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Dewback W.I.P. Updates


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(Just got the models today, i'm answering the questions included in the email.)


1: Dewback seems to be the right size, same goes for the N1.

2: Like some others have said, Dewback needs some reskinning, it's too Pink :p Darker colors would be appreciated. N1 skin seems fine to me, perhaps a chrome shader somewhat like the one used on vader's helmet? I haven't seen episode 1 in who knows how long so don't go by what i remember..hehe..

3: Animation is fine. Only concern is the 'running' animation for the Dewback. It seems to be almost gliding, perhaps those legs should be moving back and forth a bit faster?

4: Handling is fine. There's one problem though--The n1 moves way too slow, but i don't think this was meant...Just quicken that baby up and you'll have perfect control.

5: Compatablity - Aye it does work, but I had to delete Chair's Eopie..GOD DAMN VEHICLE LIMIT!!!!

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and when my wing gets damiged, it spins around even though every thing else is on green, so basicly i am down right after get hit the first time


That is easy enough to fix. Somewhere in the coding is a damage level to be set for when the vehicle malfunctions. This can be altered, to change when the vehicle starts going nuts. Easy enough...

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Ya, that eopie is in pcgamemods; the dewbacks can be green or brown (i saw it on SWG), for that the skin i did is green, btw i've finished a kaadu model, i hope nobody has done it, cuz i left the eopie model cuz a guy did one lol, well ill post a WIP when geocities works, cuz it dont let me log in :rolleyes:

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Going mad today trying to get a working chrome shader. Still ended up looking not very different to what I already have.

Sped it up a bit (Will speed it up more - but not as fast as the x-wing - that's more modern technology!) and changed the lasers to the tie_fighter green ones. Changed the explosion to the z95 explosion.

Will change the colour on the Dewback (Easiy enough with the .psd file!)

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I've changed the skin to a drab green (Rather than the olive colour it was). But if you prefer your own skin, by all means, feel free to replace mine!

Or alternatively I could do a couple of .veh/npc files so you can pick and choose - what do you think?


Anyways - the main points raised so far about the Dewback are:


1: The Running Animation doesn't fit the action.

2: The Health Level (Which is actually set the same as the tauntauns!!!)

3: The Bounding Box on the Dewback is not the right size

4: The feet don't animate in the walk cycle.


And my own observations which are

1: The jaw looks like its snapping in half in the idle animation

2: The head needs to lift up more during the walk/run animations

3: The tail needs to wiggle a bit more during the walk cycle (It does move but it's hard to see from the current viewpoint)


Also - I have to do some custom sounds for it - does anyone have any samples?


Today is the final day for testing - so does anyone have any last minute comments to make?


Kengo has promised his feedback today.

So far no feedback from NYM :lightning:


Thankyou all for your help :D

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Originally posted by monsoontide

Or alternatively I could do a couple of .veh/npc files so you can pick and choose - what do you think?

That'd be really nice, people who like the brown could choose a brown one and green green :D

Originally posted by t3rror

he said he'd do it.

He sent me a pm.

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Sorry for how late this beta report is, I hope its not totally redundant - it just makes the deadline, in your time zone if not in mine :)


N1 - Starfighter Beta Report


1: The model - Looks about right to me in terms of its shape. Is perhaps a *little* small, I spawned it on top of the Millenium Falcon in the Siege_Desert map, it looked fairly in scale with that. It does look very small when you get in because the camera goes rather a long way away out. The defualt settings are:

cameraRange 500

I tried setting it to 300 and to me it looked a lot better all round.


The bounding box is way too big, which doesn't just mean you can't walk anywhere near it, but it will hit things when flying that aren't close to it. Despite the large bounding box, I somehow managed to walk half way into the tail a few times.


2: The skin - Just needing that chrome look you've been working on and it'll be all there!


3: The animation - Thruster animations all work fine.


4: The handling: - Main problems for me are here. I must say I found it awfully difficult to steer (with the new 1.01 patch BTW), that's partly down to the game engine of course. The controls for moving and aiming were very sluggish for me (not as bad as Battle for Naboo *shudder*). I tried altering some settings in the veh file, and it helped a lot:


lookYaw 60 (previously 45)

bankingSpeed 3.0 (previously 2.0)

turningSpeed 6.0 (previously 4.0)



I also set:

acceleration 25 (previously 15)


These may not all be relevant/wanted, but the overall effect seemed good. I set the speed up so the testing was at a more normal speed, I tried:


speedMax 450 (previously 200)

turboSpeed 600 (previously 400)

speedIdle 130 (previously 100)


Its a lot slower still with the settings I gave it than the X-Wing, much faster seems way too fast to handle for me. It could be a little faster than I tried however, I think.


All the above about controls and handling could certainly do with some good tweaking, its a start but not an optomised setup I'd say.


5: Compatablity - Works in SP and MP. One thing - you packed it up as a pk3.zip, so I had to rename it to a pk3 to get it to work. A mistake I'm sure you'll avoid for the final version, but I'm trying to be really picky now :)


Overall plus points: It looks very good, and I can really imagine it being a great deal of fun in MP - dogfights and such perhaps!

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Dewback Beta Report


Hows this pic from starwars.com for colour?



1: The model - As has already been said, probabaly a little small, the legs go through the body and the bounding box isn't right, with the head going right into walls. As has also been said, in MP only the front legs can be damaged, shots and attacks go through the rest.


2: The skin - Lots has been said about the skin already too - I'd got for a more browny-green like the one in the picture above. With so many different references with differing colours, its hard to get a definative colouration, so your preference comes into it a bit.


3: The animation - Pretty impressive all round! I noticed that in SP the view is further back than in MP, and because of this you can see a lot more animation (the jumping bounds when the dewback breaks into a run, the movement of the tail), and it feels a lot more like you are moving. In MP, with the camera view closer - you don't get the same feeling of movement and its all a little strange. If possible, setting the camera view further back might help a lot.


4: The handling: - Nice and easy to move around. I wonder if it isn't a little faster at a run than it would be in reality? Then again, creatures like this in real life often have a surprising turn of speed when they want!


I kinda felt that when you ran headlong into an enemy, it would seem appropriate for him to be damaged/knocked to the ground, it seems odd to charge at an enemy on a huge creature and find yourself stopping as you reach it. Is it possible to program in a vehicle-like collision?


You have to hop to get onboard, you can't use the use key to climb onto the creature's back - is this the same for the Tauntaun, I can't remember? Not a big deal anyway.


5: Compatablity - Works in SP and MP. One thing - you packed it up as a pk3.zip, so I had to rename it to a pk3 to get it to work. A mistake I'm sure you'll avoid for the final version, but I'm trying to be really picky now (again) :)


Overall: Really wonderful creature, a lot of fun and certain to be very popular.


One note I'd like to make for both the Dewback and the N-1 - they really do deserve some great sounds to go with them, they won't be anywhere near as enjoyable to use without. Sorry but I don't think I'm the man to help you get those sounds, just wanted to say they are massively important and shouldn't be underated. Perhaps some of the sounds already in JA can be used, at least as a base (possibly with some editing with a sound editor program like goldwave), such as the X-wing and Tie-fighter sounds for the N-1, the tauntaun and Rancor for the Dewback? Good luck finding some sounds worthy of the excellence of this work :)

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Excellent Feedback Kengo! :cool:


Will definitely see what can be done about as many of these problems as possible.

The bounding box thing is a bit of a problem though as it's generated by the assimilation program when you compile the model for JK:JA and while you can tweak it int .veh file it seems to be just a big box regardless of vehicle shape?

Other things are set by the vehicle class which until they release the source, can't be changed :(


Thanks everyone for your help very much appreciated! :D

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