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Guybrush Should die in Mi5


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MI5 will be the last game if it is produced. Pirate culture was eventually stopped and ended. At the end the caribbean should be depiratized and Guybrush should get tried for his actions and get sentences to death. At the end as ghost he shatters LeChucks any remaining lifeforce preventing him from harassing Elaine and maybe his children. They should make the game extremely long with about 7 parts.

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I wouldn't be opposed to the end of pirate culture if MI5 was the last game...since it really did happen and there's quite a bit of historical notes to draw from. (I also considered writing a fanfic like that too, heh.)


But now I've really got to ask...what is it with everyone and wanting to kill Guybrush off? Is it revenge for a particularly hard puzzle, what?

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Originally posted by TyraaRane

You know, I don't think he'd like that.


LeChuck has gotten recycled too many times.


I want a longer game too, but come on...

Why would you want guybrush to die in the end?!

It would be a "tres mal"...a big let down.

It would be just like

in CowboyBeBop when Spike dies in the end! I mean, that p*ssed me OFF!


dare to read the spoiler?

But don't kill me if you're a fan!

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Actually, the story should be as follows:


In MI5 it starts out that Elaine wants a divorce. Guybrush willingly agrees. Then, he meets this woman called Toyota Benz. Anyways, she's looking for a pirate that can escort her across the carribean, but runs off without him. He goes after her. First he goes to this seaside town and starts up a gambling joint. Then he gets a boat and sets sail, but drowns. In drowning, he has a near death experience and has to solve a puzzle with a crane and some screaming children. Then, in a bizarre twist, he comes back to life on the very island she wanted to travel to. Er, Monkey Island. Then he accidently falls off a cliff and lands back in the seaside town. Then he solves some more puzzles, but just as he nearly safely escorts Toyota all the way, he is betrayed by one of the main characters and shot. He lies bleeding, dying slowly. But then he gets up, shoots a water tap and locks the door of house in which the bad guy resides, drowning him slowly. The bad guy is LeChuck. Then there should be some music, and some setence full of moral jargon. It will be called The Grim Curse of Monkey Island, or GMI for short. A lot of aztec inspired artwork would be nice.


Oh gosh, guys... imagine... just IMAGINE, if you will, for one second... if Tim Schafer made MI5.


Mmmm, Ice Cream with Chocolate Sauceeeeee.

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Er. Yufster, I think it's about time you cut back on your caffiene intake...


And you know, while considering the "depiratizing" topic, I thought of something -- that wouldn't work for MI5. Because wasn't the plot of depiratizing the Caribbean technically already used in MI4? It's a good idea, I like it, but it'd come out as a rehash of EMI.


Hm. Maybe for MI6...;)

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Whatever gave you that idea, Orca? :D


I love all people. But I love all people the same way I love animals. I love special people the way I like Fine Wine and Icecreammmm with chocolate sauceeeeeeee.








MI was dead a long time ago. And not dead in a good way, like Grim Fandango-type dead. I'm talking old and wrinkled dead. It should have been left at MI3. Now they're ruining it by dragging it out like an old piece of rubber. They should come up with new ideas instead of pimping their old ones. Except Sam and Max - THIS, I'm looking forward too. About time it had a sequel.

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Originally posted by Guybrush91789

MI5 will be the last game if it is produced. Pirate culture was eventually stopped and ended. At the end the caribbean should be depiratized and Guybrush should get tried for his actions and get sentences to death. At the end as ghost he shatters LeChucks any remaining lifeforce preventing him from harassing Elaine and maybe his children. They should make the game extremely long with about 7 parts.


HEY that make Monkey Island sad story :( you may say guybrash lost in the sea at the end or something like that , NOT DEAD !


Also I am very agree on making the game long .. ofcouse no monkey kombat in any part !

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Originally posted by Guybrush91789

MI5 will be the last game if it is produced. Pirate culture was eventually stopped and ended. At the end the caribbean should be depiratized and Guybrush should get tried for his actions and get sentences to death. At the end as ghost he shatters LeChucks any remaining lifeforce preventing him from harassing Elaine and maybe his children. They should make the game extremely long with about 7 parts.


Well maybe he should be sent to jail for life. He has done enough illegal stuff to get that sentence. Luckily, in EMI they didn't do a background check otherwise Elaine would be waiting for him for a long², long², long², long², long², long², long², long²... long², long², long², long², long², long², long², long².... long², long², long², long², long², long², long², long²...long², long², long², long², long², long², long², long²... time

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oh cmon. didnt guybrush die enough times in MI3?


the marriage of elaine and guybrush is the worst thing thats happened to the Monkey Island series. MI5 needs to have a less cartoonish appearance. the aesthetics in MI4 just sucked. (esp. those horrible StarBuccaneers like shops)


MI3 was alot better but still much worse than 1 & 2

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Originally posted by Captain_Izzi

No! If mi5 if the last one I might have to make my own version of mi6! mi is my life, dammit! Maybe it won't be the last one *prays* cos that wud suck. There should be as many as poss, til ppl get bored/ die,


Yeah i reckon they should make as many as possible, just look at the final fantasy series there is 12 i think they should at least go to 7.

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In Lucasarts Puzzle Adventures, the characters dont die. Well, Die-die anyway. That's what makes them fun. Any situation you get yourself into, you can get out of it. Killing Guybrush would be the lamest thing they could possibly do to the series. That and stopping at MI5. There is much story to be had deep within the carribean...


Yufster ain't the only one that loves Schafer. Nobody else should make monkey island 5 apart from Tim or Big Ronnie himself....

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If Guybrush survives MI5 then theres otential for more sequels, but I would like to see Guybrush die.

I love him, he's my hero, idol and role model, but thats why. I want to know his whole story and not be left with a loose end.

We already have enough confusion with how he ended up washing up on Melee all those years ago.

We should find that out too as it goes.

I would say we should find out The Secret of Monkey Island, but only Ron Gilbert knows the truth and hes not working on the games any more.

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