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Funniest way you have died


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I was fighting those two reborn right *minor*

before you get into the tomb and fight tavion

. The ones on the narrow bridge over a pit of lava about 50 meters down. I killed the first one with ease; a simple use of force speed annihilated him. I then turned to the staff-wielding reborn, who was going into his kata, and proceeded to kick forward, sending him flying off the bridge. There was one problem. I followed him off the bridge, and the slowmo cutscene showed us both dying with our sabers extinguishing in the exact same motions. You've gotta be careful w/Force Speed on, it's all too easy to go flying off a cliff when you don't mean to.:rolleyes:

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when i first played the game I didn't know the you could force push rockets and stuff. So there I was fighting a reborn on a bridge (can't remember which level) when i decided to pull out my concussion rifle and shoot. Well I was quite close to him, so when he pushed it back at me the shot sent us both flying off to our dooms :D

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I was luek skywalker an i was fiting darf siddeus and darf siddeues gripppered me instead of litening me like the moveys. I was so shocked becuz darf siddeus should litening me like the movey. It was really really funny and it made our game really really silly. But we both laffed and laffed.

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Originally posted by Darf Seddeas

I was luek skywalker an i was fiting darf siddeus and darf siddeues gripppered me instead of litening me like the moveys. I was so shocked becuz darf siddeus should litening me like the movey. It was really really funny and it made our game really really silly. But we both laffed and laffed.

Ummm ... two things:

- Single Player

- English



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OK, this is a very sad exscuse for a story since it happened to someone else, but it's still pretty amusing.


"I once cut off an enemie's hand, so winning the fight, but the hand then flew/fell past me witht the sabre still out, so that it cut off my leg and killed me"


Now just imagine if that had happened whilst fighting desann or tavion or someone? The cut scene would continue with you laying on the floor, dead. hehe


The funniest way that I see most enemies die is with a pit of some sort.

You can kick/force push a dark jedi down but they hang on to the wall of the pit. They'll sit there for a few seconds before making a desperate leap for the other side, but they just end up going lower and lower down into the pit.

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Once I was on the big blue tomb level when I saw a cultist guy and since we were close to a bottomless pit, I thought I'd force push him... But.... As he came, he sliced me with his lightsaber and killed me, but I did force push at the same time! It was pretty funny though. At least I didn't have to listen to him saying something while standing over my body, this was something different! :D

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Last night I was playing through again - first time on my new laptop (Dell Inspiron 5150, GeForce FX graphics) and had a cool death.


I was on the 'merchant rescue' mission, and came out of the ship after grabbing a part, and went to jump over to the engine tube to proceed on safely ... anyway, I jumped right down the throat of the burrower as it came out of the ground ... that gave me a chuckle ...



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The funniest way i died was when i was fighting 3 staff-wielding reborns by a cliff in SP. My back was to the cliff and two of the reborns came either side and bothed kicked at the same time so i went up in the air. The other reborn who was in front of me, kicked me while i was in the air so i went flying into the cliff and died. Now thats what i call teamwork. :)

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Another funny one with my latest Jaden.


Finished the Nar Kreeta misssion, was walking down the tube, and got an email on my Mac as I was holding down the forward key ... the screen was going dark as I walked over the edge and then screamed as I fell to my death ...



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