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Happy Halloween Everybody!!!

Darth Groovy

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The best part about Halloween is you can do whatever you want within the realm of the law. No fuss with having to buy presents, sending cards, making special family arangements. Everything is optional. If your trick-or-treating, be sure to stay well visible, do not talk to strangers, travel in groups of 2 or more. Always check your candy before consumption, and remember to have fun at the dentist next week





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happy halloween too darthyboy..





but i'm just here to mention here in berlin there is no OFFICIAL halloween holiday. but 50 km next to us, just on the other side of the "federal state border" there is halloween a holiday. :( nearly everywhere in germany today is free only not berlin and some other states which i cant remember now...


NON NATIONWIDE HOLIDAYS prrrfffffffffft! :mad:





on the other hand..




(gimme all your candy coz as you see my (water)gun is handy..)


*nods and wets everyone around this place*





lose all your virtual candy at ..




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Right now, I am in a study, on a crap computer, as Jack Skellington, typing in skeleton gloves



rox my skeleton covered socks


Happy Halloween, everyone!


PS i not total nerd...I'm being a SEXY vampire tonight at my friend "Freak's" party. SEXXXX-Y! :brow:

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Originally posted by RayJones

happy halloween too darthyboy..





but i'm just here to mention here in berlin there is no OFFICIAL halloween holiday. but 50 km next to us, just on the other side of the "federal state border" there is halloween a holiday. :( nearly everywhere in germany today is free only not berlin and some other states which i cant remember now...


NON NATIONWIDE HOLIDAYS prrrfffffffffft! :mad:


oh what nice holidays here in Baden-Württemberg!:p


sleeping long, going to bed late....i love holidays! i don't care for Halloween (it's american not german, we have other rites) but the holidays are nice...

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Originally posted by C Shutt

We don't? Since when?


Uh oh. Someone's been celebrating the wrong holidays. Now some special government group is gonna be coming after you.

My tips for running from them:

-Dress up as some kind of monster or something. They won't ever suspect it's you. They'll just think it's a monster.

-Go door to door with a bag. When they answer the door, say "Trick or treat." This is code for "Let me hide in your home." They'll all understand what you're saying. Some will let you in, some will just give you food for your journey. Sweet food.

-If you see large groups of kids, stay away from them. They're probably with the government, and won't hesitate to spray you with silly string. Watch out.


There are your tips. Follow those, and you'll be sure not to run into the holiday police.

Oh, my obvious sense of humor isn't going to last long here, is it? It's likely to be torn to shreds by your random humor before long. Oh well. I'm enjoying myself.

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I'm enjoying you too, but that's because I'm trying to suck your bone marrow out through a straw I inserted into a hole I drilled in your leg after spiking your coffee with leg numbing fluid.


Nothing personal, it's just the halloween talking.


And you have excellent bone marrow.

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In here what the Americans call "Halloween" is still a religious fest. All Saint's Day in english or something like that (just guessing). Involves going to church and stuff. It is a day off from me, but for other reasons (=school. We get a 3 days vacation at the end of October). I'm actually happy that we don't celebrate Halloween. It's just another over-commercialized vacation anyways.

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Originally posted by C Shutt

We don't? Since when?


It's never been a big deal in Australia. Are you blind? Obviously. How many kids actually go to your door trick or treating, or dress up in costume. How many places sell Halloween type novelties. How many houses have the funky pumpkins with the candles in them? We're aware of it, we know it's Halloween but we don't do much about it.


Next you'll be saying we celebrate Thanksgiving as well :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by Natty


Next you'll be saying we celebrate Thanksgiving as well :rolleyes:


*Rings the bell and watches Natty and C Shutt go back to their corners as people clean their wounds, while the managers pump them up for the next round.*




You won't see me saying much about Thanksgiving anyway. Not that I am not thankfull, I just hate all the family stress it entails, plust it is usually a cold day, and I hate the cold. Best part of Thanksgiving is the Turkey and dressing, but I won't make a fuss about it. I already requested to work on Thanksgiving this year.

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