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Too Short :(


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Want to know the irony? This game is actually longer in terms of missions than Outcast. by over 6 missions.


JA: 26 Missions

JO: 20 Missions



JA: 20 Locations

JO: 6 Locations(roughly)


JA: 2000 Combinations by default

JO: One Player (Kyle Katarn)


JA: Choice of Dark Side or Light Side

JO: Beat Desann, kick ass and chew bubblegum.

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I am really disappointed with JA, It took me only three days to complete the game. I even sent the level to the hardest and no cheats.


JO it took me longer and with cheats on to complete the game.


Overall the game is fun, but the missions are way to easy. Unless, I have gotten good a jedi with jedi outcast.....


Lord Draken. :sithm:

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Originally posted by Andy867

Want to know the irony? This game is actually longer in terms of missions than Outcast. by over 6 missions.


JA: 26 Missions

JO: 20 Missions



JA: 20 Locations

JO: 6 Locations(roughly)


JA: 2000 Combinations by default

JO: One Player (Kyle Katarn)


JA: Choice of Dark Side or Light Side

JO: Beat Desann, kick ass and chew bubblegum.


I don't get how that's possible because I remember Jedi Outcast being much longer.


I don't like the ending for the dark side path, because it just leaves off, we should have more levels afterwards.


Maybe I'll make some custom maps that leave off where the dark side path ended! :D

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Originally posted by Chewy289

I don't get how that's possible because I remember Jedi Outcast being much longer.


I don't like the ending for the dark side path, because it just leaves off, we should have more levels afterwards.


Maybe I'll make some custom maps that leave off where the dark side path ended! :D


Thats a great idea :)


I liked the JA levels more than the Outcast ones.. in my opinion they were much better designed and layed out.

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Good golly ... what do you people play?


JO - 20+ hours

JA - 20+ hours


Compared to:

Halo ~10 hours

Elite Force 2 ~11 hours

Elite Force <8 hours

MoHAA ~8 hours

MoH:Spearhead ~3 hours

MoH:Breakthrough ~5 hours

Red Faction 2 ~5 hours

RTCW ~12 hours.

... and so on ...


Of course, compared to

JK1 - 25++ hours

DX - 25++ hours

MotS ~14 hours


It is interesting to note that MoHAA and both of its' expansions combined are just barely longer than the EXPANSION to Jedi Knight ...


I think the thing is that your skills progress in RPG fashion to the point where the levels just flow through ... it makes them seem shorter than they are (and they do take a while - just ask my wife ;) )



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JO probably took me about 25 hours the first time through. JA took me about 20 hours.


Not a great deal of difference there. I think what may be colouring perceptions here is the fact that some of the JA tier missions are really very short - I completed a few of those in about 15 minutes. Other levels, however, are quite long. JO's levels were probably more uniform in size, so you spend roughly the same amount of time in each level. Also, many of the levels 'tied in' to each other, giving it more consistency. So you'd have a few levels on Bespin, a few levels on Yavin, etc., for example. So you spent 'longer' in each locale. Factor in some of JO's puzzles, which took more time to solve, and JO does indeed 'feel' longer than JA.


Anyway, Mike's right. Compared to other games that have been released, Jedi Academy is a decent (average) length for an FPS. It was a relief to spend a good 20 hours playing it over a few days - rather than finish it in one sitting, like I did with the likes of Max Payne, Elite Force and Unreal 2. I would have done the same with MOH:AA too, but I was interrupted by other business two-thirds of the way through. Short games are becoming more prevalent, unfortunately.


So congrats to Raven for delivering a game of decent length.

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Very good points StormHammer. I think uniformity is definitely one thing that makes JO seem longer (though I never thought JO was longer, about the same IMO). There are two things I think about:

- JA has a couple of very short missions, basically failed missions T1L4 and T2L2, I think. But it also has levels that seem to go on forever ... that gave me that Jedi Knight 'physically exhausted' feeling from just playing and playing and getting no 'end of level' relief.

- The first 5 levels of Jedi Outcast felt very long - at the time, the Dark Foces homage, the very 'well done' stormtrooper and imperial officer AI, the decently long levels, the 'accuracy' of the E11, and the overall difficulty of the levels made them last for hours and seem very long. (They still play long on replay, unlike things like the 'stealth' level). Add on the fact that the first lightsaber level was full of snipers and TD-tossers .. and the point until you became powerful was very long.


Something else that might make JA seem shorter is that it seems 'familiar' - whereas JO gave us an 'all-new' feel, new lightsaber techniques, and so on. JA is evolutionary - but I don't see that as a bad thing.


Another thought I had was about reviews and game length. I would like to think that reviewers could pick a 'decent' game length, say 12 hours, and penalize scores for games that are too short, and reward games (but less) for being longer. The problem is, games would be made artificially long (like Halo being stretched from ~6 to ~10 hours by adding replicated areas within levels) without adding to gameplay just for the sake of score. It is just a shame that so many FPS are so short now ... but then people play NWN and complain about its' 60 or so hours as short for an RPG ...


And I had forgotten about Unreal II and Max Payne ...



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I admitedly felt some pangings, especially with the dark side ending, I was thinking "Yeah and what happens next !!!"


But this was probably intentional on Ravens part. The reason JO got away with having fewer locations was because of the emphasis on puzzles and strategy some levels had. At times I would just stand there and say 'huh!', go take a peep at a walkthrough and come back. Some levels were an ordeal, just were glad they were over. Most JA levels were moreso pure action and fun, the only two that annoy me are the fett and 'find the parts' ones. The rest are great, Hoth with its tauntaun - a SW fans dream, as with the swoop level....


Can't wait till someone makes and 'Endor speederbike chase' Map/Mod !


One thing that JA has easily over JO is REPLAYABILITY. I just have played some levels over and over again. This did *not* happen after JO, as much as I loved it !



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