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JKA: Vehicles WIP - Speeder Bike, STAP & Dewback Pix


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Beta Testing Positions Filled.

(In no particular order)










Check your e-mail addresses. It should be there soon if not now :D


Be certain to read the instructions on usage & testing.

Post all feedback here.


Many thanks :)

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Ok, I had a quick run through. Noticed some things. Here they are:


[*]the model

Looks great. Nice detail and nicely scaled as well. I think it's about twice the height of the player character and that's about right. Haven't seen the movie in a while so I can't really comment about how accurate it is, but from memory it looks dead on. I'll pull out my DVD tommorrow if nessecary to double check.

[*]the skin

Looks amazing. Color looks like it should. Very nice detail and not overly compressed. Wouldn't change anything, but it would be nice if you could get a little glossy effect shader going for it's back and head armor plating. I'll have a look if i can get something like that to work myself.

[*]the animation

This really depends if you're playing MP or SP. As a vehicle I think it work great. Walking animation is good. It doesn't look like it's sliding over the floor, so the speed is just right. There are some seams though, most noticable at the area's where the head meets the neck, mostly under the head. Also a little bit where the neck meets the body. When sitting on it, it looks like it's head might clip the head of the player a little bit.


It might need some more work if you're planning an Sp NPC release though. There are some problems with the bounding box where at one point I couldn't reach the model from the front because it had turned and the box was at an angle. So I couldn't get close enough to hit it. I'll show you a pic of it if you want.


Also the animation for a single player release needs some more work. It's attack doesn't have much reach and overall looks a bit stiff. It's not much of a danger this way. It could use some more attacks as well. Still I'm very impressed that it works at all in SP.

[*]the handling

No problems here. I never used such a smooth vehicle. Did have some trouble staying on it in SP, because Jaden always got off if I didn't immediatly move forward. But I think even some Raven vehicles have that problem.


depends on what you mean with compatibility. I always test with a clean JA install and didn't find any problems. But it might have a problem with other mods, but I can't tell you that.

[*]anything else

Overall a great job. Needs some sound ofcourse, but you know that. Shouldn't be too hard to get some from the movie because that scene is almost completely without music i think. Also apart from some scream sounds also get some sound of it's feet hitting the floor when walking. That would sound cool.


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NOTE: Sorry I couldn't get this up sooner, my sister drug me off to see 'Elf'...LoL. Well, here it goes...keep in mind my total testing time was around a half hour.


1: The model - As far as I can tell, there is nothing wrong with the model...save the head clipping. Your character's head slides right into Acklays. Not right. Might want to make the neck a little longer...


2: The skin looks great. I noticed a slight amount of mising skin right towards the part of the neck where it joins the head. Also, the spikey things on the head could use some more skinning, they look really blockey, and like you just punctured the head. [hey, I had to find SOMTHING to gripe about!]


3: The animation - Looks pretty good. Walking is fun, watching all the legs. Turning, though, they continue to run on the same animation...just slightly unrealilistic. The same pretains to the reverse. Its the same animation, just backwards. This can cause quite the unrealilistic animation skip if you are walking forward and suddenly go backwards.


4: The handling: - It handels pretty well. I would like to see a strafe ['a' and 'd' keys] included...it should be just a little faster, though. The same with reverse.


5: Compatablity - All files were included, and worked equily on single and multiplayer. Good job.


6: Other-Upon running around Acklay, I found that the bounding box is not right at all. You can walk through his feet, and right into his rump! Not cool...lets see...I fired some shots at it, and they were right through. Nothing short of explosives [Dets, Therms, Mines, floor aimed missile launcher, etc] damaged it. Speaking of damage, this thing is WAY to easy to kill. Seriously, give him a little more armor...[.veh file term, not to say Acklay runs around in chain mail] Hmm...I think it would be cool if you could run people over. I mean, you ARE on a giant lizard...as far as the enemy goes, I think it would be nice if there was more then one attack. I love the one you have, though. *gets slammed into ground* Does he it you when he does it? If so, then you need to fix somthing...there is a body when he finishes with you. He seemed a little tougher to kill...maby it was the fact I had to run away with jet-pack flairing. LoL...;)


Over-all: I love it. I can't wait untill the full version comes out...*grins with the thought of a Genosis Arena seige*

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Originally posted by monsoontide

Ah... I always forget someone :(


Lucky I left a position for you eh! :)


Check you inbox in the next 15 OK!


You the man! :)


Will once again be a pleasure to beta test your work, I'll try to make it more prompt this time!

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sp it is hard to stay on the thing, once i hit enter, to mount it, it get right back off, so in order to saty on i need to make it run as soon as i get on....the npc is is not real effectiv in sp, it does look stiff its attack, and has hardly any range on it, it cant kill a stormtrooper, becuase it cant hit it, need to change that. as mentioned above, more atacks would be cool.




nothing really wrong here, wonderful and i got killed by that dang thing amny a times during capture the flag!!! very fun


Over All


Needs a boost on it, secondary fire button, make it run faster for a second or something. the walking animation is tight, really really good, just needs sound, when the feet hit the ground needs to be heard! now the look of the modle, direct hit, looks beautifull, wouldnt change a thing. overall 8/10, a few problems in sp, and no boost, thats about it, loved it and had a hard time finding things bad to say about it

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Good stuff so far - keep it up.

Thanks for the sounds Zappa_0 :D


As always, wil try and integrate as much of this as possible into the final - but keep in mind that there are some extreme limitations on each vehicle class and until RAVEN finally release the source code, not much hope that some of them will happen.


A quick supplemental question - Do you like the current npc attack (where it spears you with its foot) or would you prefer a bite attack (where it would bend down and chomp!)?

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