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Would this video card run JA well? (ATI All-In-Wonder RADEON 9600 PRO 128MB)


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Would a ATI All-In-Wonder RADEON 9600 PRO 128MB DDR 8X AGP run Jedi Academy at a decent Frames Per Second?


I don't know jack about graphics cards but I'll be getting a new one in 2 months and I was wondering if you lot had any suggestions for one.


I want it to be under 300 pound and run new modern games good. So can anyone help?

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Originally posted by Prime

IIRC people were having problems with ATI cards and JA. You might want to look in the bug thread or troubleshooting forum to see what they have to say...


But Raven are releasing a patch soon to [hopefully] get rid of those problems, and I won't be getting a graphics card till December time so a patch should be out by then.

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Umm... from the reports, it appears to be more of an ATI issue than Raven's. So be sure to check the ATI website as well for any update releases that address the JA retail issue. ATI is notorious for having problems running certain games when they release a new card technology, such as the 9600+ cards. To their credit though, they also have an excellent track record for releasing updated drivers that address those problems in a timely manner. We shall see...


Point being, check the ATI site as well.

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Well...I had a lot of problems with my Radeon 9700 Pro card...I had to use the 3.4 Catalyst drivers to get stability in the majority of games..and even then, NOLF1, NOLF2, Contract JACK, Arx Fatalis, Gothic, and Severance: Blade Of Darkness all had serious graphical problems, or would not run at all.


So I bit the bullet and stumped up the cash for a GeForce FX5900 256Mb (non-Ultra), and it runs all of the above mentioned games perfectly - using the 45.23 drivers.


I'll never buy another ATI card. My old Radeon might have offered slightly better performance (frame-rates) in some games, but the GeForce card is a lot more stable and I've yet to see a graphical glitch with it.


The GeForce FX5900 cost me £275 (incl. VAT) from overclockers.co.uk

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