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Cool cheats i found out *SPOILERS*


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i hope nobody gets mad, but heres a list of the cheats i found out


well, today, i was beating the game with boba fett, and.... I died!

on the sand creature level, because my jetpack didn't work the first time... so, i went into some experimenting and went to insurance depot to get some jetpack insurance:


bind key "+moveup; +moveup; wait 2; -forward; +moveup; wait 10; -moveup; wait 1"


just press it once and it should get you up and on your way, although, it doesn't work all the time, it depends on the circumstances, sometimes it just jumps twice and wastes time but it doesn't do it often (only when you really need it ), oh well, no insurance company is perfect



one sort of new model i found out



Tavion possesed by the ghost of ragnos: playermodel tavion_new model_possessed model_possessed model_possessed







how to do saber barrier with saberstaff


start with dual sabers,


bind key "+attack; +altattack; wait 10; saber_# (1-5); sabercolor color color; -altattack; -attack"





Try playing as headless jaden.



playermodel jedi_hm head_c1 torso_g1 model_default for Human Male


playermodel jedi_hf head_c1 torso_g1 model_default for Human Female


playermodel jedi_rm head_c1 torso_g1 model_default for Rodian Male


playermodel jedi_zf head_c1 torso_g1 model_default for Zabrak Female


playermodel jedi_zf head_c1 torso_d1 model_default for Zabrak Female 2


playermodel jedi_kdm head_c1 torso_c1 model_default for Kel Dor Male


playermodel jedi_tf head_b1 torso_g1 model_default for Twi'lek Female


Bugs: No pants textures, for Kel Dor Male there is no neck cap so its invisible, various crashes when loading a level






how to throw a saber staff without mods or changing files, its quite simple actually:


bind key "saberattackcycle; +altattack; wait 2; -altattack; saber dual_5; sabercolor 1 color color"


bugs: saber will be turning on when you first throw it so it will make the "saber on" sound and be half size for a split second.

nothing too horrible

[EDIT] there are 2 known models that, for some wierd reason, don't work with this:



kyle_boss and Chewie






how to set mini or big model:


playermodel jawa/desann


Playermodel model Model_default Model_default Model_default



playermodel model model_default model_default Model_default


doing this overwrites playermodel player and puts your selected model in the cut-scenes

and you can set the colors of the MP models in SP simply by saying Model_red or Model_blue (e.g. playermodel model model_red model_red model_red)





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Nice work, although some aren't exactly new.


I especially like the headless Jaden idea. :)


On a side note, I hate geocities. I saw ONE screenshot, then the rest were lost to me because the stupid bandwidth cap. Seriously, people should altogether STOP using geocities and yahoo crap, then maybe they'd be forced to make their services non-****ty!


:swear: /rant

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although some aren't exactly new.


whitch ones? if your talking about the "mini/big" model one, i came up with that :) someonelse came up with the concept and the jaden vertion but i came up with the npc model vertion (witch helps)

[EDIT] oh, ok, the glowing one... hmm strange i didn't see that there are two ways to get it


Why doesn't the staff barrier and the staff throw work for me?


let me give you some examples:


saber barrier: what i do, open console, Bind pgup "+attack; +altattack; wait 10; saber_5; sabercolor green green; -altattack; -attack" include the quotations and the semicolons and the pluses and the minuses, heck just copy it if you can, make shure you start with dual sabers for the barrier, but for the throw you can start with staff, of any saber, it just switches to staff if you start with any other saber type, but with the barrier make shure you start with dual sabers.


saber throw: again, exactly like this (exept for the key, colors, and staff hilt numbers) bind home "saberattackcycle; +altattack; wait 2; -altattack; saber dual_5; sabercolor 1 green green" include quotations semicolons pluses minuses and waits, this is one of my favorite tricks, it does some damage, the only thing is is that you can't hold it down, so it won't stay there for hours but it stays in the air for long enough


once again this is not a mod, i don't like mods, or changing files, its a pain in the :swear:

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hey, and i figured out how to play as boba fett without the jetpack a while back but never posted it because, well, why would you wan't to do that?:p


playermodel boba_fett Model_no_jetpack Model_no_jetpack Model_no_jetpack

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ig64 said

and credit to astrotoy7 for the mini jaden thing and for the idea to build on it


Thanks man ! How kind !


wow. ig64 = The cheat master!

Yeah, I agree ! You have come up with some cool stuff man...


ig64 - any relation to ig88(the most evil robot in the galaxy!) ??



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ig64 - any relation to ig88(the most evil robot in the galaxy!) ??


of course, Mr. Game and Watch (the avatar) who has an infanate amount of midi-chlorians owns a driod that he transferred some of his force powers to, allowing it to use the force, the driod: an ig assassin driod, IG-64.


anyways, i'm not shure if anyone has seen this before but i found out how to get saber daggers:


saber empty empty



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i have to excuse myself in advance for bragging, but, I AM THE CHEAT MASTER!!!.


ok, so i ws playing the first few levels, and the cut-scene with the academy started after i beat the first few levels, and, i thought to myself "iv'e seen this cut-scene too many times"...


then something hit me, quickly i opened up the console and typed cam_disable and the cinema bars dissapeard and i appeared in the room. i felt like scrooge, i was watching myself talk to luke and kyle like i wasn't there. then, i went a step further and killed a few people, then typed npc kill all and everyone fell over dead... then the room was empty... its all mine! so i decided to explrore and turned on no-clip mode. wow i never noticed how tall that room was, its huge! this works on any cut-scene so explore, you never know what you'll find. yay, now i have massassi temple at my grasp! im sorry i can't provide screenshots right now, geocities won't work so you'll just have to go try it...

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Originally posted by Astrotoy7

OK, just admit it man ! Your older brother works for Raven or somethin.................what hacking program are you using ??




nope, man, im just a nomal guy who has nothing to do :D

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ok, i found out something to do, set a det pack on the ground, then, get away from the det pack open the console and type [EDIT] g_knockback 3000 [EDIT] setforceall 9 then type d_npcfreeze 1 and bind an npc to a key, then close the console, and press your npc spawn key a bunch of times, then mind trick each of your npcs and walk them over to the det pack you layed earlier, once youve done that type timescale 0.3 or timescale 0.5, get back, bind a key to screenshot activate the det pack and... BOOM!, then take a screenshot and, if you want, send it in :D


it will look somewhat like this: Screenshot


It reminds me of matrix reloaded :D


try to experiment and use noclip mode to get a better view, have fun :thumbsup:


[EDIT] oh, yea! the most important part. before you do anything turn on g_knockback 3000

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Originally posted by Syzerian

i have a question oh cheating master

if i change my player model it always goes to default in cutscenes is it possible to have ur cheated model in cutscenes?



Originally posted by me above

playermodel model model_default model_default Model_default


doing this overwrites playermodel player and puts your selected model in the cut-scenes

and you can set the colors of the MP models in SP simply by saying Model_red or Model_blue (e.g. playermodel model model_red model_red model_red)


patience and reading will get you many good things;)

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