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Force Drain


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Force drain was not bad in jk2 because you could still do a multitude of attacks against someone who is 'drain whoring'. You didn't need force to do powerful attacks, not to mention you could alternatly kick them while they run circles around you. In jk3 your not left with many options against someone who sits there and drain whores, especially since drain still doesn't get 'absorbed' when a light sider puts absorb on.


I'm curious as to what other people think and what tactics they use. Or if they agree and think its also overly inbalanced now.

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But seriously, drain is really over-done. I can just bunny hop all over the map, draining a whole duel till either the time limit runs out or the other guy disconnects and I won't be killed. Anyone who doesn't agree with me can take me 1v1.

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Originally posted by Neverhoodian

That's why I prefer Siege mode and no Force duels.;)


It's not a question about what you prefer. The guys who like ff duels and ff gametypes are completely screwed over. (Don't even start saying drain should be disabled)

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In jk3 your not left with many options against someone who sits there and drain whores, especially since drain still doesn't get 'absorbed' when a light sider puts absorb on.


What are you talking about? Unless there's a bug or some messed up cvar, Absorb blocks Drain 100% on Level 3.


Absorb is just a healing power anyway, it doesn't make a Dark Jedi unstoppable.


Light Jedi have heal, and sure it doesn't steal mana from people, but unlike Dark Jedi, Light siders can heal ANYTIME not just when an enemy is within close range to them with mana.


I play Full Force, but I generally play duels less.

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Absorb is easy to wait out in duels, it's useless (in that game type, I know it has it's uses in others).


"hummmm" (absorb sound)


/dark sider runs around



"hummmm" (absorb sound)


/dark sider keeps waiting


Sound goes off


/dark sider drains the hell out of the light sider.





And as for heal, yes it is self reliant but the cost/return is crap.


This was the same for JK2.


50 force for 25 hp at level 3 is absurd when a dark can get 50 hp in 1.5 seconds and deplete his opponent at the same time.


The cost/return is the main reason why decent light siders were rare in the jk2 1.04 duel scene.



If it was something like an even cost and return (at level 3), say 50 gives 50, it would of been on par with drain and you would have seen a hell of a lot more light vs. dark matches in 1.04.

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Originally posted by Kurgan

What are you talking about? Unless there's a bug or some messed up cvar, Absorb blocks Drain 100% on Level 3.


Absorb is just a healing power anyway, it doesn't make a Dark Jedi unstoppable.


Light Jedi have heal, and sure it doesn't steal mana from people, but unlike Dark Jedi, Light siders can heal ANYTIME not just when an enemy is within close range to them with mana.


I play Full Force, but I generally play duels less.


On top of being able to wait it out till the lightsider has his absorb off, you can drain all their force power down in the beginning of the duel when they don't have absorb on, preventing them from using absorb. (due to lack of force) This strategy was also used in JK2 but drain whores were able to be killed due to the lower health return.

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Originally posted by FK | unnamed

Absorb is easy to wait out in duels, it's useless (in that game type, I know it has it's uses in others).


"hummmm" (absorb sound)


/dark sider runs around



"hummmm" (absorb sound)


/dark sider keeps waiting


Sound goes off


/dark sider drains the hell out of the light sider.

A clever light sider would quickly re-activate absorb, or hunt down the dark jedi before it runs out. "Come out and fight like a man!" lol

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"If it was something like an even cost and return (at level 3), say 50 gives 50, it would of been on par with drain and you would have seen a hell of a lot more light vs. dark matches in 1.04."


It was 50 gives 50 at the beginning of JO. I liked it then, it was actually useful but meh. Did the saber damage nerf come before or after the force heal nerf? I think the arguement against 50/50 heal was only strong stance could kill a guy or if you somehow managed to 2-hit him real fast before he could hit his force heal key once.


I do remember light vrs light battles being insanely tedious though.... Then again, force dueling in general I've always found alittle bland :) Ah well, different strokes for different folks.



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Originally posted by Pedro The Hutt

A clever light sider would quickly re-activate absorb, or hunt down the dark jedi before it runs out. "Come out and fight like a man!" lol


Reactivate absorb after it's turned off works but if the drainer uses a strong blast of drain (with all the mana he regained after the long wait) you won't be able to flip absorb back on, and if you did manage to flip it back on before you get drained again, how long can your mana hold out? It's not an endless pool.


About the "hunting the dark jedi before it runs out" bit, that's sorta unrealistic when this "dark jedi" is strafe jumping all over the map. It's not exactly easy to hit someone who's jumping around at high speeds, trying his best to avoid you. "Come out and fight like a man!" isn't exactly realistic with someone who plays smart.


Please learn something about this gametype before you post. Thank you.

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Originally posted by Blankie

"If it was something like an even cost and return (at level 3), say 50 gives 50, it would of been on par with drain and you would have seen a hell of a lot more light vs. dark matches in 1.04."


It was 50 gives 50 at the beginning of JO. I liked it then, it was actually useful but meh. Did the saber damage nerf come before or after the force heal nerf? I think the arguement against 50/50 heal was only strong stance could kill a guy or if you somehow managed to 2-hit him real fast before he could hit his force heal key once.


I do remember light vrs light battles being insanely tedious though.... Then again, force dueling in general I've always found alittle bland :) Ah well, different strokes for different folks.




the saber nerf and the heal nerf came at the same time, 1.03.


drain was waaaaaaaaay too strong in 1.02, the 1.04 version was a perfect match for the 1.02 heal though.


both "only give what they take", hence balance and a good even game.

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