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Total ownage!


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I went to a server about an hour ago, trying to find a few challenges and a few good fights and started winning continually with a single lightsabre. I think this shows that one lightsabre can beat all the rest.


Oh and I beat that all with about 15-25 fps, it was hilarious!












*Crap little picture*



And I am ranked No.36 on their server.



I don't mean to brag but it was hilarious watching all of these people suffer!

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what server is that. being ranked 36 on a new server that has no rep and no dedicated players going to it is nothing.


in that screenie it looked like hardly any of those players had even played yet. the majority of them were 0/0.

besides they all looked like they were new to the game looking at their names.

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Originally posted by FK | unnamed

ehh let the kid thrive in his glory.




good job dude, keep kicking ass and taking names.



Yes, keep up the good work;) Dosn't matter how skilled they were 11 wins 0 losses, way to go!




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Originally posted by Sam

Furgan hahahahaha.








lol cant wait till kurgan sees this.


Yeah I did that name for fun. :D


Those guys look new because when I got about 5 kills, not much people were getting turns, so most of the 7/2 people left near the end really.

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