

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You people keep blurting out the same 'suggestions' because you think you know best. Sabers can be instant killers, but first you have to find a way to stop the fc (who runs).
And you keep blurting out the same old crap about how bad it is to not have kicks in this NON JO game. So don't go around saying we're repeating ourselves when you're the ones with thread upon thread about kicks!


Oh and to kick them you had to catch up with them, if you can catch up with them, you can increase saber damage and do one hit kills, why is that not a solution? If you want it like Star Wars, sabers should be able to kill with one slice anyhow and seen as it's your only weapon in s/o CTF then why not have one kill shots? Personally I think that adds to the realism AND gives you a way to stop fc's, no doubt you will still complain though.

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Originally posted by Destino

BTW - as it stands JKJA is crap, when HL2 comes out look for 60% of the ladders, leagues, etc. to vanish unless the game flow is improved drastically.

If that is what they want to do, it's fine. Those of us who don't play in those things won't know that they are gone anyways.


HL2 is now projected to be out by the Holidays.

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i never evaded the subject.


the dynamic is totally exellent for NO FORCE and GUNS.


FULL FORCE on the other hand has been rendered unplayable because of the lack of ways to kill someone who is not some random newb or casual player, but a top player who does not want to die. be it duel or ctf or any other gametype.


you like saber only? good, we do too. we also like force. it adds a whole different gameplay dynamic.


it woudl be the same if it wasn't a starwars game and used energy swords and magic spells.


as i recall i see no-one saying they hate starwars.

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Originally posted by WadeV1589

And you keep blurting out the same old crap about how bad it is to not have kicks in this NON JO game. So don't go around saying we're repeating ourselves when you're the ones with thread upon thread about kicks!


Oh and to kick them you had to catch up with them, if you can catch up with them, you can increase saber damage and do one hit kills, why is that not a solution? If you want it like Star Wars, sabers should be able to kill with one slice anyhow and seen as it's your only weapon in s/o CTF then why not have one kill shots? Personally I think that adds to the realism AND gives you a way to stop fc's, no doubt you will still complain though.


you didn't have to stop moving to kick, and the first half of a kick is used to go FATER, as in the first tap. its called strafe jumping.

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Originally posted by Rumor

FULL FORCE on the other hand has been rendered unplayable because of the lack of ways to kill someone who is not some random newb or casual player, but a top player who does not want to die. be it duel or ctf or any other gametype.


Oh, so this is not about s/o CTF at all, really? It's that the force is unbalanced now?


If they drain you, use absorb. If they use absorb, cut them to bits. If they run, pursue.

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Originally posted by WadeV1589

Oh and to kick them you had to catch up with them, if you can catch up with them, you can increase saber damage and do one hit kills, why is that not a solution? If you want it like Star Wars, sabers should be able to kill with one slice anyhow and seen as it's your only weapon in s/o CTF then why not have one kill shots? Personally I think that adds to the realism AND gives you a way to stop fc's, no doubt you will still complain though.

I don't want the old kicks added to JA, but I would be perfectly happy with the upped lightsaber damage as you describe above. This has been suggested many times already, and it is very easy to implement (1 cvar). But this solution has been universally frowned upon by the competative S/O CTF community.
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Originally posted by C'jais

Oh, so this is not about s/o CTF at all, really? It's that the force is unbalanced now?


If they drain you, use absorb. If they use absorb, cut them to bits. If they run, pursue.



[ Stop with the flame bait. ]

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Somebody ate his mean cookies for breakfast this morning.


Originally posted by Pyro



That trick worked just as well in JO. There's nothing new to fleeing and waiting until the absorb runs out. If you think kick was the only valid option to countering this, good on you. JA has got more than enough moves to deal with this.


BTW, I was talking about duel and FFA here, you seem to think that me and Rumor were still discussing s/o CTF, but we're not. He apparently thinks the problem is with Full force balance issues, whereas I previously thought it was about kicks in s/o CTF.




Gee, haven't we just been discussing this?




Well then, lets stop this circle jerk and go use guns on those damn people running away from us, instead of sitting here and whining that Raven doesn't cater to the way we limit ourselves, shall we?

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Why does every thread on kicks have to turn into a flame war?


I'm getting really sick of closing these threads on account of people not controlling their tempers.


It's possible to have a debate on this without resorting to petty flames and/or name calling.




If somebody insults you, DON'T respond in kind, report the post and it will be edited by a moderator and the person warned.

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