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JKA: Vehicles WIP - Speeder Bike, STAP & Dewback Pix


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Originally posted by monsoontide

Good stuff so far - keep it up.

Thanks for the sounds Zappa_0 :D


As always, wil try and integrate as much of this as possible into the final - but keep in mind that there are some extreme limitations on each vehicle class and until RAVEN finally release the source code, not much hope that some of them will happen.


A quick supplemental question - Do you like the current npc attack (where it spears you with its foot) or would you prefer a bite attack (where it would bend down and chomp!)?


Yeah, it's a shame the bounding box is so limited. The shape of this model doesn't work very well with the current way of doing that. Maybe that can be changed in some way when the code is released, but I doubt it.


I would also prefer a spear attack, but I'd like it to look a little more like the Rancor attack where it draws back it's entire body and then slashes forward with on of it's claws. Give it plenty of reach so that it can kill like three or four people at the same time. That's gonna be extremely difficult to animate though.

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this was in mp...


- the death animation needs some more weight to it... doesn't look very realistic (something that big is gonna crash, not settle softly).


- could be a little bigger (head clipping issue).


- the npc version grabbed me, bit me, speared me to the ground, and then ate me... not sure what's wrong there. also, i don't think the whole eating idea is that great, either.


- when it got in a fight with the rancor, neither of them could hit the other.


overall, this is a great vehicle/npc. the model and skin themselves were perfect for me, no tweaks needed.

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Done beta testing, here's my response:



the model

I was watching the Arena scene to get a feel for the proportions and i've gotta say this thing is dead-on. Nice detail on the model and the size is about right.

the skin

Great skin. Not sure if you made this from scratch or just molded an image, but nonetheless, it's fantastic work :D

the animation

Hmm, that's what i was thinking at first. The walking animations seem to be fine. The swipe attack, i expected it to be more horizontal and i'm not sure if there could be 2 possible attacks, but a vertical stab would work nicely. I noticed in Episode 2--the Acklay moves around alot. When it's in idle position, perhaps it could move a few of its legs around?

the handling

No problems with the handling; just as good as your other work!


Works in both Single Player, Multiplayer and all the gametypes.

anything else

Of course this thing needs sounds, but I think someone grabbed a few for you...Anyway, walking sounds would be appreciated. This was also mentioned--being eaten by this thing is just..weird..I could expect being perhaps bitten, not sure though. Awesome job overall :D

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No problem Kengo :)


Anyway, here's how things stand on all my Jedi Academy projects!!


However, both Duncan an Keshire are VERY busy with other things at the moment, so progress is slow.


STAP (Released) :bdroid2:

Sith Speeder (Released) :mauls:


Dewback (BETA Finished - Final Changes In Progress)

Naboo N-1 Stafighter (BETA Finished - Final Changes In Progress) :naboo:Acklay (BETA in progress)

Speeder Bike (Model Re-Finished - Waiting on conversion by Duncan_10158 so we can BETA it) :speeder:

Biker Scout Player Model (Keshire is now working on the conversion) :speeder:


Ewok Glider (Model Finished - 95%)

Skiff (Model Finished - Texturing 90%) :fett:

Anakins Airspeeder (Model Finished - Texturing 75%)

Aiwha (Model 90% Finished - Texturing 50%)

Nexu (Model 70% Finsihed - Texturing 10%)


Battle Of Endor Siege Map (Forest 30% Complete - Bunker 60% Complete - SuNburN is working on this section)

Anchorhead Siege Map (Conversion from Jedi Outcast 15% Complete)

Bast Castle Siege Map (Conversion from Jedi Outcast 10% Complete)

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Acklay Beta Test Report - Kengo


1: The model - The model is really wonderfully designed, you seem to me to have the shape of the creature just right. There are, in MP far more than SP, some bounding box problems; the central body is solid enough but you can run through the legs, the tail and the head. These parts also don't seem to stop incoming fire or take damage. In SP the bounding box seems about right, as does the damage.


To me it could perhaps be a *little* larger - see the pic from SW.com Episode 2 above for a scale reference. Certainly, theres not much in it and its hardly a big issue.


As has been mentioned, the players head goes into the creatures a little when sitting on it, and also his saber occasionally will go through a leg. Also, it seems extremely difficult to swing your saber at anything when you are riding the creature, with its size and the height you are at, I just couldn't seem to hit anyone. This sseems rather hard to get around, if the damage from it hitting people was improved, I don't think it would be a problem.


2: The skin - The skin is excellent. Colouration seems accurate and its nicely detailed.


3: The animation - Amazing animating work I have to say. The walking animation is just spot on. The attack animation is good, although the Acklay does seem to try to eat the player - which is maybe a little odd. It still looks rather good, all told.


4: The handling: - Handles well, easy to move and seems about the right speed. I noticed if you ram right into someone, they just block you, but if you kinda brush past them, the edge of the legs touching them, they take damage, sometimes fatal. To me that could do with some tweaking, this thing running at someone would be more deadly.


I couldn't get it to break into a run - this could very well be my game though, I couldn't get the speeders to turbo either...weird. Ignore this if no one else had it!


5: Compatablity - Works in all modes - the bounding box is noticably better in SP.


6: The health as an NPC seems too high for me. Sure its tough, but Obi-Wan still killed it with a few heavy swipes - here it seems to take a MASSIVE amount of damage before keeling over. Not much of a problem with the vehicle versions damage levels though, if anything I might almost say they were a bit low.


Final thoughts: I gotta tell you, I found this thing the scariest of the three creatures in the Geonosis Arena and you have REALLY captured that fear factor for me. Seeing one of these things charging at you really is enough to make anyone think. The model, the skin, the animation - they combine to give this thing the truely creepy nature it has in the films. Throw in some good custom sounds and you have an absolutely stunning creature :)

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Originally posted by Kengo

Very perceptive my friend :)


Beta work on right now!

i quess, but i love that movie, so anything from, it sticks out to me :cool: any way be looking foward to the realese of the n1!!!! good work monsoontide
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Originally posted by imyourfather

Mine was always the snow-speeder, that's why I perfered rogue squadron over battle for naboo...


Every one and his taste ;)

mine is the a-wing, in the tie fighter games that thing was the hardest to shoot down, took years to take one out, they small, they pack a wollup, and cool looken, so i go that out of the imperial/rebel main ships
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