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Who shall I invite to eat today.


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Just wandering about those cute, lovable, funny fruit mask wearing cannibles on Monkey Island. Now let me get this perfectly straight. Monkey island is almost unihabited apart from these guys, the ghost pirates and Herman Toothrot (and the monkeys).


Now the Ghost pirates can't be eaten for obvious reasons, for completely unobvious reasons, they didn't eat Herman and the monkeys, well, lets just say there are places where even cannibles draw the line. So what exactly were these people living on? Each other (hence why there are so many huts in a village of only 3 people) or are they slowly dying off (hence the same effect).



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Remember? They're not eating red meat.



Think of the calories!


Is something that the cannibal in front remarks when the second cannibal says he wants to eat guybrush. And they said that LeChuck being on the island has screwed up all of the tourism...perhaps they ate tourists.

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Well, they only became vegetarian after leaving the island and going to blood where the volcano was lactose intolerant. (thus where they got the tofu from and why).


I guess it may have been tourists, but then everyone said that people couldn't find monkey island without that recipe thing, so where would the tourists have come from in the first place?

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Maybe they were undead tourists from LeChuck's crew and the cannibals were eating their zombie corpses! They certainly did eat people. I mean, I weren't there skulls and bones all over the place in SoMI?


Oh, I forget. LeChuck and his crew were all ghosts. Nothing substantial there. So...people like HT who got there by accident? Maybe there are other, secret, unknown ways to get there.

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Maybe they're cannibals in a more philosophical sense. You know, like "animals are people too."


Do you think people taste more like pork or beef? Or maybe Chicken? I mean, everything tastes like chicken, so maybe people do as well. Although they do say that we share many characteristics with pigs, so pork would seem to be the logical comparison. Doctors do sometimes use pig organs in transplants.....

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Human Flesh? It basically tastes like a cross between a manitee (you know, sea cow), a bengal tiger and a unicorn. Not that Id know of course, having never tasted human flesh (phew, got outta that one) ;)


And andy... maybe there are other secret unknown ways to monkey island, but then wouldn't they be the same as the other way to monkey island, you know, secret and unknown? Thus still stopping tourists popping up? And yes, they do pop up everywhere, but for the purpose of this conversation, they don't. :D

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Well, true, but screw the tourists. They are always getting into everything. They - uhh - stumble unwittingly onto Monkey Island.


Wait! Wait! Here's another idea! What if the three cannibals we met ate all the other ones? That way, there could have been a lot of cannibals, and nobody else coming into the island. That's it!


*waits for someone to come and point out all the flaws in the last paragraph*

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I'm surprised the Cannibles didn't get into the body of the captain of Hermans ship. The one that hung himself setting up a swing.



Seeing that dead guy there for them would be like us seeing a piece of chocolate swinging on a rope in the jungle. I wonder why they never had a go.

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Human flesh would taste like the dark meat portions of chicken (the thighs and legs). Relatively speaking we have very little meat other than the muscular parts of the body, the thighs, buttox and breast muscles. This being said people probably wouldn't like the taste of people because there are a lot of people who become physically ill from the taste of dark chicken meat. That is why McNuggets and chicken stripps etc. are always billed as "all white breast meat".

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Originally posted by Lefty9fingers

Actually actually McDonalds originally had only all white breast meat in their McNuggets, but then to save money they started mixing. Recently they switched back to all white breast meat to save their asses from bankruptcy.

Forgive me....just a young'un.

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Actually, human flesh tastes very sweet, like chicken dunked in sugar. (Don't write in)

To explain the cannibals, think of this. A village, too many huts for the 3 people to live in. Explanation: The cannibals ate each other until there were only 3 left. Then these tree became vegetarian, which explains how they survived. Unless, they ate monkey.

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the only reason dark meat in chicken is better is because it is lower in free-radical content. Free radicals are unstable reactive molecules known to cause cancer in humans. Anti-oxidants, the good stuff in red wine, are what fight free radicals. That is why drinking a glass of red wine each day is good for you. However, chicken is usually prepared grilled or fried, which actually introduces more free-radicals into the chicken. So even IF dark meat is better for you, cooking it makes it no better or worse. Sorry to burst your bubble.

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Hey, here's a new thought, what if all the cannibles ate each other? No one came up with that idea yet. Oh on, wait, yes they did. Who was it I wonder? perhaps it was the guy who frickin started this frickin thread!


Oh, and yes, it may taste like chicken, but then again, maybe not, remember, chicken is poultry, i.e. bird, a completely different class of animal, if anything, human flesh would taste like pig or, well, monkey (them being out closest relatives, apart from my uncle flow). But of course, not many have tasted monkey (kinda stringy) so our best bet is to compare human flesh to something like pork or lamb.


I wonder if Ron and Tim had predicted that thirteen years after the release of The Secret of Monkey Island, there would be an internet forum talking about what Human Flesh tastes like because of the involvement of cannibles on Monkey Island?

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