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KICK poll


Should JO kicks be brought into JA  

142 members have voted

  1. 1. Should JO kicks be brought into JA

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    • No
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Originally posted by rK // PiG

Im all for kick returning in JKA.


Thank You! Have a nice day! :)


omfg I will thx pig!


Yeah, Thornes' suggestion for a g_kickdelay cvar or whatever isn't a bad one either. Even with kick restricted to once every five seconds a canny CTF player can get all the kicking he needs done done.

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Kick can easily be countered by pushing just bfore they kick, and if

someone is kicking u, kick them back :). I am all for kick returning. It allows for more complex combos, and less runing around and waving around ur saber(s) :(. Anyways, just posting my opinion. Laterz




O and I WIN(sry quote from JKO, can't help it :))

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actually i couldn't care less if kick were put back in. all i want is a way to:


win a duel

stop a capper

make this game fast-paced and exciting (for saberists)


i loved jk2 b/c there was true technical skill involved that relied on both manual dexterity and just playing smart. if you got good enough, it was like an art. jka has taken all of that away and i don't even feel like playing, not b/c there is no kick, but b/c it just feels like a dumbed down version of the game we all loved for the reason i mentioned above. man, i loved kick more than anyone in the game, but it's just a means to an end and i would be just as happy with some other means. jko was art. jka is just a sick parody and pale imitation of what jko was and i can't play it for the simple reason that it disgusts me. the problem is not that there is no kick, but that there is no reasonable substitute.

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Originally posted by rK // PiG

If kicks are put in I just hope Raven does not do something dumb like force cost for each kick or that delay you speak of Ardent.




Well kick costing force makes more sense than backswing costing force actually, at least in outcast. The jump, kick, and flip over backwards. While backswing you stand still and slash backwards..

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Voted yes but in my opinion kicks should be added as a cvar. Why? Because cvar's please everyone. I spoke with raven recently and they said that implementing gameplay patches makes the other side of the community against it. So... a cvar would please S/O FF players and people who don't like kick. If you say kick shouldn't be brought back... then what's the harm of a cvar? Are jeu scared of teh ev1ls cvar!?

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I dunno Pig, neither of us really ever relied on kick in a way that kicking more than every five seconds would make or break our play style. I think most of the people who played with us could say the same for themselves.


If it has to be done it may as well be a cvar and not the standard. Goodness knows it won't be on on our servers. ;)

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Originally posted by Rumor

i play on 56k. ask UJ if i'm a pushover in a kick fight.


That means you are connecting to line which isn't being overloaded, and that you live fairly near to it...I can hardly get a connection at all during most of the day (9 or 10 a.m. to about 8 p.m.). Even when I do have a connection, it always stops responding for sveral seconds (or minutes, on some occasions) and will often stop responding at all (and I have to go through the process of trying to connect again which can take as much as half an hour). And when ever I start drifting, it means my connection is going to hell and I can't even really do anything in the game at all except watch...not very pleasent as it sometimes means watching yourself get stuck out in the middle of a bottomless pit, even though I was standing still.


Anyway, I've said that I really wouldn't mind kick as much if it didn't do any damage (since you can do more things when you're on the ground in JA)...my main point has just been caution, since Raven took kick completely out of MP.

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Originally posted by Gabrobot

That means you are connecting to line which isn't being overloaded, and that you live fairly near to it...I can hardly get a connection at all during most of the day (9 or 10 a.m. to about 8 p.m.).


If you're having problems with your connection, there ARE options. The best one is usually to call your local cable company and a) request that service be extended to your area b) ask to be put on the waiting list and c) ask them to call you with updates about ETA.


Even when I do have a connection, it always stops responding for sveral seconds (or minutes, on some occasions) and will often stop responding at all (and I have to go through the process of trying to connect again which can take as much as half an hour).


We all dealt with this when we played on 56ks. In fact, disliking how much time I was waiting was one of the reasons I stopped playing JO for a year.


And when ever I start drifting, it means my connection is going to hell and I can't even really do anything in the game at all except watch...not very pleasent as it sometimes means watching yourself get stuck out in the middle of a bottomless pit, even though I was standing still.


Your issues aren't with the gameplay, as it's pretty clear you can't even play the game as it was intended, much less make a sound judgment about the results of those intentions. Your issues are almost certainly with your ISP. Heck, they may offer ISDN lines. Ask.


Anyway, I've said that I really wouldn't mind kick as much if it didn't do any damage (since you can do more things when you're on the ground in JA)...my main point has just been caution, since Raven took kick completely out of MP.


Caution is fine, but that's why a cvar is the answer. Then you're just as cautious as you need to be without being overly cautious.

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CVARs are the key to solving this problem. Then people can get on with their lives, this debate can end, S/O FF combat can function properly, and no one will be disappointed. The word "Kick whores" will never be used because if you dont like kick, dont play on a server WITH kick. If raven was smart, they would add some additional cvars in their next patch so we can all get back to... oh whats the world called... enjoying the game...

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Originally posted by [fk]myth.

CVARs are the key to solving this problem. Then people can get on with their lives, this debate can end, S/O FF combat can function properly, and no one will be disappointed. The word "Kick whores" will never be used because if you dont like kick, dont play on a server WITH kick. If raven was smart, they would add some additional cvars in their next patch so we can all get back to... oh whats the world called... enjoying the game...

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Originally posted by [fk]myth.

CVARs are the key to solving this problem. Then people can get on with their lives, this debate can end, S/O FF combat can function properly, and no one will be disappointed. The word "Kick whores" will never be used because if you dont like kick, dont play on a server WITH kick. If raven was smart, they would add some additional cvars in their next patch so we can all get back to... oh whats the world called... enjoying the game...


well not really, since the nubs cried about kicking even with kick and no-kick servers in jk2 o well

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Originally posted by Ardent

If you're having problems with your connection, there ARE options. The best one is usually to call your local cable company and a) request that service be extended to your area b) ask to be put on the waiting list and c) ask them to call you with updates about ETA.


The lag he is speaking of is latency. Unfortunately, cable doesn't have better latency (on average) than a 56k dialup. I never had a problem connecting to a server as a client using a dialup connection. Hosting is a completely different matter. Even then, cable is not ideal. (Wishing I could afford 512 Kb both directions. <grumble, grumble>)


Removing extra phones in your house is one good way to reduce the latency in your connection. Also, if your house is old it may have problems with the phone wiring. If you have the time and inclination place your computer right next to the gray box connection as the phone line enters into your house. Disconnect the box from the rest of your house and plug your modem directly to the gray box. If your connection improves then you know what the problem is. If it doesn't you are officially screwed. ;)


WARNING: Playing around with your phone wiring can be dangerous! The phone line at rest is 50 volts but when you receive an incoming phone call the line jumps to 110 volts; just as much as your house voltage!

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A cable connection will almost always offer better latency. To say otherwise is pretty asinine. If it DOESN'T offer better latency, then you call them up and ask someone to come down and fix it. I do it every week, because they love to fill your request to increase your line's throughput, then turn it down when they're making their rounds a week later.


They hate me. But they love my money, so they continue to oblige me. Considering my cable line is...exactly...geez when was it run...'87...so it's 16 years old I'd say it's a safe assumption that your line is newer and better. Still have enough throughput to maintain a 512/256k connection AND watch HDTV AND run three other televisions. So it's all a matter of asking.


Phone companies, on the other hand, will want more money for increased latency (ISDN lines). I've never actually met someone with an ISDN line, but I've heard rumors that they're about as good as an average cable connection.


Oh BTW if you've got a digital cable box you can check your line's latency. Ask your local cable company how (they have to tell you). I check mine about once a week...

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Originally posted by Ardent

A cable connection will almost always offer better latency. To say otherwise is pretty asinine.


Before dismissing what I say as "asinine" it would be well for you to educate yourself on the difference between bandwidth and latency. A cable connection is probably one of the least reliable connections in existence.


Originally posted by Ardent

They hate me. But they love my money, so they continue to oblige me. Considering my cable line is...exactly...geez when was it run...'87...so it's 16 years old I'd say it's a safe assumption that your line is newer and better. Still have enough throughput to maintain a 512/256k connection AND watch HDTV AND run three other televisions. So it's all a matter of asking.


I see that you don't really understand what's going on "under the hood". Your 512/256 Kb connection works by exploiting the inherent holes in between stations. EVERY viewer of TV can turn on and off their TV without changing the bandwidth requirements. TV is what is known as "push" technology. It's always pushing. Your usage or lack thereof doesn't change anything as far as bandwidth is concerned. It really doesn't matter whether you are running one TV in the house or 100; the bandwidth used does not increase.


Now, your DATA usage is something completely different. And the bandwidth that you get to your house (called your 512/256 service) is highly dependent on your neighbors not being bandwidth hogs at the same time. Cable companies have gotten a lot better at adding nodes when saturation occurs. However, DSL and dialup have the inherent advantage of having dedicated lines "back to base" so to speak so what your neighbors do don't impact your service.


I will grant you that if many people dial in at once DSL and dialup can become congested once the requests start winging their way through the Internet, but what happens between you and the CO or ISP is unaffected by anybody else.


Originally posted by Ardent

Phone companies, on the other hand, will want more money for increased latency (ISDN lines). I've never actually met someone with an ISDN line, but I've heard rumors that they're about as good as an average cable connection.


I have some friends on DSL that love it and some that hate it. I, and some of my friends are on cable. ALL OF US WHO ARE CABLE MODEM USERS HATE OUR CONNECTIONS. My 56 Kb connection had better LATENCY but definately had a lower BANDWIDTH.


Originally posted by Ardent

Oh BTW if you've got a digital cable box you can check your line's latency. Ask your local cable company how (they have to tell you). I check mine about once a week...


I don't have digital cable but one of my friend's does. I use my OpenBSD box to check latency.

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Originally posted by FurionStormrage

Before dismissing what I say as "asinine" it would be well for you to educate yourself on the difference between bandwidth and latency. A cable connection is probably one of the least reliable connections in existence.


That's not true around here. Perhaps it's because the phone lines date back to...hm...probably the early 1930s. Well, they did until the phone company realized they were losing business to cable, who was losing business to satellite...etc etc.


I see that you don't really understand what's going on "under the hood". Your 512/256 Kb connection works by exploiting the inherent holes in between stations. EVERY viewer of TV can turn on and off their TV without changing the bandwidth requirements. TV is what is known as "push" technology. It's always pushing. Your usage or lack thereof doesn't change anything as far as bandwidth is concerned. It really doesn't matter whether you are running one TV in the house or 100; the bandwidth used does not increase.


Nope, don't know much about cable. I do know that my personal experience can't speak opposite to what you say, tho. But it's very limited.


Now, your DATA usage is something completely different. And the bandwidth that you get to your house (called your 512/256 service) is highly dependent on your neighbors not being bandwidth hogs at the same time. Cable companies have gotten a lot better at adding nodes when saturation occurs. However, DSL and dialup have the inherent advantage of having dedicated lines "back to base" so to speak so what your neighbors do don't impact your service.


Well, I'm fortunate. First node on our line and there's only two houses on it...and the other one's seasonal. Which is why they love to turn down our "push," as you put it. ;)


I will grant you that if many people dial in at once DSL and dialup can become congested once the requests start winging their way through the Internet, but what happens between you and the CO or ISP is unaffected by anybody else.


The problem is, DSL remains unavailable in some 60% of my state (Connecticut) and we're at the forefront of communications technologies. So I'm skeptical it's much better elsewhere.


I have some friends on DSL that love it and some that hate it. I, and some of my friends are on cable. ALL OF US WHO ARE CABLE MODEM USERS HATE OUR CONNECTIONS. My 56 Kb connection had better LATENCY but definately had a lower BANDWIDTH.


I don't hate my cable connection unless it's down while cable television is still up. That annoys me, because then I have to go hunt the problem down myself. ><


I don't have digital cable but one of my friend's does. I use my OpenBSD box to check latency.


I think most people are more likely to have a digital box than an OpenBSD box, myself. ;)

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lol I put him on my ignore list, don't quote him or else I have to read his stupid crap.




anyways, bottom line is my cable could be made out of dental floss and two soup cans, if I get a low ping and can kill crap (and die less) better than I can over a phone line, I could give a **** how it works.


Jesus, the things you people argue over...


Next thing you know someone will start to argue about what life in America would be like if the South would have won the civil war.



Then someone will make a post telling us that the South *did win the civil war and we are too stupid to realize it...



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Originally posted by GreenSmoke

yes, you are


sorry i'm just not as elite as you at kicking. you kept playing and practicing, i didn't. i went and played planetside.


just remember who it was who taught you some of your tricks before you got deep into it with sd.

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