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KICK poll


Should JO kicks be brought into JA  

142 members have voted

  1. 1. Should JO kicks be brought into JA

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    • No
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Originally posted by FurionStormrage

The lag he is speaking of is latency. Unfortunately, cable doesn't have better latency (on average) than a 56k dialup. I never had a problem connecting to a server as a client using a dialup connection. Hosting is a completely different matter. Even then, cable is not ideal. (Wishing I could afford 512 Kb both directions. <grumble, grumble>)


Removing extra phones in your house is one good way to reduce the latency in your connection. Also, if your house is old it may have problems with the phone wiring. If you have the time and inclination place your computer right next to the gray box connection as the phone line enters into your house. Disconnect the box from the rest of your house and plug your modem directly to the gray box. If your connection improves then you know what the problem is. If it doesn't you are officially screwed. ;)


WARNING: Playing around with your phone wiring can be dangerous! The phone line at rest is 50 volts but when you receive an incoming phone call the line jumps to 110 volts; just as much as your house voltage!


what are you smoking?


cable > dialup.


Cable has a much fatter pipe than 56k. on any given broadband connection you can at least get 10k/s and thats when its BAD.


56k? try 4-5k (excluding the freakish times when i've gotten 85k on a download...) downstream transfer, with 2-3k upstream.


I live in a 100 year old farmhouse and i get anywhere from 270 on this one server somehow, to around 700 in a heated FF/SO TDM match in jk2 (yes it is still playable).


cable pings? depending on the quality and number of HOPS they can be from under 10 to a few hundred (if they are having connection issues/bad hops) but normally less than 100.

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Originally posted by Rumor

sorry i'm just not as elite as you at kicking. you kept playing and practicing, i didn't. i went and played planetside.


just remember who it was who taught you some of your tricks before you got deep into it with sd.


take a joke pizza fase

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Originally posted by Ardent

If you're having problems with your connection, there ARE options. The best one is usually to call your local cable company and a) request that service be extended to your area b) ask to be put on the waiting list and c) ask them to call you with updates about ETA.


Oh, I've looked into all the options...the problem is that I live way out in the middle of no where as far as the cable company is concerned. There's only, perhaps, half a dozen people that would benefit from cable being available out here. That's probably one of the reasons my connections are so bad as well...I'm not exactly near the place I'm dialing into (about sixty miles). The only broadband that I can get out here is satalite, but that's probably lagier (is that a word? ;) ) than my dial up and it costs $40-50 more.


Ah well, later at night it's not so bad...funny thing is, the servers that I get the lowest pings on are ones in the UK, and I'm on the other side of the world...

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Originally posted by StormHammer

I like the fight mechanics pretty much as they are in JA, so I don't see any reason to include JO kicks.


Have you played S/O CTF? It doesn't work right and I'm NOT going to get another heated debate going as to why it doesn't. Look at some of the past threads with arguments on that. I refuse to AGAIN explain why S/O FF does not function well without kick.

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no, rude would be something like this:






despite that little joke ^, the statement remains true...



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To the FK crew...


Erm...just an FYI - I'm entitled to my opinion, and you are entitled to yours. The apparent difference between us is that I respect your opinion (outspoken as it is). I've read the very long debate about the issue, and I do sympathise with your position. However, I really don't see a need for this attempted ridicule of people who have a different point-of-view to your own. That smacks of "I'm right, and everyone else is wrong, so there!"


There's no black and white in this issue, only shades of grey.

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that post (up two) was a joke....























this way no one is right/wrong.


you dont like guns?


Play on a server with a g_weaponDisable 65531 cvar



You don't like kicks?


Play on a server with g_kickDisable 1


All sides happy.


Community stays big.


Game gets good reviews from all parts of the community.


People come back for the next game in the series.





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cvars arent the answer , the only answer is a balanced mod. Reason is you then get all these custom servers with all these different settings and no one ends up getting the settings they want anyway. You gotta search through and find a server with the same options you like, hmm, sounds kinda time consuming to me, time that could be spent playing.

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Originally posted by Kidso

cvars arent the answer , the only answer is a balanced mod. Reason is you then get all these custom servers with all these different settings and no one ends up getting the settings they want anyway. You gotta search through and find a server with the same options you like, hmm, sounds kinda time consuming to me, time that could be spent playing.


Then you have to deal with playing where the settings aren't exactly how you like or rent your own server and set it up how you like. EVERYONE is in the same situation. Sorry, mate, it's the way it's been and the way it'll be, probably.

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Originally posted by Kidso

cvars arent the answer , the only answer is a balanced mod. Reason is you then get all these custom servers with all these different settings and no one ends up getting the settings they want anyway. You gotta search through and find a server with the same options you like, hmm, sounds kinda time consuming to me, time that could be spent playing.


There wont be a balanced mod. What we're voting here is kick or no kick. How else can you balance it? Cvar = balance. Find a server you like, add it to your favourites, done, done, and done. Get on with it.

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To hell with the cvar, to hell with a patch.


Just release the ****ing tools Hex needs so he can un newbie this p.o.s release.


Honestly at this point, I have 0 faith in Raven when it comes to game play mechanics in this series.


The more and more I play this game, the more and more I just want to crack the cd in 1/2 and throw it in the garbage.


I would much rather have a guy like Hex tweaking mechanics than have to put up with more of this newbie button mashing trash.



It is blatantly obvious by the amount of ridiculously easy to find bugs that have been found in the last 7 days (random 1 hit kill lightning shots, random 1 hit kill kicks, invisible models, sabers that are stuck on the floor killing anything they touch instantly the second they fly back to the owners hand, you need me to go on anymore with these?) that the only "testing" that was done on this game went something like this:


Raven employee 1: "Did it install?"


Raven employee 2: "Yep."


Raven employee 1: "Start up a Mp game."


Raven employee 2: "Ok."


Raven employee 1: "Did it load up?"


Raven employee 2: "Yep."


Raven employee 1: "Ok, we're done, it's officially gone gold".



Please for the love of god Raven, stay the **** away from this game.



Serious though, you guys come get me when Hex has a working =X= mod v.2 ready to roll.


Until then I'll be in Halo with the rest of the gaming world.

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