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When Xenophobia Infringes on Human Needs

Sherack Nhar

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Province of Québec, Canada: As of tonight at midnight, about 60% of the games sold in legal electronic stores such as EB, Compucentre, and Futureshop will be removed from the shelves and no longer be available for purchase, being labelled as "illegal" by the government of Québec.




Not because these games feature excessive amount of gore or violence. Not because they feature scandalous representations of females. No:


They will be illegal because they sport an english-only packaging and instruction manual.


This might be hard to believe for most of you here that such a thing is possible; on north american grounds even. Heck, go to France and they don't care about this kind of stuff; you only see it here, in Québec. Unless you're ready to make a bilingual packaging and instruction manual for your game, forget about trying to sell it legally in Québec.


Obviously, losing 60% of your wares is a catastrophic news to any videogames retailer across the province. I wouldn't be surprised if the smaller shops will go bankrupt. Not to mention that customers such as myself will find themselves unable to buy certain games unless they are ready to import. Unless it comes from a big name publisher, I doubt we're gonna see it retail here. Too bad, Egosoft's X2: The Threat just went gold a few days ago.


Just when I thought everything was fine here -_-

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I know what you mean man.

These extremists are a bunch of stupid f*****' idiots who have too much time on their hands.




They waste their time with stupid things like this that no one cares(at least a VERY HUGE MAJORITY) while there are some bigger problems. Waste of money to make a law and waste of money to apply it and huge insult to all the gamers here.


Damn, I'm gonna have to drive to Ottawa to buy something now...

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It's not about everyone here here.


You forget that these laws are being made by extremists, not the regular people. Actually I know a lot more people who want the place to be more open and maybe one day bilingual(I'm one of those).





Syphon Fliter 2: For anyone in québec right now, you must remember the story about the subway separatist terrorists. Anyone else things it's some kind of irony that a week after this was found out, a real terrorist group is found?

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Dude, this is pretty f***ed up right here.[/stan from South Park]


for some reason a scene from Canadian Bacon (bad John Candy movie about strained relations w/ Canada). It had some Americans driving through Quebec in a large truck that had the message "Canadians Suck" written in huuuge, spray-paint letters on the side. They get pulled over by a cop for not having the same message in French...


like I said, bad movie...and, ironically, a bad law-making decision. I give this move by the Quebec government Darth Homer's Two Thumbs Down Award!

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Originally posted by Chase Windu

Where I live there are a lot of mexicans and most, if not all, don't speak english. So everything is printed in both English and Spanish. Lots of people are getting mad that buisnesses don't speak Spanish. It' really f***ed up too. I mean if you're going to move to another country to work and/or live at least learn some of that country's language. I'd try to learn some of a different language if I was just visiting another country but these people are living here and don't speak the language.

It's so bad here I think they're going to start ban english products here too.


I hope I'm not coming accross as a racist or anything because I'm not. It's just that there are so many people that don't speak english where I live. It just so happens that they are Mexican.


I'm sorry for my ranting. I just needed to get that off my chest. It just makes me so mad.


Nono, please continue. I agree with you. English is the language of the U.S., not Spanish.

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You live in Iowa, right Chase? Well I live on the border, multiply all those complaints by 10 and you got me. What's REALLY funny is that you have all these people in Arizona (which last time I checked was the 48th state of America) who are VERY nationalistic... towards Mexico. To say it in my very best Jerry Seinfeld voice: "What's the deal.. with that?"

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How in the world does a group get a law like that passed? Did you guys elect that many extremist into your government or did they just pull a lot of strings. That is SERIOUSLY messed up. This is even worthy of a "WTF of the week".


An as for the spanish thing...I realize that they want to speak their native tongue, but you can't just come into another country and demand the inhabitants their speak your language. You moved in, you learn the language. Last I checked that's what everyone else does when they move to a new country. It's only polite.

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Originally posted by Praetorian

How in the world does a group get a law like that passed? Did you guys elect that many extremist into your government or did they just pull a lot of strings. That is SERIOUSLY messed up. This is even worthy of a "WTF of the week".

Actually our political groups are not all that extremists (much less than those in the US). But the general population feels threatened when it comes to languages.


Chase, this isn't exactly the same situation. The french were here *before* the english took over. That's why they are so bent on keeping their culture intact.

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Originally posted by Clefo

... rename it "Kwebek"

How about we rename it "Trebek" and take over all the major TV outlets and force them all to play 24-hours of Jeopardy reruns; translated into Mandarin and Swahili, with Sanskrit subtitles?!? :D:p


Actually,.. what's so hard about pointing people to a game-maker's website where they could download a French-translated manual as a PDF? :confused:


Silly laws...

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Originally posted by Sherack Nhar

Actually our political groups are not all that extremists (much less than those in the US). But the general population feels threatened when it comes to languages.


Chase, this isn't exactly the same situation. The french were here *before* the english took over. That's why they are so bent on keeping their culture intact.


That makes it clearer. However, now that you can't sell video games in 1 language, I guess pretty soon you can't sell books that are only in one language. Or how about groceries, resturants, computers, tvs, phones, toliet paper, shoes, pens, internet sites, garage door openers, wallpaper, deoderant, fire extingishers...and while were at it, if you print something, you have to print it in both languages.


I understand the feeling of the threat to the language, but why video games? That seems an unusual choice.

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Originally posted by Praetorian

That makes it clearer. However, now that you can't sell video games in 1 language, I guess pretty soon you can't sell books that are only in one language. Or how about groceries, resturants, computers, tvs, phones, toliet paper, shoes, pens, internet sites, garage door openers, wallpaper, deoderant, fire extingishers...and while were at it, if you print something, you have to print it in both languages.


I understand the feeling of the threat to the language, but why video games? That seems an unusual choice.

Hah, way ahead of you. The law is called "bill 101". It contains all the rules pertaining to the languages in the province, and the main rules is that everything must be at least bilingual, including everything you have named and more. Packaging for just about any products here has one side in french and one side in english. It is also against the law to have more packages showing the english side on the shelves than french sides.


A few months ago, a restaurant called both "The Lion and the Walrus" and its french translation "La Lionne et le Morse" got fined... because the english sign just outside the restaurant was bigger than the french one just below it. They took it to court, trying to declare bill 101 as unconstitutional but they failed and got shut down.

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Nah although we're overtaxed by far and have some problems, Québec is a very nice place to live. Conserving your culture here is more effective as a matter of facts.


I've observed that in Québec, it was actually easier for immigants to keep their original cultures, this also goes for their kids. In the US and in Canada(outside Québec), I've yet to bump into another vietnamese guy who's 35 years old and under and still speaks his maternal language.


As for bill 101, it still has its merit outside its stupidity.

I think it should have been made to make everything bilingual instead of advantaging one language over another.


A while ago, in Greenfield Park, a small town outside of Montréal, they fined the city because the street signs in english weren't written 50% smaller then the french one...they were the same size...

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Originally posted by StarWarsPhreak

Nono, please continue. I agree with you. English is the language of the U.S., not Spanish.


The U.S. has no official language. As we are supposed to be a "melting pot" of the world. It just happens that we predominately speak english. Probably because the English settled the country. If we were settled by the French we'd all probably be surrendering...I mean speaking french...

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Originally posted by Darth Homer

The U.S. has no official language. As we are supposed to be a "melting pot" of the world. It just happens that we predominately speak english. Probably because the English settled the country. If we were settled by the French we'd all probably be surrendering...I mean speaking french...



Anyway, Don't you guys have a freedom of speech in your constitution? I would think that a freedom of speech and freedom of press would negate any rule like this.


I realized the need to preserve the languages, but WHY WOULD YOU FINE SOMEONE FOR HAVING THE LANGUAGES THE SAME SIZE??? That's sounds like a little thing I call insanity.

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Originally posted by Praetorian

Anyway, Don't you guys have a freedom of speech in your constitution? I would think that a freedom of speech and freedom of press would negate any rule like this.

Theorically, yes. In practice, it's a different story, since the majority of the people here agree with the bill. It's kind of like your beloved senator Lieberman who would censor all videogame violence if he had his way; it's against freedom of speech, but he's still pushing for it.
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I think people have forgoten the point of the constitution. (or whatever you equivalent is in Cananda) It's not just laws, it's a safeguard to prevent people from putting bad laws into place. However, to counter-point myself, the people give the government it's power (I forget the name of that concept), so I guess if the people want it, that's different...however, they should change the rule before they contradict it.

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We do have a constitution and it has remained unchanged until the 80's if I'm correct. Québec did not agree with the new Constitution and did not sign it...so you can guess they didn't really follow it.


Bill 101 has its good sides but a lot of people are taking it too seriously and are exploiting its flaws for the worst.



Well my friend, who's a separartist by the way, tried to buy the GTA3/GTA:Vice City Bundle pack but he couldn't because they wouldn't sell it to him. Even he thinks this is starting to be ridiculous.

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I'm sorry, this boggles the mind. I can't see any reason why this would be beneficial.


I don't understand why that government cannot, either.

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