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JKA: Vehicles WIP - Speeder Bike, STAP & Dewback Pix


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Why yes it is. Same one as in my sig. My own personal model that I never released.


And flier looks to be a mix of animal and fighter.




(VH_WALKER), //something you ride inside of, it walks like you, like an AT-ST


(VH_FIGHTER), //something you fly inside of, like an X-Wing or TIE fighter


(VH_SPEEDER), //something you ride on that hovers, like a speeder or swoop


(VH_ANIMAL), //animal you ride on top of that walks, like a tauntaun


(VH_FLIER), //animal you ride on top of that flies, like a giant mynoc?



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i just got it, its 1 am here, am i really tired so i will wait till my eyes are rested after a good mornings sleep to beta test it, so i will get back to you when i wake in, i dont, may wake up at ten. eastern standerd time :o

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ok so I said to myself, what the hell, I just got done with it and if there is HUGE grammar spelling mistakes, it is 1:30 am, so please forgive me but, here it goes {I may copy and past it to Microsoft word for some corrections :p }




As always, great looking model, I love it, in mp it handles like a Jaguar {not that I have ever been in one :p:( } what can I say, it’s just a very very very good model {no I did not just watch police academy :p and yes I did just use another smiley}




1.Cons are, in single player, it maneuvers like a mini cooper on steroids, I touch my mouse and bam, I just did a one eighty! Need to fix it, hard to drive in sp.


2. The guns are week as crap, took me several hits to kill a stormtrooper I spawned in mp, I took him out way faster running him over! Fix that, I want guns that do more than sting my enemy, and fire a might bit faster, they are also slow.


3. the color of the thing is a little off, and ugly, brown is good, but a darker brown would way better, this one looks like I puked on it after taking a spin in sp.


4. clipping problems, I play "Ghost" with it, definitely in the back side, I go right through most of it{why did I put quotes around ghost you ask? your guess is as good as mine :p yes, another smiley!!!!!!!!!!}



Good night, or a, good morning, I am off to count sheep and dream of....naughty things :p

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Ok beta tester -=JotF=- Vinvar reports :)


I only look in MP cause my pc doesn't load SP anymore I will fix that, but you know it...


1. The Model: Looks good no problems with it. I have only the feeling that in the movie the speeder is less long and more high...

The front is very good! Looks great, I was almost flying at all those trees cause I can't take my eyes off :p


2. The Skin: Again, I thought that in the movie he was darker, but it can be my mistake. Also for the back, is that right? I don't know for sure.

Blaster at the bottom looks great, just as the pipes, love them...


3. The animation: ...


4. The handeling: Quit good, but in ROTJ (episode VI) he had to be manoeuvrable. It had very very much trouble to make a corner. And maybe he can go a little bit faster. But that is only is the are enough big maps ;) I think you did that well, for JA it goes fast enough. The hover is quit good, I like that going up and down...


5. The Compatable: Every works, no problems...


6. Anything else: If you sit on it, your feet are not on the pedals, I know it is very hard to make it, but it looks more more real...


7. Sound: could be better, I had the feeling that I was riding on a swoop... I see if I can find some original sounds for you...


I hope you have something with this.... Srry if it is very negative, not mean to, but I write down the realy good things and the just good things are great, so only change (if you can and want) what I just write here.


-=JotF=- Vinvar

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Ok, here's my report. I haven't read any of the other reports, because i don't want to be influenced by them. So if I say something that's already been said, too bad ;).


[*]The model

Looks great, very detailed. Looks like I rememeber it from the movies and from my action figure. It does look a little bulky compared to the other speeder bike models. Perhaps scaling it down 5 % or so would be better. Also, as long as the player position stays the way it is, i would like to the the steering handles reach the players hands.

[*]The Skin

Also very well done. I especially like the detail on the turbine engine when you look under the bike. Looks very nice. I would like to see a white variant Hoth skin though, if that would be possible.

[*]The animation

I would like to see some animation for the brake flaps at the back of the bike, or if they're already there, something more noticable. Make them open/close on the left/right when turning and open them up full blast when boosting.

[*]The handling

The turning is a bit extreme in SP, but I like it. I would like to see it toned down a bit, so I can make some subtler movements. Try something in between what it is now and what the regular speeder bikes have. MP handling is ok.


It crashes my SP game whenever I load a save file with the bike already spawned. Could be a map problem or even a code problem. I spawned it in T2_trip, which is the speeder bike map.


This is another great model and I think if you consider some of the stuff I said it would be perfect.


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