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Improvments that need to be made to the next Jedi Knight game *few spoilers*

Elite Jedi

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Wow. This thread has had some very nice points raised and debated. When I saw the subject title I thought I was going to walk into another MP flamefest....Thank goodness !




4. Instead of the tired storyline of the Sith wanting power, how bout something different. Like a unknown force from some other galaxy threatens a huge takeover and Sith and the Jedi unite to over the threat that will wipe out there existence. Just anything new.


You must work for Lucasfilm Licensing !!! Are you trying to get these SW gamers interested in the NJO(New Jedi Order) Books !! What you describe is almost exactly what is happening in this series, minus the 'uniting with the sith lords' bit...... (for all you EU freaks, please, no posts about Jaina using force lightning or the brief appearance of the Shadow Academy students in NJO... Head over to the EU forum to vent !!!)


I agree that the 'sith wannabee' and 'remnant up to no good' stories have been done to death... And for many reasons I cant see the current game system, including teh q3 engine, fitting into a NJO context, due to the issues about the "Yuuzhan Vong" (The NJO aliens/invaders), and their absence ink the force. Although I would like to see and expansion pack or something, surely the next game in the series(if there is one) will try something different in terms of gameplay and engine utilised . As far as storyline goes, it would be nice to go either post NJO, or even prequel era, but who knows what they'll come up with at Lucasarts !!


As for KURGAN's point :

Oh, and let me say it again, the "Ultimate Star Wars Game" would have the persistent interactive world and customizability of Star Wars Galaxies, the strategic planning of Galactic Battlegrounds, the ground combat of Jedi Academy, the space combat of X-Wing Alliance (with Rebel Strike quality graphics), the story and character depth of Knights of the Old Republic, and the cutscenes of Jedi Knight. ; )


You have just expressed in words every SW/EU gamers wet dream.................drooool :p But as for it happening .....



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Originally posted by Emon

Personally, I don't want to see another sequel. I think LEC should put their time and effort (Raven's, really) into patching this game to perfection. Everyone wants lightsaber combat now, and lightsaber combat means you need dark Jedi, which is starting to wear thin in this era of the EU. I'm sick of seeing dark Jedi and Empire revival stories, they are really wearing thin. If they are going to make another game targeted towards the Jedi Knight fan base, let them do it in the 4,000 years that are wide open before EP4.


Or perhaps a "prequel" of sorts, gameplay similar to JA, ofcourse with the needed improvements, which takes place like say, 100 years before TPM.


Or a more radical approach to a sequel, fast forward 20 to 30 years where we play Kyle & Jan's son/daughter lol, so it would be after the Vong mess too(should LEC decide to take it into concideration, although I hope not) so you can indulge yourself in more traditional Jedi affairs, helping the galaxy rebuild itself and whatnot.

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Yes, shoot it off into the future..


Over the last years, the Sith have learned about the faults they have committed and go into hidding.. After 30 years since any Sith activity, there starts to be odd events that slowly start the whole empire thing again.. You play as a new character from the academy and progress Luke is still around, just old, same with Kyle. Have an indepth story line, and quests you have to do to complete the missions (having an inventory and money would be good).


Just an idea.

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what a great game needs is a good story line

personally i think they should have built the storyline on from outcast but have it so desann actually suceeded in taking over ther jedi academy but a few jedi including kyle escaped sure u kill desann but all his reborn and shadowtroopers would over power all and u would be forced to leave and the remnant have full controll of that whole sector and now 4 reborns came obsesed with the power of the valley of the jedi and became all powerfull even more powerfull than desann was but they then split up and then they wage war against each other causing a massive war the remnant with the original reborn controling most of the galaxy now and then the 4 dark sith lords constantly fighting each other and then u and the academy servivors trying to protect the valley and stop the evil sith

think about it the decisions would be limitless u could ally with the remnant or one of the 4 sith u would constantly be in battle


but i dont like how they have come up with all these new sagas stoping the original ones to extend to something great and they need better storylines the outcast storyline was excellent were every level had its own big part in the story it wasnt just go here cuz we said so

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I dunno if this has been mentioned, but they need a REAL Lightsaber fighting system, not just swinging and have a chance to hit or something, like actual sword play. I want to see it like it is in the movies, how they actually try to block and attack the person, instead of just swinging randomly, blocking by chance and hitting by luck. I mean, it'd be cool to see some of the moves in the movies, but to actually have realistic blocking and countering would be awesome.

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AOTJ_Craig : I love DMC as well ! I often use the Dante skin for MP !



but they need a REAL Lightsaber fighting system, not just swinging and have a chance to hit or something, like actual sword play.


If ever a game gets made like this I'm sure many JO/JA fans would have a hard time playing it...I sure would


I'm sure there'll be a mod out there to make customising saber combat easier, but whichever way you look at it its a computer game, if you want real sword play, it'd be more fun to take up fencing, or ken-do !


I haven't played it yet, but some have said the saber is more 'realistic'(how do you judge this for something that doesnt exist !!!) in KOTOR.....



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The game could use an enhanced morrowind engine









and for good times




thats ahorrible engine , its leaky , its cruddy , its bad all over


if you want a deceant "new engine" go take a look at the farcry engine , its far far far better then the Morrowind one


and guess what it has a in built what you see is what you play editor , ie you can go in to the editor , drop a few trees about , chuck in some enemies , hit play and start playing around those trees and those enemies you just placed

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If your request of number 4 ever happened i'd kill myself. Seeing the introduction of an unknown force would completely destroy of what Star wars is all about. The sith vs the Jedi. But perhaps they could make a storyline where the sith turn on the Imperial Remnant, so then the Jedi's, the Rebels if that is what they are still called, and the Imperial Remnant join forces and kick the siths ass.

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I’ve gone through and read all the post so far and have made a list of the main improvents that have been mentioned. I intend to send this off hopefully to Lucasarts so if there is anything that should be left out or included just say so. :)


(There not in any order)


1. More choices in missions/ Non - linear gameplay – Make more choices that not only affect which side you are on but how the story line turns out.


2. AI – In outcast and Academy, some of the enemies seemed as though they didn’t care if they die. If they see you coming at them, make them scared or angry and smarter. Such as grouping, or hiding.


3. Making the game harder – Limit the amount of weapons at one time. For instance only a lightsaber and two weapons at a time. Also design the game to that the player is against overwhelming odds and the only way to pass is to use force powers to their maximum extent.


4. New storyline – No more Sith trying to get power.


5. New Weapons – Such as guns with metal bullets. Too many of the weapons are similar. Have unique weapons that are useful in different situations.


6. Neutral NCP's: More neutral characters to make environments more realistic. For example have at least 20 people of the screen at a time if in a city.


7. Good game engine: Use a good game engine: A game engine that really brings out atmosphere and life from the diverse Star Wars environment. ( e.g Half life, Doom 3)


8. More character freedom and more interaction with world: In between missions you can go places. Such as going places on a planet, or wondering around the academy, talking to students and doing little side missions for people. E.g a thug needs help with a killing (dark side). And if your saber hits a light post let it fall down.


9. Needs to be longer: In Academy the story seemed abit rushed. So have missions that slowly develop the storyline. Either make levels much larger, or more of them.


10. Option for more violence: In doing so this will make the game seem more real, so that the extent of your actions is visual and affects you. This doesn’t mean that gamers can carve up bodies and make a horror scene of there own, but just to an extent that if gamers want to kill then the full extend of their actions should be realised.


11. Lightsaber realism (better fighting system) : When a saber passes through your gut, you’re dead. In the past game when playing sabers have gone through neck and they still fight on. Once shields are out, you only have your skill left to keep you alive.


12. More enemy variety: I know there are some exceptions but the main enemies in outcast and Academy were dark Jedi, storm troopers and mercenaries. And instead of endless waves of Dark Jedi, what if like in the first Jedi Knight there is only about 7 main Jedi. That way the fights will be more significant. And give certain enemies certain abilities of their own. Such as for aliens, can jump high, or move fast.


13. Movie cut scenes: Jedi Knight was the first to do it. This cinematic feel added more flavour to the game. If characters are a problem (Luke Skywalker) jump ahead 100 year or so in the story line (or back) .


14. New force powers: New force powers that realises empathize which site they are on. For example the light side is about stealth, and not killing. Such as making characters believing you are someone else. The dark side is about getting what you want known. How bout throwing crates and a bunch or vulnerable guards.


15. Improved level design (in the following ways)


- Outcast and Academy had a lot of forgiving level design. Have areas (e.g moving crates in spaceport) where if you stuff up, it’s back to square 1.


- Exploration and Non-Linear level design is important. For example, should you Mind Trick your way past that sentry, kill him, or avoid him altogether and sneak through that vent over there?


- Believable environments – In the levels that you go to most of the time, people have to live and work in these environments. If you see a stack of crates in a warehouse, there should be a reulsor-sled nearby, and an office with a desk and chair for the operations manager. If you enter a dwelling, there should be a furnished living space, kitchens, bedrooms, dining rooms, bathrooms.


-Environments with more interaction – The way you move though an environment should affected it. The Jedi Knight series needs moveable objects - and destructible scenery.


16. More customisation


17. New lightsaber fighting system? – To much button mashing?

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1. Sabers should be changed...


-- They should make a lot more damage... 1-3 hits should

kill depending of the hit location... and it shouldn't matter

how that saber hits... (no matter if you hit with idle saber

or if you slash with it or if you stab with it or if you make

some special move... always as powerfull)


-- Defence should be WAY better... You shouldn't be able

to hit some saber guy just by slashing him randomly...

There shouldn't be a single saber move which can go

>>through<< the defences... They should only be able

to knock the enemy saber away a little bit so that you

could then try to hit with some quick special move...

(but it should be really hard to get the hit...)


-- Projectile blocking should be good but not too good and

if enemy shoots to different places (for example if he shoots

to head and feets then the hit propability should be better

because that saber guy needs to move his saber a lot...)

And when blocking projectiles it should return those shots

to firers direction only Very rarely...


-- Saber effects (blade, blade/trail when moving it, hits...

should be made more like in movies!)

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2. Guns should be changed...


-- Blaster pistol and E11 Rifle should be semiautomatic

(need to release fire button between every shot...) and

they shouldn't have manual charging... (weapons could

charge automatically between shots so if you shoot too

rapidly damage will drop...)


-- They should be pretty accurate but accuracy should be

affected by movements and too rapid firing should quickly

increase the dispercion...


-- E11 Secondary fire should be stunning like in movies...

(it should knock the enemy down for second...)


-- Blasters projectiles should go a lot faster ( > 4x ) and

they should make a lot more damage... (even with that

weak blaster pistol (1) hit to head or (1-2) hits to torso

or (2-3) hits to arms or legs should kill...


-- Blaster shots shouldn't be so effective against shields

(full shields should be able to take about 10 blaster pistol

shots and maybe 6 rifle shots...)

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3. Shields should be changed


-- Shields shouldn't be just some extra health but device

which can be turned On/Off (when Off it should recharge

and when On it should slowly drop... and hits of cource

drop it faster...)


-- There shouldn't shield pickups/powerups... And if the

shield energy drops to zero it should be "destroyed..."

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4. Force powers should be changed


-- Overally all force powers should be made much more

powerfull but the power should be weaker on other force

users and using them should be slower... (for example if

you push someone you have to extend your hand and

keep it like that for 0.5-1 second before you can push...

so pushing someone in the middle of saber duel or when

someone is shooting at you wouldn't be good idea...)


-- Force Drain and Defence should be removed...


-- Grip should be broken in to two powers (Move and Grip)


- Force move should be like grip is now = you aim to the

target, press and hold the button and then move your

mouse to move the target... (But it doesn't grip/damage

the target and it is neutral power...)


- Grip is just Grip... nothing more...


-- Force Rage should be modified so that it doesn't scale

down the damage what you take (it doesn't protect you)

but it do increase your movement and especially attacks

speed and make those attacks stronger...


-- Force lightning should knock down enemies and push

them away making lots of damage... But jedi/sith should

be able to block lightning with saber (Obi EP2) and some

jedi reflect/absorb it (Yoda EP2)


-- Force heal should be always (on all level and in both

SP and MP) like Level1 in SP (= you have to close your

saber and meditate...)


-- High level of Force absorb should be that power what

Yoda used in EP2 (if you are being attacked with lightning

doing nothing will absorb and if you press the force button

it will shoot that lightning back...) Lower levels of the force

absorb shouldn't be able to do that but they should help

you to block other lower force powers (grip, push, pull...)

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i agree with most of these ideas but i say the only problem this game has is it isnt long enough and the levels r too small and the sabers r just out of control

the dual sabers need to be slowed down heeps like how anakin uses them in ep2 and light staff should have the damage lowered down alot since it is hard to block

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Originally posted by AJL

4. Force powers should be changed


-- Overally all force powers should be made much more

powerfull but the power should be weaker on other force

users and using them should be slower... (for example if

you push someone you have to extend your hand and

keep it like that for 0.5-1 second before you can push...

so pushing someone in the middle of saber duel or when

someone is shooting at you wouldn't be good idea...)



the best idea that i read for PUSH and PULL was that in stead of you push in the slit direction and it worked you needed to get your target on the person you need to push and it only effected them. and not the rest of the map that was to close to you.

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i say they need the most work with the city maps such as courscant. Like cant they add buildings with a purpose, not just a maze? I wanna see you go open a door and u see a store, or better bars like in the game. I want to see bars with people drinking not 10 guys with all guns rdy for u to attack them.

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You should chew your words before you spit them out. =p

(and play the game before making your opinion on it and it's developer)



Anyway, Jedi Academy is, in my opinion a brilliant game, I have little to no complaints about it. It goes above and beyond what JO achieved, so for me, I'm one happy camper with this game ^.^ (and no not in the sense that I sit in the same spot for prolonged periods of time in Multiplayer)

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What I think would be cool to see in the next installment is location hit force powers, probably the best title for it anyway. So say you pull someone while targetting their legs rather than their entire body being pulled back you pull their legs out from underneath them tripping them up. Pulling the gun out of the targets, hand coat hanging an opponent by pulling in the neck area or send them flying with the regular blast at the chest.


The same would apply for grip, no longer would you have to grip the opponent by the kneck, maybe you'd just like to grab them by the arm or leg and dangle them in the air like that. Probably not very likely but hey, I think it would be quite cool :D

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the only change I want to see is how the dark and light side of the force work. If you run around killing and destroying everything you see you should fall to the dark side and gain dark side powers. If you don't kill every npc or droid you come across you follow the light side.


Inorder for this to happen the missions must have civilains around. I just want my actions to mean something. In Academy you can do anything you want and still pick you side.

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