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The Catchphrase-A-Thon


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So I was tripping across the pages of Double Fine, and I discover this wonderful paragraph. A gem of brilliance. Here it is:

Originally Posted by Tim Schafer


"You have the insanity... of a manatee."


entire catchphrase ©2002 Double Fine Productions

Catchphrases are cool. They are so cool you should write your own book of them. While they can never have the wit and poetic charm of the aforementioned catchphrase, you should still try. And then post your attempts here.


Here's one I made up yesterday:


I am an amoeba a duck. (Read: I am not an amoeba but a duck.)


And a few minutes ago, I realized this one:


Destroy Surly Crumpets!


What are yours? :dozey:

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Mr.Burger comes up with silly rhyming catchphrases with no effort at all. Once he has accidentilly stumbled upon one, he says it over and over all day. He may even write it down and just stare at it. He will then proceed to say it to every family member around, call up every friend he knows and tell them, and often times, call up his ex-foreign exchange students that now live in Japan and tell them too. Mr. Burger is catchphrase man.

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I am not a fish.


About as metaphhorically significant and life changing as a sausage, but if we were to throw that sausage into a Matrix movie, maybe it will come up with an answer.


Oh, and one stolen from Terry Pratchett, but none the less good:

Truth! Justice! Freedom! And a hard boiled egg!


And then of course, the one I use most of all.

Lets Dance It works on so many levels and yes, I did come up with it first.

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I don't know, but I know this one cool poem about double fine!!!


Double Fine, Double Fine,

You came and stole my heart,

Also a hip,

Oh cruel fate, must you mock me?


I have a serious idea. We should start a Double Fine fan page. It doesn't have a proper one yet. We should start one! Me, Andy and whoever else that wants to!




We should do that!


Who's in!???

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You can't do that. That would be... scabby.


Well I would but I'm broke. I actually intended to start one up before but never got around to it. Perhaps we could get hosted by mixnmojo or something. I know they sponser that weird Tim site.


I know somebody who would build us a mean site.

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