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how hard would it have been?


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seriously....the game is called jedi acadamy right? a padawan is SUPPOSED to wear a jedi-like uniform right?


would it have killed them to make an option for the students to wear the standard tunic and pants of a padawan like the ones that obi-wan and yoda wear in the original movies?


next question....can anyone make a mod for this in the game?


next question....is it possible to photoshop a pic of yourself over the face of one of the playable characters and install it into the game?

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But you have forgotten that much of the old ways of the Jedi were forgotten and that Luke is apparently allowing a trainee, since at the beginning of the game, you aren't even an apprentice yet.

And actually, a lot of Mods are already in progress, but good/great mods take time, and the game has only been out for 13 days, so give it time.

It is possible, but it would require you to know where to put it. Prime might be able to help out or another skinner/modeller.

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From alot of the illustrations I have seen for the EU jedi, not many seem to wear the jedi robes at all. Head on out to the force.net books section and check out the covers if you havent seen many of them...or you could be lucky enough to have the latest version of the 'Essential Guide to Characters' Book......



(The Mighty) Kurgan said something very relevant in another thread, the appearance of the jedi is a 'brain bug', just because the jedi look like that in the movies doesnt mean they should all look like/wear that. Next time you watch AOTC not all the jedi in the arena are decked out the same (although many were dressed likt this in this 'old republic' era you gotta admit...)



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Originally posted by ESPFN

seriously....the game is called jedi acadamy right? a padawan is SUPPOSED to wear a jedi-like uniform right?

You are living in the past. JA is in the future. Yoda and Obi-Wan are dead. A new order is arising, and they care not to wear potato sack-looking clothes.
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Fashions in the real world change every five minutes. Why should the Star Wars universe be any different?


On the other hand, if you want to look at the Jedi order like some kind of order of Monks, then yes, it would be logical for them to wear similar robes throughout the centuries...


Asking all new apprentices (and Jedi Knights) to wear a standard set of robes might seem like enforcing a stuffy old tradition which no longer has meaning - and indeed, make them look out of place in the modern world. Less approachable by 'commoners', while making them easier targets for those who work against them.


Who knows? It's only a game, after all...

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Well even when dealing with religious orders (in real life), there is some variety.


Different Orders of Nuns wear different habits, different Orders of Monks different styles of robes or hair, etc.


There are also Monks and Nuns (usually just going by "Brother" or "Sister") who wear more familiar layperson clothes and work outside a convent or monastary.


There are only supposed to be 10,000 Jedi in the Old Republic, not sure about in the post ROTJ timeline, but you get the idea... and with the later times they are trying to grab as many force sensitives as they can get and yes, many of the records are missing, so it seems perfectly logical (in-universe) that some of the things like dress codes wouldn't be enforced as much (if it all... assuming they even knew about them).

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i dunno....maybe because luke found obi-wans book that taught him how to make a lightsaber in shadows of the empire and maybe it outlined what an apprentice was supposed to wear. the students also wore traditional jedi robes in the jedi acadamy book trilogy. im just thinking that luke would have kept a thumb on things like that.


while jedi on AOTC wore different outfits, they looked to be different variations on the same idea (vest thing belted over long sleeved tunic with pants tucked into high boots and a robe).

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