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Hunters - Force Bounty


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Arc Tee didn't usually need help bringing in merchandise. But this time things were different. The bounty was big, so he was willing to split it. But who would be crazy enough to take on a Dark Jedi? The Jedi in question was named Kraakan Pooyui and living on Coruscant.

Arc Tee was on Tatooine, sitting in a cantina waiting. He had arranged to meet with someone about helping him with the bounty. He wondered if they would even turn up.

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Selene walked down the cantina's steps slowly, letting her dark pressence seep in. She wore all black, a long black trench coat and tight black leather clothing concealing her body. All of her, exept what skin on her face was not coverd by her shoulder long black hair, was covered in black.


She slid gracefully into the booth with Arc. Across the table from him she looked down at the table for a few seconds, not looking directly at Arc. She was buitiful, no sentient creature could resist stealing at least a glance. Even the hediouse thugs that usually populated the cantina lost notice of their drinks as she had walked past.


After Arc had been given a few moments to stare Selene looked him in the eyes, which were already looking into hers. "Arc Tee," She said, "Tell me about this Kraakan Pooyui."

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Ryan walked into the cantina. He wore camoflauge color jacket, with a white shirt visible under it, and black pants. One of the patrons stood up, and walked over to him.

"Where's my money?" Said the alien

"Oh, let me get it." He said, and walked past him to Arc and Selena.

"Listen, who exactly is Kraakan?"

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"Good afternoon, Arc," says a voice from above. The people currently at the table look up to see a woman in the rafters. There is a hole in the roof just above her and it is clear that she just got here.


"I heard about you a long time ago," she says, "but I just heard about this job and was interested. I thought I'd drop in. Literally."


She takes a seat next to Craig.


"Craig knows me," she continued. "My name's Rebecca Young. I'm an expert assassin, but I guess you already knew that, seeing as I'm fairly well known around here."

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"Yes, I did," Rebecca replied. "That was one big ball of fun. Man I wish we still went around together."


Then her focus snaps back onto Arc.


"So you put out a call for people interested in a mission," she said, all business. "What is this mission?"

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Kuute-Eitur walked into the cantina, ordered a drink and sat in a table where was two aliens dressed in disquise like Kuute-Eitur.


Kuute-Eitur: "So. Whats up? New mission?"

Alien1: "Jeah... Supposed to find this guy named Akra sabakh"

Kuute-Eitur: "Hwo the **** is that? A jedi?"

Alien2: "Hes a Sith... Our mission is to find him and kill him"

Kuute-Eitur: "Woah... Thats goin' to be hard! Just give up. Ill get you back to Coruscant if you like. My A-Wings on repair and im now yousing that... that... whats it called again?"

Alien1: "You mean that Corellian YT-1300 freighter that you buyed last year. Havent you sell it allready?"

Kuute-Eitur: "Umm... No"

Alien2: "But we cant go... We are the guards of this planet. We must report to the high council before we do anything outside this planet... Sorry"

Kuute-Eitur: "No problem guys. Umh... Wow! Is clock that much? I must go now. Bye..."


Kuute-Eitur stands up, walks out and looks around for a moment looking for something.


"I feel... hmm... Here must be a sith close... Wait a min... I saw Bounty hunters and a... hmm..."


Kuute walks back in and sits close to Arc


"Hi. I'm Tepe..."

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Arc looked at the people around him.

"So, everyone is here? Good" he pulled out a mniature holo projector and placed on the table. It displayed a man dressed in black, weilding a red light saber.

"This," he idicated the holo "is Kraakan Pooyui. He is currentyl on Coruscant and is considered extremely dangerous. He has several ex-Imperial commandoes and stormtroopers working for him as bodygaurds" He hoped Rebbeca and co weren't sour about the time he tried to kill Greco (see The Correlian Job)

"He is working on some sort of lightsaber resisting armor for young Jedis to use while training, but this is a cover for his real project. We are being employed by somebody who wishes to remain anonymous for now. The reward will be sizeable even if we split it between us. Who's in?"

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Craig wasn't sour at all, in fact, he completely ignored the fact that the man he was now accepting a job from was someone who had attempted an assassination of Greco.


And, as if Craig read his mind, he smiled and said, "Greco's doing fine, so let's all just forget about that incident shall we?"

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Another Hunter, decked out in full male Mandalor armor, steps in and walks over to the bar, taking a seat next to Arc.


"You're the one who goes by the name Arc Tee, who posted the 'hit', right? My name's Dakken Sahrasyn. I'm an expert Bounty Hunter and professional Jedi. In other words, I'm a Jedi Bounty Hunter. Now, how much are you willing to pay? My services don't come cheap, y'know?"

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"Good" Arc said to Ryan. They were old friends and looked forward to working together again. He turned to this so called Jedi Bounty Hunter.

"The pay will be substantial and will not just be credits. Now, who else is in? We need to leave soon and I have... hired a shuttle big enough to take us. My craft only carries three comfortably."

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Rebecca laughs silently at Arc's comment about his ship.


"That's better than mine," she says. "Mine only fits one and has no real place to sleep. The chair can recline, but I'm usually awake enough for my flights that I don't have to sleep."


"What do you have?" Arc asks. "A fighter?"


"Something like that," Rebecca replies. "Fast little bugger too. My ship is my own. No other ship like it."


She seems proud of that fact. Then she gets back to business.


"I'd rather not be separated from my ship," she says. "I'll follow you."

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"My ship has three lasers and two Simple-fighters."

The simple-fighter is a fighter but not as A-win or X-wing. The simple-fighters are made to look a mini TIE-fighter so the Empire wouldn't blast them so quicly. The simple-fighters are remote control and the control rooms are new and only once used.


"I can take you with me Ryan. Ill get a co-pilot soon. So... Anyone else comin with me? I can carry three more guys"

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"Oh great, so I got to the trouble of stealing a shuttle and then most of you are taking your own ships!" he grinned.

"Ok Selene, in that case we will go in the Second Hunter, my ship" They walked out to the spacepad. Arc and Slene took off first and the other followed.

"Set co-ordinates for 33, 25, 67 and jump to Hyperspace" Arc told the others using his comunication unit.

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Not too long after the crew were in an abandoned warehouse in Lower Coruscant.

"He is staying in the top of the second JQR Tower, to the north of Central Coruscant. They have the whole building but I have a plan. Gather as much weaponry and information as you can and meet back here in two hours" Arc said. He turned and activated a communicator.

"My stuff ready for pickup?" Arc asked.

"Yes sir. The weapons we were holding are cleaned, checked and ready"

"I'm coming to pick them up"

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