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Everything Question Thread


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Here we are, ask all your questions here and we can all answer, that way we dont clutter the forum wiht tons of new threads. and maybe now you will back off Gforce a bit...



Corzip, buddy, why not sticky this

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Sorry I already posted a new thread before I saw this one

But everytime I go to start SWG a white blank window comes up and my comp freezes.

I have directX 9. I have all my vid card Drivers. I turned all the graphics options to low or off. I've been to the ChatHelp, but they aren't helping. It doesn't work if I go to My Comp Files and manualy open Launch.exe. I have turned off all firewalls and A-virus programs. I havn't totaly wiped my whole HD and started over yet, but I would realy like to avoid that, because I just moved into a new place and cant find my Win XP backup Disk.

If anyone else has anymore suggestions, please tell me. Everytime I un-install re-install SWG, the pictures and captions mock and tease me. I have every captioned memorized and I even had a dream last nite about this game. I'm not even into starwars, I just love MMORPGs and this one looks sweet.

I'm desperate... Someone please help. I'll be indebted forever to them. j/k

Anyways, my comp incase your wondering is a last Gen AlienWare, 2.0 Ghz PIV, 512 Ram, 7 gigs free HD space, Geforce 4 4600 128mb vid card

thx for any help you can give

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good plan jo :)

ill sticky it :)


and to answer the first 2 Q's.

@ Esahc: banned? (just guessing :p)

@Havok80: unless there is somebody here who had the exact same problems.... and knows the answer.. i think you would be better off contacting the SWG support mail.. they mail you within a day. I mailed something yesterday and got an answer this morning. sorry i couldnt help more :( good luck





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Well i was wondering if in anyway can u edit your char in SWG, I have this guy i made and i wanted to change his look and name cause the one i have is too long. I would hate to think that in order to do this i have to erase my char on that galaxie and start all over without what i already had it would take me a long time. PLEASE SAY THERE IS A WAY if not i think the dev shoud make a patch that gives u this option cause as far as i know i dont know hence i ask it here:confused: ty for your time:)

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Hey all.


Well i finaly got on SWG last night and took the tutorials. Great thing by the way but during the tutorials i received a phone call and so i missed a few spoken dialogues by the instructor.


Maybe its not needed but is there a way to restart the tutorials?


If its allready asked/posted or its in the manual im sorry i asked :)

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lol well it depends what part you missed :)

cause if you missed bank and tool bars.. you didnt mis anything./.. but cloning is an important part. lets see if i remember this coorectly:









overhead map


training skills

mission terminals

character stats



thats about all the steps there is. so i dont know how you can do it all again.. oh i almost forgot.. you can also get all info with ctrl H... thats the holocron with all info.

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Hi guys,

I've been trying all week to clean the bugs out of my comp to finaly get to play this frig'n game..... but now when I go to register, when I come to the enter your cd key part, I cant find the cd key anywhere on the back of the game. I'm going to take SWG back to the retailer tomorrow but what if it happens again. Did anyone else have this prob, I know I never have had it before.

And Theres nothing obvious I'm missing, I know what a cd key looks like.

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I really dont see many people talking about them and I just made level 4 last night on corbantis. Could someone who has a better knowledge of them give me some hints or direction as to what type or model I should be using. I currently have a dh17 sliced. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks


Graly the Wookie

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thanks wraith and deft for the feedback :cheers:...i was informed of a couple master image designers on my server, and will go under the knife sometime soon i hope. it's pretty ridiculous, im trying to match my face paint with the color of my tactical skinsuit lol. but hey, i find the visual aspect of the game to be as much fun as the game itself. when you get down to it, swg is one big fashion show with a little bit of fighting mixed in :D .


thanks again

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Sorry to go off topic again (I'd like to know too GForce), but can someone please tell me how to insert an image to a post. I see the IMG button in the post reply screen, but I get lost from there. If it helps, I am trying to insert a screenshot I took from the game. Any help with be much appreciated :D .

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this is what you do, find the image you want, now the image is on your computer screen, go to the top of the page and highlite the web address, press copy. go to your thread and right click, press paste where you want your link to be.



hope this helped.



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