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More recognition for Grim Fandango!

Lemon Head

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This is sort of a follow up from the Gamespot topic but i felt it deserved a whole new thread.


Grim Fandago got name 7th in GameSpy's 25 most under-rated games of all time. Check it out here.


Every time I read something about how good GF is it just makes my heart sing. At the moment it's probably my favourite game of any genre.

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So does PC Zone.


Try reading the whole article, it's astonishing how many ace games were completely overlooked. God it makes my blood boil when I think about how immature the whole medium is at the moment.


We've got a long way to go still, but i think games like Grim Fandango are milestones to mark the way.

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Every couple of months, it seems, someone over at the Adventure Gamers forum declares that GF's interface 'sucks' and that 'no one' likes it (the interface, that is). That immediately provokes multiple rebuttles. Then it all dies down until it starts up again with the same players on each side of the fence.

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Originally posted by MeddlingMonk

Every couple of months, it seems, someone over at the Adventure Gamers forum declares that GF's interface 'sucks' and that 'no one' likes it (the interface, that is). That immediately provokes multiple rebuttles. Then it all dies down until it starts up again with the same players on each side of the fence.

Then, quite frankly, i'll have to rate the offending poster's intelligence along side that of...say...an average sized bedside lamp.

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