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Now this is just Plain Wierd !! *spoilers?*


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I was on the Kor2 level, whipping Reborn butt with a Bryar Blaster Pistol yeah, a blaster wielding Jedi :D:p


Anyway, i walked into the final room with the pistol still in my hand and after the cutscene this happened.....


Bryar Blaster Pistol Lightsaber


Normally when going into that room you'd have your Lightsaber on, and then after the Cutscene you have your sabers on, but i went in with the pistol and that happened.....Wierd...:p

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I always get this on the swoop level, where I enable dual desann's sabers. Jaden holds one and the other sometimes seem to be protruding from her head....sometimes the angle is just right and it looks like she is shooting death rays from her eyes, old school super hero style....


I cant post some screenies I have(dammit) so you're just gonna have to take my work for it !




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there are so many scripted things that envolve cut-scenes, such as, at the end of the swooper level, i was not on a swooper, but when the cut-scene started, i was... amazing







P.s. whats so great about the bryar pisto; anyways, ive never tryed it

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