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I'm not sure I remember, but I'll give it a shot :D


It was based off Star Wars Rebellion actually, a dumbed down version of it. Our board had planets, linked together by travel routes, and every player (up to four I think) had a starting shipyard that gave you ships at every turn. Each player had to pick from four characters... I think we had Luke, Ackbar, Vader and the Emperor. Luke and Vader had smaller starfighter-like ships and Ackbar and Palpy had bigger, more powerful ones. So obviously, Luke and Vader's shipyards produced a lot more ships per turn than Ackbar and Palpy's.


Some planets had idle shipyards that could be captured by any player in order to get more ships per turn. Movement was done with a roll of the dice (and I believe Luke and Vader could roll two dices because their ships are faster).


When two players meet on the same planet, a fight is initiated. Each player's ships had different stats for attack, defense, and movement. Let's say ackbar's attack was 4 and palpy's defense was 3. Ackbar rolls four dices and Palpy rolls three. Add up what they rolled and it's basically (Ackbar's total)-(Palpy's total) = number of ships that Palpy loses. Then it's Palpy's turn to attack and Ackbar to fend off according to their attack and defense stats respectively. The combat goes on until one said is totally obliterated. Oh and the side that initiates the first attack is the one that moved on the already-garrisoned planet.


Planets are conquered by simply moving over them (and destroying any opposing ships stationned on it if the case may be) and keeping at least one ship stationned there. The player who has taken hold of 50% of the planets on the board wins the game.


What else, what else... more about movement; let's say that Ackbar has 3 fleets stationned on different planets. His movement stat is 2. He rolls two dices and gets a three. He can decide to make one fleet travel through three travel routes, or he can take three fleets and move them through one travel routes each, or any combination; you get the idea. You can split your fleets as will. For example, if you have 40 ships on Bakura, you can decide to move only half the fleet (20 ships). It is important to note that all the ships produced by the shipyards are "spawned" on the planet holding the shipyard at the beginning of each player turn.


About the board layout: I don't remember how many planets we put in there, but there were quite a few, since movement tends to be rather fast (and controlling planets is the point of the game). Each player had its starting shipyard on a corner of the rectangular board. The travel routes were not symetric; it is up to you to arrange them in a balanced fashion. For example, maybe the travel routes near Luke's shipyard should be more limited because he can move a lot faster.


I think that's it... if you have any questions, go ahead and ask. I don't remember how we called it... but it was fun to do! In fact, I'm thinking of programming it in java. It'd be fun to play with friends online!


I hope that helps ^_^


EDIT: OMG I just found our old board in my closet. I will reproduce it on Photoshop tomorrow and post it here! I lost the stats though... I'll try to remember them tomorrow too. Check back later!

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Secondary 3...what the ? Just different terms I guess.


I had to do a project like this in one of my history classes. It had to be a board game that covered certain content (I think it was the final exam study material that we covered). I just took a Wheel of Fortune board game we had at home and made new answers. Not the most fun project I've done, but it wasn't too painful.

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Ah! That reminds me of a project we had in Secondary 2...


We had to build up a smaller version of a monument or something like that (the pyramids, the Apollo project etc.) or a historical event (British vs French in Quebec, some WW2 stuff).


I was given the ultra-boring St-Lawrence River as a subject...


Of course creating a game is a lot more interesting...

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"Wheel of Morality turn, turn, turn. Tell us the lesson that we should learn."


Simple concept makes for a fun game... that is if you are truly old-school anyways. You're idea kinda sounds like a Star Wars Risk, only so much better Sherack. ^_^


I remember I had to use salt-clay to make a scale model of Thebes once. But that was a long time ago and I burned the thing right afterward. :D

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Originally posted by Sherack Nhar

I've watched like one episode of the Animaniacs... they suck in french :-/


Animaniacs rule in ANY language!


*runs off crying with long-old Animaniacs merchandise*

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Originally posted by darthfergie

If the Mario Movie is good in French and Animaniacs are sucky in French...wow...a very scary world this is...


It makes sense, you know. It's all about the quality of the dub compared to the original. If the original is crap, the dub is gonna sound much better. If the original is great, then no dub will ever beat the real thing.
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