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Moving Swoop Steal


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I didn't realize this the first time I played the game but while replaying the swoop level I found a cool move. While bumping against another swoop I pressed foward and left/right direction keys (depending on the side the enemy is)and the space bar. Which made my character jump from my swoop bike wrapping my legs around the enemys neck, tossing him off his bike, with me flipping onto his bike (stealing it from him), and riding off.


Does anyone else know of any other cool swoop bike moves like this?

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Originally posted by TK8252MJL

Aarrggh! I can't do the swoop steal!! Will someone please help me? :(


Yah I've only managed it once so far. It was kinda outta luck too. Try getting into a head-on collison course with another swoop, and at the last second tap jump then quickly point your cursor at the other swoop and press use. May require several tries and some luck.

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Slow down, let a merc come up beside you (when they pull out their blaster to shoot you, you are close). Make sure to get close to them, then push jump and strafe-direction they are, and it will go into Matrix-cinema mode and do the swoop steal.


Not the easiest thing to do, but it is effective when you need it. Like many tricks and such, I've learned just to use it when the opportunity arises, and not try to force it to happen.

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Originally posted by idontlikegeorge

then push jump and strafe-direction they are, and it will go into Matrix-cinema mode and do the swoop steal.

Do you have to press "use" to do it after you've jumped? And does it matter what weapon you have drawn?
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I think you can do that just by pressing the use button, 'cause I rode right next to someone once and that hand picturte showed up.


I just made it to that level the other night and noticed the same thing. But it was so brief, and I wasn't quite sure what to do, I couldn't get anything accomplished.


I'll have to replay it and see if I can do what you guys are talking about.. sounds hilarious.


Mmmm... wonder if that's possible to do in MP? (Siege_Desert)


If not, that should be modded in!

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I didn't have to press the use. If the timing and everything was right, when you strafe-jump off yours it will do the rest by itself - you won't really be in the air, atleast controllably - the nifty timescale shift and animations will play themselves, and you will then take control of the enemy swoop, yours will slow and stop, and said enemy is dead in the dirt in the rear-view mirror!


If the timing wasn't right, then I would have control of my movements in the air after I jumped, and I suppose you can "use" a used swoop and knock a guy off. I've never really tried - if I didn't do it right I'd be too busy looking around to make sure I wasn't run down when I touched ground!

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Yeah I think you can hit the use bottom to make the switch but I find it easier to make a leap of faith and waste him. Some one really needs to work on some swoop bike maps. Possible make a mod for swoop racing multiplayer, some what like pod racing but with the added violence.:D Or swoop demolition derby.


In single player I believe I've spawned a bike on every level just to run over the storm troopers and such.


Oh and one tip. Make sure you have plenty of room to attempt this move. Otherwise you'll steal the swoop just to have it explode into the wall, which can also be entertaining. :rolleyes:

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