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Opinions on Jedi Outcast...


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Jedi Outcast is an awesome game, dont get me wrong, but after playing it so much its starting to get boring. I really hate the levels where you dont have a lightsaber. It sucks, its a lot harder. They should have shortened the first part of the game where you have to run around without a lightsaber. It seems like when you do get the saber, finally, the game is over too quickly. I find myself saving games where I am about to fight a ton of reborn troops and shadowtroopers just to keep it interesting. In the end, those are the really fun parts, and they are too few. They need more levels like the very last level on Yavin where you are fighting like 6 reborn at a time. The AI also sucks, they need very fast and very smart reborn troops. They are kind of slow and dont put up much of a fight.


I have downloaded a buch of mods to keep the game interesting too. My favorites are:


Prequel lightsaber sounds

Original trilogy saber sounds

Original trilogy weapon sounds like the blaster

Original trilogy Imperial Officer mod


Thats about it, thanks for hearing my ramble.



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JO was, is an awesome game.


and its even better having a lightsaber all the way though.

thats why whenever i play it i always use the 'give all' & 'setforceall 999' codes. so you can have a saber though it all and full force powers. :)

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Jedi Outcast is the BEST game in a long long time, I loved it, loved it so much I completed it tons of times on Jedi Knight and even Jedi Master :D


I enjoyed playing without a light saber for the first missions, makes you use the weapons or raven would of spent a waste of time on them, Reborns are no match for me. I saved games just before certain fights like when u fight ur first reborn, tavion, desann, etc so I can replay them over and over again.


Must admit I did have a challenge killing Tavion, she was more of a challenge than Desann since I didn't have fast style or strong style, just plain old yellow.

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What's the Ladder level?


JO is really an awesome game. I think it is my fav game. I only have a 32MB video card so I have to play it at 640Xwhatever resolution but I still think its awesome.


I just wish there were a level where you fight like, 50 stortroopers at a time. Or 50 jedi fight 50 reborn, that would be fun as hell.


I know this is a JO forum but I guess that Jedi Academy lets you fight a lot more lightsaber duels. Who has played that and can vouch for that? All the reviews I have read say that its cool but too easy. But they also say that the lightsaber and force powers really kick ass. Who here has played it?

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Originally posted by IG88'seyeball

I know this is a JO forum but I guess that Jedi Academy lets you fight a lot more lightsaber duels. Who has played that and can vouch for that? All the reviews I have read say that its cool but too easy. But they also say that the lightsaber and force powers really kick ass. Who here has played it?

There are a fair bit more lightsaber fights, IIRC. I'd say the lightsaber enemies are just as challenging as the JO versions, if no more difficult. As for JA being easier than JO, this is probably true. But this comes from the fact that there are very few jumping puzzles and things of that sort, and the individual missions are fairly straightforward (but still a lot of fun). The levels are less frustrating, let's say.
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Originally posted by Kurgan

The SP campaign in JK2 is great, but it takes a few levels to get into it really, the storyline and characters are deeper, but it takes some frustration to get through it all compared to JA.





That was great :)


That's because JA is just shoot-and-run!

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YA ACTION!!!!!!! THere's a lot of times where you just run around looking for the next exit in JO, pretty annoying. I NEVER use walkthroughs and JO actually made me take a walk through :eek: But the MP on JO has kept me litterally playing it for 2 1/2 years strait :D so I guess the SP sucks and the MP owns. Don't have JA yet though. How is the SP and MP on that?

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