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JKA: Vehicles WIP - Speeder Bike, STAP & Dewback Pix


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Hi Folks,


Pre-Christmas tomfoolery causing a bit of a delay in production.

I think this will be the last vehicle from me as Duncan wants to get on with his own stuff, and I think Keshire is also wanting to move on to other projects - if he ever gets out of the snow!


I may release the other models as md3's for the OJP so if anyone wants to turn them into vehicles they can. We'll see what happens anyway.


Thanks for the feedback on the speeder-bike. If there's any more post it quick!

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you can make a md3 out of it yourself if you want. Monsoontide explained me how to do it, when I asked him for a md3 of the N1 fighter.


You can import the .glm into Milkshape, set up the .qc file so that the textures can be found and then export as md3. It might take few takes to get it right though. I took me a hour or so to completely get a hang of it. Also, you can't use the shader that comes with the vehicle(if there is any), because that's setup for dynamic map models and NPC's. You'll have to set it to vertex lighting if you want to use it as a misc_model. That took me a day to figure out. :D


mmm, now that i look at it, it might be a bit tricky for people who don't have any experience with modeling or shaders.

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I'm back home. Just have some things to catch up on here at work and home. I'll be working on the acklay by the end of the week. I've also started on some saber code changes. Some screens can be seen in the coding forum. (Had to do something while I was outta town.) ;)

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  • 5 weeks later...

OK. Back again! Happy new Year :D


Keshire & Duncan_10158 - Are you still interested in finishing of the Acklay/Bikerscout & Speeder Bike? I'd like to get them out by the end of January.


Also I've been working on a Endor SIEGE map but with Star WArs:Battlefront coming out, I'm wondering if there is any interest from the community in me finishing this. (Will post some WIP pictures of Endor soon.)

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Moonsoontide, head over to the Open Jedi Project forums here at lucasforums. They're working on new vehicle classes (such as a Droideka now) that require custom anims, etc. It may be what you need to get the speeder bike rider to line up with the handlegrips, etc.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm just waiting on Keshire to get some time to do the final fixes (As requested by the Beta testers) and as soon as he's done, I'll put it up on pcgamemods.com and jediknight.net - then it'll go to the open jedi project.


Speeder Bike is in same position.


Both should be out by middle of Feb at latest (fingers crossed!)


I'm currently upgrading my Bast Castle SAGA map to SIEGE and that should also be out end of Feb.


BTW does anyone know if there are glm/xsi/md3 exporters/importers - you know the ones that you need to make the player models that are compatible with 3DS max 6?? I've tried the ones Raven released but it just says they are for an earlier version of 3DS max.



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Duncan_10158 tells me that the Speeder Bike vehicle class won't support the animation everyone had requested (Mainly the flaps at the back and on the handle bars) - since there is only one frame of animation in the class.


Anyway perhaps someone can make an improved vehicle class for the Open Jedi Project.


Soooooo... I will try and get everything done finalized and released tonight (30th Jan). If not then it will be Sunday (1st Feb) as I'm off to Disneyland tomorrow!!! ;D

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Well what kind of word would you like? :)


I've been busy training new employees for the past two weeks and still have one week to go. So I haven't had time to sit down and animate.


Also I added a new bone for the hand tag which controls the grabbing so the animation isn't as jerky as it is. I tried adding bones for the fingers on each leg but there was too much tearing of the mesh.


I was also waiting to see if RenegadeOfPhunk could get the melee attacks working for the vehicles. (He's already done so much with the vehicle code its amazing) Check the droideka in OJP and the upcoming Movie Battles mod. Modelled and animated by Duncan.


But believe me I haven't fallen off the face of the earth.

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Originally posted by monsoontide

I've upped the speeder bike to jediknight.net and jk2files.com - goodness only know how long before they post it though. Tried to up it to pcgamemods.com but it would only transfer 2% then stop - not sure why, I've never had problems with it before. Will try again later.


The server seems really weird today for no apparent reason...comments are all screwed up too. Give it a few hours and hope ;)

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As Keshire suggested I will upload a version 0.9 of the Acklay (1st of Feb) - with a later update if he can implement afore mentioned changes :D


Unforunately pcgamemods.com seems to have suffered a serious setback of some sort - lets hope they get it fixed soon.

As per usual jediknight.net and jk2files.com have lots going on, so don't expect them to post any time soon.

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