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3 Cheers for new patch


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yeah Im wondering if they will let you have a day extra on the subscription for the servers being down all day. It seriously sucks cause I havent gotten to play all day. Had the game for 4 days and Im already feeling the effects of withdrawl

*starts pacing*

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What is this new patch people are talking about? Also I got this from swgalaxies.net:


Next Month:


-Mounts (six different types including the Dewback and Kaadu)

-Player City code: Voting, Taxation, Militia and City Growth

-New Buildings: City Hall, Player Cantina, Player Hospital, Player Theatre, Player Bank, Player Shuttleport

-New Professions: Politician

-Themepark badges/rewards

-Various bug fixes and profession enhancements


It says Player Cantinas, People already own cantinas/cafe's in their houses, So what does player Cantinas mean?

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means that it will be a cantina, not a persons house, and yes, this sucks, the servers have been down for too long..we should get a treat, if not a free day on our subsription, how about 100k credits for every account

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dude...I have ONE free day this week...and the F* it up today. Of course I'm going to be ticked! -_-


well at least I got to play using my alt for about 20 minutes before they sent a message saying the system was going down again. but my precious Tarquinas has been offline all night :(

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LOL now that would be FUNNY... I would cry for about maybe 3 minutes then get back on and now exactly how to get back to where I was but much faster now that I understand the game and how to go about building my guy. I spent the last 3 months getting where I am now and could do it in a month now probally if I really tryed.

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No i told you that i dont have the computer to play it on, but as soon as i do get the computer i wont ask a lot of questions. I will be playing the game so much there wont be any time to ask questions of the forum. But that dosnt mean I wont:D

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A PATCH or an UPDATE is an automatic download when you launch SWG it checks for new download that SOE has put in effect in the game. So then your game will automatically download the new patch and then load it and away you go. Its to fix bugs, and load new content in the game.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

I just love paying to beta test. Great idea of Sonys this.


Since the update, theres been a host of problems - the worst one being the vendors not working. I lost out on my 2 hours of game time yesterday and cant get my store restocked. This of course in addition to the 2 hours lost due to the update. (4 hours)


Now I leave work early and bang... Loading server.


Do us a favour Sony, close the test centre, reduce the monthly fee and admit it...Galaxies is still in beta and we will all get along nicely ;-)



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This made combat medics LESS powerful no more constant poisoning over and over and over at the rebel outpost. Imps haven't attacked since the patch.


I have to say the patch is freaking awesome, dizzy+kd works on NPCs now and a whole bunch of GCW stuff. Like rebs getting 10% fp increase :D . And of course the new act has a really cool story finally=]. Weeeeeee. Better go back and enjoy it some more.



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