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The Problem with JA is...


The problem with Jedi Academy is...  

70 members have voted

  1. 1. The problem with Jedi Academy is...

    • It is too similar to JO
    • It is not similar enough to JO
    • What? There is something wrong with JA?

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Originally posted by JDKnite188

Why are we talking about the problems of JA in comparision to JO?

To some extent. It is really just seeing how people feel about JA in general. I put the JO comparison in the poll because that seems to be where most of the opinions are arrived from.
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Originally posted by Master William

Too similar to JO, I would have expected a new game experience. Instead, it felt like playing a modified JK2, which it is. And I don't see other problems than this (as all other whiners do, bohoo cvar this, hitbox that.)

I agree with every word u said william, this is sadly true, but still thats not a problem. I love the game, its well balanced and its fun as hell.

I hope the patch fixes all the bugs, the hit detection problems and enable gloat, flourish, bow, sit and meditate in every mode.

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OK, I thought of a specific instance where a cutscene was put in that was completely unnecessary and did nothing but take you out of the game.




In the Swoop level, when you actually go to meet the contact. Why did they need a cutscene to have you walk up to the contact, see him die and then run into the next door? You were on the ledge - simply have him come out - if you got close you would engage a dialogue, and then they script him getting whacked, then you have to run to the next door or die yourself ...



Yeah, but they want to make sure you see what they want you to see, and they dont want the player to interfere with the story line. Now, they could just "lock" the player, which is a pretty simple task, but you could still look away from what they want you to look at.


But yeah, that choose your gun thing is kinda of pointless... they should have just left it out, or made it better...



look at it this way, from what i have heard the patch is possibly coming out in the new year, thats about 1 1/2 months away... so they have plenty of time to add to the patch... more customisation, levels, bug fixes etc... (my poor 56k) :(

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Guest Novelle Tion
Originally posted by GreenSmoke

id say the worst thing about JA is that when i really gotta poop (after oatmeal and milk) i cant play in bathroom which is a real big problem cuz sometimes i take really long poops (OMG!!) but maybe thats blessing in disguise cuz sometimes i even splatter explosive diarrhea everywhere and if it got on my disk id have to pirate another one


To address the former problem mentioned you need more insoluble fiber in your diet to help push your food through your entire gastrointestinal tract. Wheat products are a good source of insoluble fiber.

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Thanks for agreeing with me... Sorry but...


id say the worst thing about JA is that when i really gotta poop (after oatmeal and milk) i cant play in bathroom which is a real big problem cuz sometimes i take really long poops (OMG!!) but maybe thats blessing in disguise cuz sometimes i even splatter explosive diarrhea everywhere and if it got on my disk id have to pirate another one


that post just made me laugh, really. LOL, I will have it in my signature.


And again,




To address the former problem mentioned you need more insoluble fiber in your diet to help push your food through your entire gastrointestinal tract. Wheat products are a good source of insoluble fiber


MAN, this laughing never ends


*runs away laughing*

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OK ... a new problem ...


I can't have access to it for a week. I'm traveling, and need to bring my basic business PC and my Mac. So unfortunately that means my Inspiron 5150 stays home ... no JA Sunday through Thursday ...


... on the good side, the PC *can* run JK (it is an ultra-lite Dell), and I have JO and Dark Forces on the Mac ... so my saber & SW fix can be satiated - but I think I'll be playing NWN most of my free time.)



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Interesting results that kind of confirmed what I suspected. It seems that Raven had an impossible task set before them. Some people wanted a game that was completely new with little connection to JO, and others wanted the gameplay to be almost exactly like JO. They weren't going to please both camps.


There was no way to win, so they had to try and please as many people as possible. And from the poll results, they seem to have done that to a large extent.


I'm not trying to say that there aren't issues with the game and that there are no flaws. I'm trying to show that Raven did a good job providing a fun game for the majority of players with the resources/time constraints that they had.


So, thanks for a fun game, Raven. Now fix that browser bug :)

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I love the gameplay changes. I am glad that it still feels like JO in some ways, but it would have been nice to have some bigger differences than just the lightsaber additions. I must agree with those who note that being able to take only three extra weapons but then get as many as you want after that was kind of strange...


I enjoyed the SP but some of the missions were just too short. Moreover, less linear environments would have been very nice. Not to complain, but when there's only one way to go, it doesn't feel like the real world. And if you couldn't figure out the puzzles in JO, you could get someone to help you... they weren't that hard, anyway.


The only big change besides what I've already said would be to see more of the customizability and RPG-ishness. It would be very nice to have more NPC's and have your actions determine your future instead of one moment in time. As far as that goes, Anakin had been involved with the dark side before he began his fall on Tatooine. He'd been involved since Rogue Planet, when he was twelve, and he'd heard about the Sith back on Tatooine at an even younger age.

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My only and biggest dissapointment in the game is that it lacks realism, for two reasons:


1. I don't recall anywhere in any of the movies where a dark Jedi could glow red and have red light shooting from him/her. And the force push/pull bubble (yes I know you can turn it off with a console command) is kinda corny. These things look just a little too cartoonish for me.


2. Weapons are not nearly powerful enough in SP. I find it amazing that a storm trooper can take a blast deflected by my lightsaber to his face (a black mark is even left on his face) and he is still running around shooting at me. Also, if I remember correctly, a lightsaber can cut through *anything* except another lightsaber blade, so I am dissapointed to see a bad guy taking a direct slice to the gut is still standing there shooting at me and I have to slice him one or two more times to kill him.


JO was more realistic in these aspects. Otherwise I love the game. The additions txa1265 suggested would be great as well.

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