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Supergrip ???


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In JK1 "supergrip" was possible (level 4 grip, hold down the key and then rapidly tap it until you ran out of mana either killing them or rendering them completely immobilized with Absorb), although rendered entirely useless by Protection or a SuperShield.


Yeah, never heard of anything like that in JA, sorry.


Since Grip doesn't even work the same way in JA/JK2 as JK/MotS, I don't think it would have the same effect anyway.

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Well, you can't be behind an object in JA when you use grip. Sometimes you can be near the edge of an object (even one above you) and it will keep you from getting a decent grip. As for JO, I have no idea - I had that prob too sometimes. Ahhh...ns_streets....the memories lol. Me and my bro would really test our skill on that map by playing with 5 bots on our team. Keeping above the negatives was challenging enough, let alone getting to the frag limit.

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Originally posted by Quin

speaking of grip... why is it that grip dosen't always activate in JO/JA? Sometimes it works right away and others it takes 5-10 seconds before it grips.


I think grip in JA requires precise aim, unlike JO where you could be aiming in the general direction of your enemy and grip them...:confused:

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