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KotOR avatars?


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I was just wandering if anyone has some avatars of Star Wars Knights of the Old republic..


If so, could anyone get me a HK-47 avatar? I would post it in the swamp but I don't really go there anymore, taking a break from there.

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Ooh very nice, thank you for that Eets!


My keyboard and computer are having a bit of problems so I can't really do any at the moment, sorry guys..


But I'm getting a new keyboard tomorrow. Helleuja.


When I type in letters a bunch of numbers pops in too! Crazy huh?


Edit : The avatar was around 20.kb so I could not use it, but I managed to get it down to around 6.Kb, pretty good for a meatbag like myself. :)

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Tell me. I'm making some basic KotoR avatars myself, and I can't seem to find this info... And if it's in some of the other forums, my internet connection's gotten a lot worse recently, and I have a difficult time browsing...


What's the maximum pixel size, and what is the file size limit?

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Originally posted by Eets

*has urge to outdo*




Here's one like that I made for myself once :D




:eek: Holy crap thats good! *Drools*


I must be using that avatar now please thank you please yes. :D

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  • 3 weeks later...
Originally posted by Michaelmexp

My keyboard and computer are having a bit of problems so I can't really do any at the moment, sorry guys..


But I'm getting a new keyboard tomorrow. Helleuja.


When I type in letters a bunch of numbers pops in too! Crazy huh?


I had that problem with a laptop. I fixed it by pressing and holding the FN key, then pressing the numlock button. (it was printed on the key in a purple color).

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