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Dog close up


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On the back of the MI box, there is a close up picture of a dog (the one in the scumm bar?). I've never seen this in the game, is this only in the EGA version (like Loom, in which there are lots of extra close ups in the EGA version?) ?

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No, it was not in the disk version of SOMI (the one without inventory icons), so I guess it's right that it's not in any versions of SOMI. I think it's a bit strange that they have included a picture on the box not featured in the game, though.

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I've been thinking


'T would be very nice if they would re-release Monkey Island I and II with all of the things they had to take our because of "space." I'm sure most of the deleted scenes are long lost, though.




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Originally posted by Bushmeister

I think that it is just a case that it was in the original SOMI version, but not the revised one with a graphical inventory.


Um, in the Mac version of SMI...with graphical inventory...there's a dog named Spiffy in the Scumm Bar that Guybrush can talk to. Apparently my copy of the game is from the Twilight Zone...:confused:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Actually, I've got the Mac disk version two feet away--there's no closeup of the dog in that version. It's on the box, but not included in the game itself.


I remember thinking that was weird.. since I recall it being in the Atari ST version. Which is probably also just ten years of delusional thinking talking. :D

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